This lesson will teach you some usefull expressions in Mandarin Chinese used when you need to have your things fixed. Please signup today and become a registered member to download 276+ audio lessons with ALL full PDF transcripts, worksheets and dialogues.
Oct 26, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Vocabulary and expressions in Mandarin Chinese related to using a computer and Internet. Working with files and folders, chatting in Chinese with your friends online. Your computer has crashed! Tell your Chinese online friend that you need to restart your computer! Please signup and become a registered subscriber to download ALL 276+ audio lessons with …
Oct 25, 2024•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast This lesson is about making an investment in Shanghai, but it’s not limited to it, everyone will find a lot of useful vocabulary in this lesson, used for daily conversation in Mandarin Chinese. Please sign up and become a registered subscriber to download ALL 270+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts and worksheets.
Oct 24, 2024•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast What holidays are there in China and what people do during those holidays? Learn such expressions as have a nice a holiday! Have a nice weekend! Middle Autumn Festival and moon cakes, Chinese New Year and Dragon Boat Festival. Learn all about these traditional Chinese holidays and beyond! Please sign up and become a registered …
Oct 23, 2024•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Learn about types of visas, how to apply for a Chinese visa and make sure you do not expire one. Find out what will happen if your visa has expired. Book your airplane tickets one-way or a round-trip. In one word, prepare for your trip. Please sign up and become a registered subscriber to download …
Oct 22, 2024•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast Watch and learn how to bargain in Mandarin Chinese. This is a video dialogue of lesson 35. This lesson is based on the vocabulary of the previous audio lesson with additional new words and expressions. Subscribed users will access a complete PDF lesson transcript for this video episode together with lesson 35 with English explanations …
Oct 21, 2024•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Learn to bargain in Chinese. Bargaining in China is important, it’s a part of the culture here. Review how to buy things and also learn new useful phrases from this lesson. Signup today and become a registered member to download ALL 270+ audio lessons with full PDF lesson transcripts, worksheets and extra situational dialogues.
Oct 20, 2024•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Learn Chinese language expressions related to doing business in China. Order products from a factory in China in Mandarin Chinese. If you plan to do business with China and will order products manufactured in China, you will find this lesson handy. Please signup and become a registered member and download ALL 270+ audio lessons, full …
Oct 19, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Another great song in Mandarin Chinese to improve your listening comprehension. Learn new vocabulary, listen and practice to sing along. Please signup and become a registered member to download ALL 276+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts and worksheets.
Oct 18, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ask an ayi (this is how you call a housekeeper in Mandarin Chinese) to do some household duties. Everything you need about household duties in Mandarin Chinese is in this lesson. Please signup and become a registered subscriber to download ALL 270+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts, worksheets and more.
Oct 17, 2024•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Different tastes, smells, flavours in Mandarin Chinese. How does it taste? How does it smell? etc. Lesson PDF transcripts include extra grammar information, not available in the audio version. Please signup and become a registered member to download ALL 270+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts and worksheets.
Oct 16, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a review lesson (but with some new vocabulary). We will review phrases related to showing the direction and location in Mandarin Chinese and such directional verbs as 来 lai2 (to come) and 去 qu4 (to go). Please sign up and become a registered subscriber in order to download ALL 270+ audio lessons with …
Oct 15, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Learn practical and useful vocabulary related to buying groceries in a supermarket in China. Learn names of the food products that we cannot live without, like bread, butter, milk, yoghurt, cheese, eggs, meat etc. Living in China can be tough if you can’t find the food you are used to. And after all, it’s much …
Oct 14, 2024•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast This lesson is about renting an apartment in China. Find and rent an apartment you like in Shanghai, ask how big your future apartment is, how much the rent is and what district of the city it is located in. After learning this lesson, you will be able to use Mandarin Chinese to find your …
Oct 13, 2024•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast This lesson will teach you some very common and useful vocabulary and sentence patterns used when working in China. You will learn office vocabulary in Mandarin Chinese and at the end of this lesson will be able to understand and say such sentences and phrases as “what’s your email address”, “did you receive my fax” …
Oct 12, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this lesson we you will learn a popular song in Mandarin Chinese. Songs are very good for learning a foreign language, listening to them can improve your listening comprehension a lot. You will also learn other related vocabulary and sentence patterns. The song you will hear in this lesson has always been one of …
Oct 11, 2024•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this lesson you will learn all the common colours and numbers in Mandarin Chinese. Please sign up and become a registered subscriber to download ALL 200+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts, worksheets and calligraphy videos.
Oct 09, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast This lesson is devoted to dating and relationships. You will learn how to say ” I love you”, “I have feelings for you”, “love at first sight”, “you are my only one” and other expressions which may be useful when you converse with your future or current Chinese girlfriend (boyfriend) etc. Please sign up and …
Oct 08, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast This lesson is about asking “how old are you?” question in Chinese. There are different ways of asking the question “how old are you?” in Chinese, it depends on the age of the person you are talking to. Asking a child is different from asking a person of your age or an elderly person. Buy …
Oct 07, 2024•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Learn in Chinese about playing sports and doing exercises. Are you a football (soccer) fan? From this lesson you will learn some general expressions about sport and physical exercises in Mandarin Chinese. This lesson’s vocabulary: health, body, exercise, names of different sports, playing different sports, working out in a gym, etc. Please sign up and …
Oct 06, 2024•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sometimes you just don’t feel well, you have a cold, you are coughing and have a running nose. Learn how to say that you don’t feel well and want to see a doctor in Mandarin Chinese. Let the doctor take your temperature and prescribe traditional Chinese medicine for you. Please signup today and become a …
Oct 05, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast We continue to learn words and phrases useful when you travel in China. The dialogues are based on real-life situations and the language that you hear in these dialogues can be used right away, it is the language that people actually speak. The dialogues are recorded several times, with English translation and then only in …
Oct 04, 2024•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever thought about traveling to China? If you do plan to travel there, you will probably need to know some useful expressions in Mandarin Chinese to help you get around, find a hotel, change money etc. Even in the best Chinese hotels not everyone speaks English and when you go outside to the …
Oct 03, 2024•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this lesson we will mainly concentrate on some aspects of Chinese grammar, such as words expressing time as adverbials, prepositional phrase and optative verbs. Also, you will learn how to say that you can speak a little Chinese. Please sign up and become a registered subscriber to download ALL 200+ audio lessons with full …
Oct 02, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Learn about taking a taxi and giving or asking for directions in Mandarin Chinese. You will learn all possible ways of giving directions instructions to a taxi driver with specific information about taking a taxi in Beijing, Shanghai and Taiwan. You can also use the expressions from this lesson in other situations involving asking for …
Oct 01, 2024•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this lesson we are going to learn about visiting friends, relatives, giving gifts and about Chinese drinking culture. Please sign up and become a registered subscriber to download ALL 200+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts and worksheets.
Sep 30, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Make a phone call and speak Mandarin Chinese! After studying this lesson, you will no longer be afraid to speak Chinese over the phone. Please signup and become a registered member to download ALL 276+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts and worksheets and additional situational dialogues
Sep 29, 2024•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Watch and listen to this dialogue in Mandarin Chinese. We tried to make it as natural as possible. This lesson covers greetings, introduction and other basic expressions you can learn in our first audio lessons. Subscribed listeners will have access to a full PDF transcript of this lesson with a vocabulary section.
Sep 28, 2024•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this lesson you will learn the calendar and time concepts in Chinese, you will be able to talk about year, month, week and date. Please sign up and become a registered subscriber to download ALL 200+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts and worksheets.
Sep 27, 2024•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Learn Chinese expressions about family, family members, etc. In the grammar section of this lesson, you will learn the “filler” words in Mandarin, to help you fill in the gap in your speech while you’re thinking. Please signup and become a registered member to download ALL 252+ audio lessons with full PDF transcripts, worksheets and …
Sep 26, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast