4S Kingdom part 2: Who is the kingdom?
This is a non-consensus view.
This is a non-consensus view.
What is the moment of silence really about.
So how do they keep winning?
What is a bible booklet, and why?
This audio was a good discussion on some of the issues surrounding the nature of the kingdom.
Let's start by exploring the question of what the kingdom is.
Christians actually see this as some kind of victory...
This Christian believes we skeptics should replace skepticism with curiosity.
This is what real Christianity looks like.
Either John Piper is crazy, or I am. Let me know which you think it is.
What are some of the sayings in the bible you find to be hard?
This is where one Christian says god was during the recent attacks.
What are Christians really saying when they pray?
They really don't give a damn about the law. They even come right out and say it out loud.
This is how one preacher believes god works.
There is no such thing as spiritual danger.
Why does it seem like religion allows for so many bad things?
I am here to report a miracle that happened to me. You should probably be suspicious.
Have you thought much about fasting? It's crazier than you think.
This is how Christians view prophecy.
Offensive to whom?
How do you feel about the Santa?
How much Jesus does it take to get a school safe from this sort of thing?
The best Christian argument is still the worst evidence. This is my case: Enjoy
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When everyone can obey the law of their religious conscience, there is no law at all.
How many Jesuses are too many?
Christian nationalism at its finest.
How can you tell it's Jesus?
If we can have Christian prayer in government meetings, why not other types of prayer?