With anxiety and depression taking it's toll on our humanity, perhaps we can turn to the FELT sense instead of trying to make sense~ How our breathing, ancestral body practices and REALLY doing the work can help empower our selves (therefore our kids, families, friends) to realize we can jave agency over our bodies and minds.
Jun 16, 2022•38 min•Ep 107•Transcript available on Metacast Agradecida con mi amiga Lunita que regresa al Podcast a platicar de este gran tema que viene siendo los patrones que heredamos como Mexican@s... ¿Que soltamos y con que nos quedamos? Como madres, parejas, hijas, amigas y demás- nuestra cultura y herencia es grande, rica y poderosa. ¿Pero como la vivimos con conciencia y dejando lo que ya no sirve? Platicamos temas como el colonialismo, las autoexigencias que nos enferman, las religiones controladoras basadas en la culpa y el miedo, la medicina a...
Jun 02, 2022•1 hr 18 min•Transcript available on Metacast There is a War Outside Because there is a War Inside. Grief. Pain. Oppressive Systems that do not work. May we wake up and reach out to our communities. CREATE communities that are open to heal and serve one another. We can blame the gov or the church until we run out of breath- but that's all we'll be doing: blaming, We hold tremendous power. It is up to us.
May 26, 2022•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast My guest this week on Tales of Recovery is Author, Educator, Health Psychology Coach and Ambassador of the @Heroicheartsproject, my friend Dr. Arezou Ghane. Arezou shares with us her beautiful and kind heart, her research, experience and wisdom on integrating healing psychedelic experiences and some fun facts on our relationships to plant medicine in today's shifting culture. You can follow Dr. Arezou on IG @auteurhealthandwellness and sign up for her monthly letter at www.auteurhealthandwellnes...
May 18, 2022•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast The #Redemption Day for Capitalistic Culture AKA Mother's Day. Some loose context on the origins of this May 'celebration' ~ Why knowing this information may help relieve grief and anxiety due to the expectations of us a a society for this holiday. And of course, some comic relief. At least for me. If you are struggling today, this is for you. We hope it helps~ May we celebrate every day. G
May 08, 2022•25 min•Ep 103•Transcript available on Metacast Aquí empieza una serie de historias con el Abuelo Luis, mi padre. Risas, desahogos, gratitud, respiración profunda, la hueva y daños del patriarcado, realizaciones del alma incorporadas y como siempre; reconociendo el amor y que todo es perfecto. Salud a la VIDA!
Apr 12, 2022•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Recuperando la Vida~ Los Tiempos al Desnudó L@s invito a disfrutar esta fuerte platica al desnudó total donde nos juntamos Tam y yo el viernes pasado a re-conectar e investigar en conversación que estamos viviendo hoy en día? Cómo y porqué nos afectan los planetas? Porqué creemos que lo qué pasa en la galaxia no nos va a afectar? Cómo se está actualizando la información de mis ancestros? Cómo sostengo la calma con lo que estamos viviendo a nivel biológico? A qué velocidad vamos y que se puede ha...
Apr 06, 2022•1 hr 21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Lisa Lunsford (she/they) is back on the TOR Podcast! Writer, Intuitive Coach, Emotional Creative and Beautiful Soul~ Lisa tells us about her 18 month long traveling adventure with her family and their experience with what working, healing and BEing on the road feels like. From the terrains of Costa Rica, to Iowa, Oregon and back to the Pacific in Seattle, we get to listen to a deep and profound deconstruction of imposed patriarchal roles and other life struggles moving into an emergence of a sof...
Apr 02, 2022•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Beyond Beliefs is YOUR Experience~ Tales of Recovery this week : Embracing the Inward Journey that includes having swam in the river of "kool-aid" and programmed and outdated beliefs. Why did I ever think the christian church was the place to be? Because of programing, the need to belong and downright seeking to be 'safe'. As time went by and my body was shutting down, the business aspect of this organization was quite questionable AND the apologetics were just not coming through- I LEFT. But it...
Mar 30, 2022•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast The English version of last week's podcast on a beautiful ceremony I attended and the gift of ANCESTRAL healing.
Feb 19, 2022•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Recordando y entendiendo la dureza, disciplina y fuerza de mi abuela Emma, la "Bela Mia."
Feb 01, 2022•46 min•Ep 96•Transcript available on Metacast What is Embodied Consciousness? An introduction to the work of re-discovering the power we have over our emotional intelligence and bodily sensations. Gris Alves is a Somatic Practices Lover who has, after 25 years of experiencing and training in recovery, grief therapy, the healing of rituals, 500hr RYT and mindfulness coaching, created her own fun and compassionate practices to guide the way to body-heart and mind back to sovereignty.
Jan 27, 2022•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast A 20 minute announcement on remembering that YOU CAN THINK FOR YOUR SELF. The short story of marketing and how it has led your decisions, purchases and most likely your life style ever since day one of your access to television, radio commercials and really most other forms of advertising. Do you even know the process that goes on behind the scenes? Like who is paying for, writing the copy and benefiting from the ads you see? This includes food, household goods, pharmaceuticals, and of course......
Jan 06, 2022•21 min•Ep 94•Transcript available on Metacast Continuing with our Befriending Aging Series, Mimi Young joins the Tales of Recovery Podcast again in an important conversation on ageism, the cultural systematic narrative on what beauty is, what we are modeling for our children 'elders' in training and how becoming students of the Earth again is one of the sweet resolves for the current expectations of beauty and aging standards issue that is toxic AF and is deeply engrained in most of us.
Jan 03, 2022•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Just a few details here for those struggling with the imposed traditions of the season. We might feel some comfort and joy with specific memories of foods, gatherings and laughter. But we are also exposed to a system of oppressive lies, stinky capitalism and family 'cult' gatherings that are super stressful and not keeping us Well. Especially for anyone in the process of remembering their ancestral medicine and healing years of enmeshment and toxic traumas... while the rest of the clan is still ...
Dec 15, 2021•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Este episodio de Tales of Recovery Podcast es una jornada y 'grabación en moción' con la gran artista Gloria Muriel. A veces se graba cuando se puede y pues.. veníamos desde Tijuana cruzando la frontera en la larga linea y que nos ponemos a grabar. Aquí nos platica Gloria de su arte, sus murales, como empezó a crear esta magia tan hermosa y sanadora que va tocando tantos corazones. Claro que también platicamos de otras cosas.... Entre ellas de la comunidad que ha creado en su camino que ahora la...
Dec 10, 2021•48 min•Ep 91•Transcript available on Metacast Aqui les comparto esta canción de la banda Tijuanense Bodhisattva, La Primera Reacción. Vocales: Gris Alves (Griselda Vilchis) Bajo: Roberto Arredondo Guitarra: Victor Ames Bateria: Shijune Takeda
Dec 06, 2021•4 min•Ep 90•Transcript available on Metacast Reflections on the Honoring and Importance of all the Revolutionary women ahead of us that have cleared the way for our liberation and empowerment. After a night out in Tijuana Mexico and some encounters with the always annoying machismo commentary and the dangers of walking alone (as a woman). May we continue to speak up, create supportive communities, LOTS of information and safe spaces for ALL.
Dec 05, 2021•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast Regresa al Podcast mi querida amiga Tamara Ciriza de @akashicrecordscommunity, lectora y maestra de registros Akáshicos. Le pedi a Tam que nos contara que es lo que esta pasando a nivel energético y generacional en este tiempo tan intenso y tan importante. A veces, teniendo información mas profunda nos puede ayudar a entender que tal vez nuestra percepción esta totalmente secuestrada. Espero esta conversación sea de beneficio para tod@s, para seguir dándonos cuenta de nuestra responsabilidad de ...
Nov 28, 2021•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast My guest this week on the Tales of Recovery Podcast is Cole LaRochelle from the Sacred Way Mystery School. I met Cole at the Sacred Way Intensive Weekend in Colorado where Myranda Bennet and a group of beautiful and powerful healers are working in bringing awareness to, and facing where we participate in the colonial construct and how we can dismantle the new age propaganda. A supernatural experience for sure. At 21 years old, Cole is a gifted shadow work teacher and guide; of this powerful youn...
Nov 23, 2021•57 min•Ep 87•Transcript available on Metacast Hace unas semanas tuve la gran fortuna de estar en Rancho Cerro Largo, un lugar fabuloso en el monte playero de San Agustinillo Oaxaca. Fue una experiencia tan padre y sanadora. El de vivir unos días y convivir con el Gran "Wise and Loveing Elder" el Tio Mario Corella. Aquí les dejo esta plática rica donde nos cuenta de cómo llegó a plantar esta linda comunidad en su casa, su camino de Yogi y su gran corazón. Con el sonido del mar les comparto este podcast inédito! que grabamos impromptu y sin e...
Nov 07, 2021•50 min•Ep 86•Transcript available on Metacast What world are we leaving our children? How can we continue to walk wisely and in reverence to our Earth and our Ancestors ? Lunita Velasquez joins me once again in the podcast as we sit in conversation with these and other questions. She is about to give birth to her third child and is a portal of beauty and love, I am so grateful she is back here to share with us! Enjoy, and please share! Gris
Oct 16, 2021•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast Podría ser que la depresión, ansiedad , o un ataque de desesperación puedan ser el GRAN punto de entrada para permitir fluir todas las emociones? Eso que le llamamos curación Ancestral? . Las emociones del duelo, amor perdido, resistencia, miedo etc, todo lo que no pudimos sentir de chicos? O tal ves lo que nuestros ancestros no lograron permitirse sentir por la situación en la que crecieron? Que se atora en el cuerpo por tanta represión cultural de sentimientos o dureza de vida? Cómo abrir de n...
Sep 26, 2021•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Part 1 of the Befriending Aging Series with my guest and dear friend Golden Drake~ The counterculture revolution of embracing change in a soft, loving manner.
Sep 12, 2021•1 hr 16 min•Transcript available on Metacast An introduction to a four part series on befriending aging, cultivating wisdom and the somehow countercultural movement we can participate in in embracing and becoming friends with getting older and if we are lucky and do the work: wiser ~ Which is really quite a gift! G
Sep 07, 2021•27 min•Ep 82•Transcript available on Metacast My guest this week is my friend, author, holistic healer and graffiti artist Dr. Robert Ciprian. Robert is a Doctor in Chiropractic and Holistic Medicine, energy healer and an advocate for humanity. Robert wrote a book called "Heal Profoundly, A Graffiti Thug's Transformation to Holistic Doctor" (which you can find on amazon) where he talks about his life story. On this episode we talk about his journey from the streets of New York gangs all the way to his choice of heading back to medical schoo...
Aug 23, 2021•1 hr 2 min•Ep 81•Transcript available on Metacast A few years ago I decided I wanted to remove my 16 year old saline breast implants. After much arguing with the medical system, doctors and my own lagging timeline.. I did it and I am now 8 days into one of the most powerful decisions I have ever made . I feel lighter, grateful AF, normal and so empowered to love my body from the inside out more and more each day. May this episode help make you laugh, feel and reflect on how we treat ourselves and how we can maybe learn to love our bodies more a...
Aug 17, 2021•35 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast Hace unos años decidi que ya no quería tener estos implantes que decidí ponerme hace mas de 18 años. Dure entre tres y cuatro años y una seria de síntomas, miedos y las ganas de regresar a lo natural y honrar mi cuerpo para por fin llegar a esta operación. Fue un camino de estrés, miedo y risas ridículas. Agradecida a la vida, a mi cuerpo y la resiliencia. Espero les ayude escuchar esto por aquí. Gris, la Surfa
Aug 17, 2021•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sarah is back on the Tales of Recovery Podcast this week to share the beautiful story of her Dad's death and at home funeral for his passing in March. Sarah supported her Dad through his last ten years of struggling with Alzheimer's. She shares her father daughter love story, her intense grief work, the collective culture's denial of grief and how it affects us as a society. She reminds us that we know how to take care of our own and nudges all of us to remember this important birthright and lov...
Aug 07, 2021•1 hr 3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Cuando te das cuenta de tanta Magia que existe, y que a veces tarda un rato el cuerpo y la razón en alcanzar a ver que SIEMPRE has vivido en lo supernatural, ( aunque se nos halla olvidado por un rato) manifestando sueños y siendo testigo de este enorme regalo que es VIVIR. Regreso de estar una semana con unas grandes mujeres en un encuentro mágico en Punta Monterey (que ya vendrán al podcast en unos días a compartirles también) y aquí sale una reflection de el tiempo o los años que a veces tien...
Jul 02, 2021•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast