Engaging Truth Interview with Eric Reed
Prior to the Texas Premiere Screening of Justin Hunt's documentary on fatherlessness "Absent," Houston's First Men's Minister, Eric Reed, spoke with Dave Schultz about the event and the issue.
Prior to the Texas Premiere Screening of Justin Hunt's documentary on fatherlessness "Absent," Houston's First Men's Minister, Eric Reed, spoke with Dave Schultz about the event and the issue.
At the 2012 Iron Sharpens Iron Men's Conference, Eric Reed challenges all men to return to the original mandate given to Adam in Genesis 2:15. In returning to build God's Kingdom, all men can become the leaders God has called them to be.
At Midsummer Night's Thing 2011, Gordon Pennington (former head of marketing for Tommy Hilfiger) challenged men to live lives that effectively translated the Gospel into our culture today.
Kent’s quiet life as a Houston construction executive changed in 2003 when his wife and younger son were murdered, and he and his older son wounded, all shot by a masked gunman. But the nightmare for this “perfect” family deepened when his older son Bart fell under suspicion for arranging the murders. In 2007 Bart was convicted and sentenced to death. That night Kent wrestled with his faith, but chose to forgive everyone involved, long before Bart became a suspect. God has used this seemingly tr...
Join Marc Kohler, Rene Rivera, and Eric Reed as they field questions from the Summit Ministries' single men on topics ranging from purity, the role of a man, spiritual growth, and finding a work and faith balance.
Eric Reed, the Minister to Men and New Believers at Houston's First Baptist Church, teaches about the challenge that all men must face.
Don Munton, Minister to Single Adults, & Eric Reed, Minister to Married Young Adults & Men at Houston's First Baptist Church, lead us on an 8-week study of the Roles of a Man. NOTE: Due to our technical intelligence we have only 34 minutes of Session 5.
Don Munton, the Minister to Single Adults, and Eric Reed, the Minister to Married Young Adults and Men at Houston's First Baptist Church, lead us on an 8-week study of the Roles of a Man.
Don Munton, the Minister to Single Adults, and Eric Reed, the Minister to Married Young Adults and Men at Houston's First Baptist Church, lead us on an 8-week study of the Roles of a Man.
Don Munton, the Minister to Single Adults, and Eric Reed, the Minister to Married Young Adults and Men at Houston's First Baptist Church, lead us on an 8-week study of the Roles of a Man.
Don Munton, the Minister to Single Adults, and Eric Reed, the Minister to Married Young Adults and Men at Houston's First Baptist Church, lead us on an 8-week study of the Roles of a Man.
In Week 13, we conclude our introductory study of spiritual disciplines with an exploration of evangelism.
Milton Redeker flies solo on our study of the discipline of spiritual service.
In Week 11, we dive into the touchy subject of stewardship and its implication in the spiritual life of godly men.
Spiritual Warfare is the call of every Christian. Journey through several discussions on this frequently confusing spiritual discipline.
In Week 10, we explore the often neglected discipline of fasting and its implications for our direction in life, devotion to Christ and the consequent spiritual growth. This weeks session is led by Milton Redeker and Eric Reed.
In Week 8 Milton Redeker and Rene Rivera share the importance of godly counsel in the life of a man.
Milton Redeker and Rene Rivera lead the men in discussing the spiritual discipline of fellowship in the life of a man.
Milton Redeker leads the men into a deeper understanding of how worship is so central to the life of a biblical man.
We spend week 5 discussing the fourth commandment of Keeping the Sabbath Holy and what this discipline really teaches us about life and God.
In week 4, we build on the foundational truth of God's involvement in creation and the consequent opportunity each man has of connecting with Him via prayer.
In week 3, Rene Rivera and Milton Redeker turn a spotlight on the amazing power of God's Word to transform a man's heart.
This 12 week study called A Man's Guide to Spiritual Disciplines explores how a man's soul is shaped through the way he lives. The format is interactive lesson followed by small group breakouts. We meet Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm in room 334. For more info visit http://www.houstonsfirst.org/men
This 12 week study called A Man's Guide to Spiritual Disciplines explores how a man's soul is shaped through the way he lives. The format is interactive lesson followed by small group breakouts. We meet Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm in room 334. For more info visit http://www.houstonsfirst.org/men
In session 2 Don Munton and Eric Reed explore the Role of Provider for men in society, church, and home.
Don Munton, the Minister to Single Adults, and Eric Reed, the Minister to Married Young Adults and Men at Houston's First Baptist Church, lead us on a 5-week study of the Roles of a Man. Week 1 explores the foundations rules and principles that support the roles of a man.
Rick Wertz wraps up the series by focusing on the essential elements of encouragement and praise in the healthy life of family and friends.
In session 5, Rick Wertz reveals the difference in Events and Issues while giving us helpful strategies for constructively moving through conflict toward resolution.
In session 4, Rick Wertz explores the essential elements of keeping connection at home during conflict.
In this week's lesson, Rick teaches us the Art of Active Listening. We would all be wise to take notes and continue to hold on another accountable to practice these key principles.