Ep 52 - Election 3: Dear Howie Hawkins, Green Sense and Nonsense
An Open Letter To Howie Hawkins a Green Party Candidate for President in 2020, critically discussing Green Party Campaigning Policy for 2020 Support the show
An Open Letter To Howie Hawkins a Green Party Candidate for President in 2020, critically discussing Green Party Campaigning Policy for 2020 Support the show
Ep 51 of RevolutionZ further explores issues of ecological vision and takes up issues of ecological strategy, both with Brian Tokar. Support the show
James Wilson, a regular listener of the Podcast RevolutionZ, sent in a review of it he wrote. It is a full length essay - and I thought I would offer it up as a bonus session. I am curious if folks agree with his assessment, or .... Support the show
For Episode 50 of RevolutionZ our guest is Peter Bohmer and our topic is internationalism as a better way for the world... Support the show
Episode 49 of RevolutionZ takes up the issue of ecological sustainability - survival - in the context of vision for a new society. How might a desirable society best address ecology? Support the show
In Episode 48 of RevolutionZ, Greg Wilpert brings to bear his extensive knowledge of Latin American and East European anti capitalists experiments to discern lessons for seeking a better future. Support the show
A brief update on RevolutionZ's past and future... Support the show
Episode 47 of RevolutionZ is the conclusion of The Next American Revolution sequence. Support the show
Episode 46 of RevolutionZ addresses international relations - how should counties engage and what institutions currently prevent doing so - and what new institutions in the future would facilitate doing so? Answers discuss capitalism and participatory socialism, contrasting their effects. Support the show
Episode 45 of RevolutionZ continues the effort to convey the dialogue and visuals proposed for a movie titled Next American Revolution. This segment, the next to last, addresses education struggles and vision, and the issues involved in deciding to run for President. Support the show
Episode 44 of RevolutionZ offers the tenth session presenting the screenplay and hoped to be movie title Next American Revolution. The dialogue and visuals this time address community and economic vision. Support the show
Episode 43 continues exploration of race/community vision with Bill Fletcher discussing aims and means, movements lessons and experiences. Support the show
Episode 42 of RevolutionZ is the ninth focused on verbally conveying proposed dialogue and visuals of the hoped for movie, Next American Revolution. The focus is political and gender vision, and more. Support the show
The 41st episode of RevolutionZ is the eighth installment of the proposed movie Next American Revolution. It deals with RPS organizing, race and anti racism, the movement organizational form called blocs, and more. Support the show
For Episode 40 of RevolutionZ, our guest Justin Podur explores diverse sometimes controversial issues of community/race vision and strategy. Support the show
Episode 39, the 7th presenting the screenplay Next American Revolution, discusses some RPS features, some class issues and conflicts, and prison organizing. Support the show
The 38th episode of RevolutionZ is the sixth to present a part of the hoped for movie, Next American Revolution. In this segment we learn of various Hollywood organizing, among other events. Support the show
A discussion of Community and Culture vision for a participatory socialist society. Support the show
An update on the status and coming features of RevolutionZ and of the screenplay Next American Revolution including the first exchange with Hollywood about the latter.... Support the show
This is episode 36 of RevolutionZ - but the fifth presenting the screenplay Next American Revolution in audio format. If considers some economic and health struggles with special emphasis on class issues and the formation of RPS. Support the show
Episode 35 of RevolutionZ continues the attempt to present the hoped for movie - Next American Revolution - verbally, capturing the dialog and describing the visuals. The focus is on some elements of RPS politics and organizing. Support the show
Stephen Shalom returns to discuss political vision further, including issues of electoral politics. Support the show
The 33rd episode of RevolutionZ is the third episode devoted to verbally conveying the audio and visual content of the proposed movie, The Next American Revolution. Support the show
Episode 32 is the third verbally presenting the hoped for movie, Next American Revolution. Itdescribes some early organizing, including at Amazonia and an oil refinery in Olympia. Support the show
This episode further explores issues of gender and sexuality in a new society. The guest is Cynthia Peters, long time grass roots activist and author of kinship vision. Support the show
The first episode of likely twelve that will in sum verbally detail, scene by scene, a movie I hope to see made, titled Next American Revolution. Support the show
A short episode introduction the idea and some background of a new sequence of episodes. NAR stands for Next American Revolution. The 0 indicates this is just setting the scene. The sequence will present verbally, as best I can, the Screenplay Next American Revolution, or, actually, the film I hope to see emerge from it. It is a bit of an experiment... Support the show
Ep 28 of RevolutionZ discusses activist issues of power, influence, and relating to government. Support the show
Episode 27 of RevolutionZ discusses what new kinship relations - family, nurturance, sexuality, etc. - might look like in a new participatory society. What institutional changes can achieve feminist goals? Support the show
Episode 26 considers Conspiracy Theorizing and its implications when it is applicable, and when it is not applicable. Support the show