Recuperando la Vida - Porque los Psicodélicos? En Español
Podcasts en el carro, una serie de pláticas en lo que voy viajando para aprovechar el tiempo.
Podcasts en el carro, una serie de pláticas en lo que voy viajando para aprovechar el tiempo.
Podcasts in the car series~ A talk on Psychedelics, their Power and my experience with them. I am recording this while driving to LA... please be ware of a few traffic sounds. I felt the urgency to send it out asap, if you have comments regarding the car recordings please let me know. Please Enjoy and Share!
I had the pleasure to sit with my friend Adrian Lozano, Plant Medicine Facilitator and Integration Coach. It has been an intense ride, with lots of personal growth and expansion which he tells us about. His journey with depression, anxiety and drinking were met by these Sacred Plants, and community, who know what we need to see, heal and integrate. Many years later, and on the other side, we also chat about this current psychedelic movement and the power of the underground community here in San ...
Por que te niegas inmediatamente a ciertos remedios alternativos? Hace cuanto que investigaste las mentiras de la colonización, del gobierno, de la religion que esta diseñada para desconectarte con tu cuerpo? En este episodio el tema es como nao se suele a cuestionar cuando algún medico alopata te receta ribotril, ativan, antidepresivos etc pero si te mencionan marijuana o psilocibina de inmediato tu reacción puede soler ser de, "ESO,YO NUNCA!" Una invitación a ver en que tantos aspectos abrir u...
This week on the Tales of Recovery Podcast I speak with wellness entrepreneur Sara Szunyogh, founder of Vital Life Inc. We have a frank conversation about the realities of being an entrepreneur, the courage it takes to leave the 9-5pm lifestyle and the necessity of community. We navigate the struggles & adventures while committing to a life of freedom, meaning and wisdom seeking. Please connect with Sara for her wellbeing services at And follow on Instagram @vitallifeinc a...
This week on the Tales of Recovery podcast, Marcela Valladolid joins us once again to talk about mental health, how it is tied to physical health and social/cultural programing. We talk about anxiety, and some of the tools and steps she has taken to help her get back to balance. As working Mom's we know that this is not an easy task, may this conversation help anyone out there not feel alone in this human experience. The struggle is real, let's take the bull by the horns and do this together. An...
We begin in June again, four Mondays where we will gather in circle (online so open to ALL) at 6:30PM for practicing and embodiment of your power. Each Monday we will break down different teachings that all really belong together but we have forgotten how to make sense off. Our Mind/Heart/Body disconnection, Trauma, Ancestral Healing and Pleasure. Healing is a Collective Shared Responsibility, let's group up and do this! This is a sliding scale offering and you can register at
Paulina Navarrete Psicologa, Mentora Espiritual. Psicóloga de Profesión, Madre por Amor y Mentora de Conciencia. SIganla en Instagram @paulinanavarreteg
We either repeat or repair, and how we connect to our bodies is key.
Ryan Lee LAC is this week's guest on the podcast. He has been an incredible source of support and healing for me in my journey and continues to help me stay grounded and balanced in my work with earth based healing arts and plant medicine. Listen in for some great info on the body, how it functions energetically, how acupuncture woks, where it comes from and some fun personal stories of REcovery! As an avid CrossFitter, yoga practitioner, and fitness enthusiast, Ryan knows what its like to feel ...
Hoy tenemos a una super mujer aqui en Recuperando la Vida. Marilo Sanchez autora de el libro Mujer Soberana de tu Cuerpo" y activista del Despertar de la Consciencia femenina. Nos encontramos en el famoso instagram y me encanto su trabajo y esencia! Espero la disfruten igual que yo. Siganla en @conectacontigo._
This week on the podcast my dear friend Shaman Aqüa, founder of the Soul Tribe Sanctuary, a nondenominational, interfaith organization that supports the safe use and access of Entheogenic Plants and Fungi. Their primary entheogenic sacrament is Niños Santos, commonly known as psilocybin mushrooms. Aqüa is at the studio for a live, raw and full of love conversation on life's ups and downs, healing journeys, embodied experiences and all of its magic. Another member of our tribe joining us as a fac...
Este episodio de Recuperando la Vida se grabo hoy en la Apotecaria de Jessica Sanchez en el hermoso Jardin de Terra Madre en Escondido CA. Hicimos un viaje especial para platicar con una gran mujer, Mama Semilla que nos platica parte de su camino desde el sur de Mexico a los Unitedsss, y el camino de regreso a travez de la tierra, al amor y las semillas, a su corazón ancestral. Con tiempo, intención y reciprocidad @TerraMadreGardens Gracias
Here I am 18 months post #breastimplantEXPLANT It took a lot of advocating for my body, for my SELF. I know I drank the koolaid 17 years ago and thought that plastic surgery was a necessary thing to do for me to ‘like ‘ my body and fit in to the social construct of what a woman is supposed to look like to be sexy, beautiful, whatever… I fucked up. I caved in. I fell into the violence of rejecting my body because of what the culture sold us. I absolutely forgive my younger Gris, those were the me...
En este episodio con mis amigas del alma Carla y Paola Ruiz de Chavez platicamos del camino que hemos llevado juntas (e individualmente) en esta vida buscando sanar y vivir conectadas al corazón y VIVAS gozando al máximo la vida. Claro, acompañándonoslo en las experiencias difíciles de la vida como los duelos, divorcios, adicciones, problemas con fertilidad, enfermedades y de mas. El trabajo con amor y dedicación (mas aparte miles de risas) que hemos vivido juntas es la razón que estaremos junta...
En este episodio nos acompaña Jannet Dominguez from @TheWorldNeedsYourMagic que es una hermosura de mujer revoluciónaria, empoderandose como mujer y a la vez, empoderando a otr@s como emprendedora, despidiéndose del sistema opresivo de la educación tradicional, creadora de una linda comunidad de homeschoolers (o mas bien un-schoolers) y también es diseñadora de paginas de web. Signal en Instrgram en @Theworldneedsyourmagic @Flourishhomeschoolcommunity Gracias Jannet por tu ejemplo, valentía y gr...
The Village Ways is an Earth Based Healing and Sacred Medicine Retreat- with all trauma sensitive and informed modalities. Join Gris Alves and an incredible team of healers and facilitators for a life transforming vacation in the sweet and beautiful beaches near Puerto Vallarta. You can register at The retreat includes pre-retreat intake sessions for preparing your body, intention and heart for the journey as well as all meals prepared by chef de cuisine Sergio Gomez, be...
This week on the Tales of Recovery Podcast San Diego based Yoga Teacher and Lululemon Ambassador, Jano Galindo, shares his journey into the world of yoga through drumming, his first teacher training, and his times with Bikram, Tim Miller and Sri Dharma Mittra in New York. Jano has certified hundreds of students in his Yoga Teacher Trainings and is committed to a life of service both in yoga and in facilitating men's groups locally at Trilogy Yoga. He is doing the work of healing and bringing the...
Regresa al podcast Tamara Ciriza a platicarnos el mensaje de los Registros Akashicos para el 2023. La energia que nos mueve, transforma, afecta y cambia. Tomamos responsabilidad y practicas sencillas para ayudarnos en este cambio de consciencia al participar en nuestra salud integral y a la vez participamos en comunidad con la salud del nuevo mundo. Que todos los seres sean felices, se sanen, y vivamos en PAZ. G
It is January and it is still winter. Regardless of gregorian calendar expectations of get your shit together and start over instantly hustle. One day at a time, in winter, still slow and inward and harvesting the years' evolution in healing. With pijamas and walking in some grief, here is today's episode of Tales of Recovery. May we be soft and kind with ourselves~ G
Today on the Tales of Recovery Podcast How can we help ourselves with the holiday expectations this season? The possible grief, anxiety, demands or also the joy of it all? By being present in our bodies and FULL of self compassion. Here is a little note of some of the practices, insights and neuroscience connections that will be available in tomorrow's Mindfulness and Self Compassion for the Holidays Master Class will have. You can join with the link in my bio or at May ...
My guest this week on Tales of Recovery is Pat Sperry, the founder of @beflourish Global Wellness Community. I am excited to take part in Oceans of Love event which will happne right here in San Diego on December 3rd and 4th, 2022 facilitating a Grief and Praise circle. Pat is an Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Song Writer, has traveled the world in a heart pilgrimage (or pligrimage of the Soul as he tells us in the podcast ). He has sat with many teachers and learned different spiritual disciplines like ...
Xochitl (So-chil) Kusikuy Ashe has been a teacher and guide in one-and-one mentorships, workshops, and ceremonies both in the U.S and internationally for the las 25 years. At 16 years old she became the first female of five generations of men to be initiated into the healing traditions of her Peruvian ancestral lineage. She is a professionally trained herbalist and specializes in the ceremonial use of Cacao and Psilocybin Mushrooms. In her practice, Xochitl focuses on the healing of generational...
A few reasons why we work with the reality and gift of death, so we can LIVE a more conscious and sweeter life.
Numbing, Cultural Anesthesia and Trauma- one of the top three obstacles that get in the way of healing by SENSING and allowing emotions to flow through our bodies. How are you anesthesising? Is it worth it? I did it for years an years, an appropiate response to the pain I coud not handle back in my teens and early 20's. I can say I am somwehat on the other side now and life is SO much better when I FEEL. All of it. Even the scary intense emotions, There ca not be joy without sorrow, there can no...
Grief and Addiction and Distractions and WHY are we not doing the work? It is not "us" vs "them" when it comes to addiction and the stigma that arises from criminalizing mental health issues. We are all one. We all need to heal collectively. We can stop avoiding the pain and grieve in community so we can HEAL and in turn feel more Alive. Join me at South Park Yoga and Wellness this Friday August 5th, 2022 at 7:00PM for a Grief Workshop and Community Circle where we will learn so much about the o...
Recuperando la Vida con mi amigo el Dr. Gabriel Bertona, un médico poco convencional. Gabriel nos platica su camino de sanador integral, con tantas escuelas como medicina académica en la UNAM, Neurolingüística, Medicina China, Herbolaría, Biomagnetismo, Danzante del Sol, Yoga y Qi Gong ante otras. Mas que Doctor, Gabriel es un revolucionario de la autonomía y responsabilidad de cada uno de nosotros para cambiar no solo nuestra salud dentro y fuera de la piel, sino también a nuestras comunidades ...