Ep 146 Talking with David Rovics
Episode 146 of RevolutionZ is a wide ranging discussion of the music business, touring, etc., and also current left culture and prospects. Support the show
Episode 146 of RevolutionZ is a wide ranging discussion of the music business, touring, etc., and also current left culture and prospects. Support the show
Episode 145 of the podcast RevolutionZ is a wide ranging discussion with the British sociologist Jo Littler of the birth, history, and implications of the approach to social organization called meritocracy. Support the show
A wide ranging discussion of teacher organizing, students, parents, and education with lessons bearing on organizing per se. Support the show
Episode 143 of RevolutionZ is the second in the Seque3nce titled Ruminations in which we address movement effectiveness, publishing and writing, a little No Bosses, and a book recommendation dealing with CRISPR, etc.. Support the show
Episode 142 of RevolutionZ, after some preliminaries, presents the introduction of the new book, No Bosses, A New Economy for A Better World. Support the show
Episode 141 of RevolutionZ explores issues of generating and maintaining effective social movements with Jeremy Brecher. Support the show
Episode 140--without a week off--is a bit of an experiment. It adopts a new approach to content and style, one I am not sure will be effective. It will be, if liked, the first of a new sequence called Ruminations. Let me know if you want to see a Ruminations 2... Support the show
Episode 139 of RevolutionZ is a wide ranging discussion of labor organizing and labor views and desires with union organizer Richard Goff including Covid, Trump, labor demands, and class consciousness, etc. Support the show
Episode 138 of the podcast RevolutionZ is a short rumination, if you will, on the fact that these are very bad days - and yet these are also days showing a lot of promise - and some thoughts on how to navigate successfully through such confused times. Support the show
In Episode 137 of RevolutionZ Stephen Shalom provides an in-depth overview of recent Israel/Palestine relations and prospects. Support the show
A Testimonial at a World Social Forum Support the show
Episode 135 of RevolutionZ presents the history and context of current Israel/Palestine relations and prospects. Support the show
Episode 134 of RevolutionZ proposes radical program for many sides of modern life. Support the show
Episode 133 of RevolutionZ presents Noam Chomsky foreword to the forthcoming book No Bosses: A New Economy for A Better World, plus some Questions and Answers from the books final chapter. Support the show
Vince and Michael discuss social interactions North and South, Urban and Rural, in the movement and outside the movement, and what it all means for attaining a better world. Support the show
Episode 131 of RevolutionZ considers a foreword and some assessments of the forthcoming book No Bosses: A New Economy for a Better Society. Support the show
Episode 130 discusses "demanding abolition" as an organizing focus for movement activism regarding various aspects of social life including prisons, courts, and policy. Support the show
Episode 129 has as guest Oliver Ressler talking about the context and methods of political film and art. Support the show
Episode 128 discusses the history, role, character, and processes of graphic novels and comics. Support the show
Vincent Emanuele and Michael Albert host the first episode of a new sequence titled Venting Spleen, this time addressing guns, police, abolition, and us. Support the show
A wide ranging discussion of organizing, mobilizing, and in particular DSA Chapter definition, creation, and work. Support the show
A wide ranging discussion of business, business schools, and the mindset of managers. Support the show
Episode 124 of RevolutionZ has as its guest Yanis Varoufakis, for his third visit. This time he discusses his views on features of a desirable post capitalist economy. Support the show
Episode 123 offers Ten Claims bearing on social struggle for social change. Support the show
Episode 122 of RevolutionZ addresses the complicated and vexing issue of "cancel culture" as it manifests inside progressive and left projects and movements. It talks about what it is, what it seeks, and what its effects are on those rendering criticisms, on those criticized, and on those watching from without. Support the show
The second session of likely three with Yanis Varoufakis discusses questions of organization and priorities in electoral, governing, and organizing based on his personal experiences in Greece and Europe. Support the show
Episode 120 of RevolutionZ is a kind of abbreviated summary of much that has gone before, boiled down to 15 theses bearing on the problem of liberating ourselves and society from the horrendous structures that currently oppress and delimit. Support the show
Episode 119 of RevolutionZ is a wide ranging discussion with Yanis Varoufakis ranging from lessons from Greece and Europe, to addressing obstacles to left success, to the motives and methods of his new novel titled Other Now. Support the show
Episode 118 of RevolutionZ talks about writing fiction, writing lessons, writing to write...and more. Support the show
Episode 117 of RevolutionZ concludes a three episode exploration of issues some anarchists have with participatory economics. Support the show