I talk about microdosing and the similar impact that it has on the brain and consciousness that Mesitation does.
I talk about microdosing and the similar impact that it has on the brain and consciousness that Mesitation does.
In Thai episode, I speak about how Psychedelics and Astrology are both instruments of revelation that reveal the animating intelligence behind every life
I discuss a recent synchronicity, that resulted from a past relationship with American Vipassana teacher, Jack Kornfield.
This episode is about the symbolic meaning of suicidal it’s, the opportunity it presents, and ways to access new paths of identity.
In this episode I tell about the dynamics of consciousness visible in an Astrology Chart, and how the question of whether Astrology is a real thing is an egoic musing most of what astrology shows lays outside the ego’s awareness, and is in the realm of the timeless, eternal SELF.
I discuss the breath. The most intimate link to life. How the past few months have brought us the controlled burning of the Amazon, the coronavirus, and the murder by asphyxiation of George Floyd. How in our awareness of these events, we see the consequence of a reduced capacity for breath. And in this awareness, we can evaluate the quality of breath we allow for in ourselves. More often than not, the quality of our breath, mirrors the quality of our life.
I talk about how the current chaos of the coronavirus and nationwide protests about the murder of George Floyd were foreshadowed by Trump’s election. He didn’t cause the chaos rather the chaos to follow was indicated by his election.
I talk about the remarkable correspondences between Psychedlic experience and meditation. How Psychedelic experience and Meditation have the same impact on the brain, and deconstruct identity in a manner that allows new experiences and new insights to emerge. Psychedelics without meditation. Are in fact, lame.
In this episode I talk about the ways that we become conditioned against our original primordial nature, and the ways it speaks to us continually, anyway. Here’s a idea about looking at it.
I talk about why psilocybin gets people to stop smoking 80 percent of the time
A contemplative look at the origins of experience beyond the senses, which condition your consciousness.
In this podcast, I talk about how at the moment of birth, each person has a complete mapping of their consciousness in the form of an Astrology Chart. More importantly, you can see how the structure of their consciousness, shapes their experience of reality, NOT the other way around. We all come in with challenges, talents, and growth capacities that are visible from the first moment of life. Astrology offers the objectivity to look at children outside our fantasies about who they are, that are ...
I describe how the experience of Chaos is actually the emergence of an order that is not yet understood, and how that relates to our current experience.
In this episode I talk about the dreamlike foundation of reality and of our lives. I discuss how our need to “understand” what is going on, and determine who is responsible for events, blocks our capacity to observe what is actually emerging in our lives, and in the world.
I talk about how Trump’s fate is visible in his Astrology, and how the current coronavirus pandemic is a predictable agency of the Chaos his election demonstrated. , designed not just for his fated downfall, but for the changes to follow. Based on my essay, “The Chaos King” at www.goingquantum.org
An Easter episode. I tell the story of Jung’s notion about the unlived life of the parent, and how it shapes a child’s fate. I recall my mother’s time with Ken Kesey, Golden Era Hollywood, and her own successes, and link that up with my current work with consciousness transformation. More entertaining than usual. There is a profound lesson in here as well. Ken Kesey, Goldie Hawn Anthony Perkins, Nancy Wilson, Chris Cornell, and Kurt Vonnegut make appearances.
I talk about the culture that has sprung up around Ayahuasca, and the theater that accompanies it. I delve into the notion of noble folk wisdom that ignores our own wisdom systems. I explain that psilocin, which what psilocybin. Is broken down into, and DMT, the active ingredient in Ayahuasca are identical molecules.
I speak about the meaning of synchronicity, how it is supposed to expand our understanding of reality and of ourselves.
Here I’ll discuss how synchronicities are one of the ways that Quantum Field reveals itself in our day to day lives. Look out, once you see them, you can’t unsee them! From 18:51 it is another episode. Reconnecting.
Death is a fear with the coronavirus. Our physical death and also of those we love. Th death of long held beliefs and structures are present as well. But what supports our experience beyond the structures of physical life. More importantly, how can we experience these structures right now?
People ask me about what Astrology says about our current collective situation. Here’s what I know about what’s in play in the Quantum Field.
In this little ditty, I talk about the role of Dreaming in the revelation of the Quantum Field’s investment in being in dialogue with you about your evolution.
I talk about the primordial foundations of Los Angeles. The original cultures here, and the biosphere that preceded and encouraged the growth of the current metropolis. I take a look at Los Angeles as a “bardo state”, and encourage the listener to contemplate their reason for being here.
This episode is about the profound psychedelic experience catalyzed by 5MEO DMT.
This episode is about how Joy is often an undervalued aspect of our well being. How it can be as much a part of the shadow as rage or greed can be. But that if one is disciplined about it, they can find joy in unexpected places. Joy is close to bliss, which is close to our primordial roots.
We’re talking about what this podcast is going to be about, but we are also talking about “The Field”. The Quantum Intelligence that animates all of physical and non physical reality. Behind the narrative of our lives is an intelligence that exists independently of our ideas about it. It is communicating with us always, whether we choose to listen for and to it, or not. I talk a bit about how it communicates with, us and how we can welcome it further into our life.