Episode 315 Show Notes Topic of the show: Time to get pushed out of the nest! On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss the transition from trainee to certified controller and the stages of development as a professional controller. We also share our thoughts on how a pilot should mature into a safe, risk reducing airman after they complete training. The listener feedback on CPDLC and gliders is also discussed on this episode. Enjoy! Timely Feedback: 1. Patron Juliet Golf comments on actually old in...
Jan 15, 2024•1 hr 15 min•Ep 315•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 314 Show Notes Topic of the show: Reroutes in Troubled Airspace SGAC Patron JAS provides the show topic this week about getting routing around weather in difficult airspace. How can pilots prepare for deviations in busy airspace? We also discuss denied flight following and using flight plans to keep you safe. This episode is packed, you don’t’ want to miss it! Timely Feedback: 1 . Controller/Patron MK responded to questions about a capitol arrival being restricted. 2. Patron DC sent a fo...
Jan 08, 2024•1 hr 23 min•Ep 314•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 313 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss why some controllers cannot issue radar vectors. Why are they suggesting headings? What should the pilot do in order to safely comply with the instructions? We also discuss IFR shortcuts, an airport in desperate need of metering, and more aviation questions and feedback. Timely Feedback: 1. We set the record straight on altitude selection during an IFR departure near terrain. 2. Patron AMM wants to know when we are ...
Jan 02, 2024•1 hr 19 min•Ep 313•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 312 Show Notes Topic of the show: Santa's Glider Goes Missed On this year’s Christmas show, we dig deep into Santa’s bag of feedback and discuss gliders, weight and balance, flight following, missed approaches and much much more. Merry Christmas! Holiday/Christmas audio used during this special episode: Music: Deck the Halls – Jingle Punks (No Copyright Music) Timely Feedback: 1. Patron Juliet Golf sent a note about weight and balance. 2. SGAC Patron Bravo Sierra sent an announcement and...
Dec 25, 2023•1 hr 16 min•Ep 312•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 311 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, AG and RH answer a question about filed and expected altitudes while flying an ODP. What is the safest way to navigate a lost comms scenario while executing the ODP? How can you plan ahead to be a safer and more prepared pilot? We also discuss shift work, opposite direction operation rules, and more of your awesome aviation questions. This is a packed episode and you don’t want to miss it! Timely Feedback: 1. Patron EF comments on th...
Dec 18, 2023•1 hr 17 min•Ep 311•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 310 Show Notes Bears Need Not Apply Patron Romeo Sierra returns to the airlines after a long absence. RH answers some questions on how he landed at Penguin Airlines, what stars aligned to make the move possible, and advice for up-and-coming aviators that want to be an airline pilot. We also discuss airport wildlife stories, Alaska flight service, and more of your awesome aviation feedback. This was a really fun episode, you don’t want to miss it! Timely Feedback: 1 . Patron Romeo Delta s...
Dec 11, 2023•1 hr 22 min•Ep 310•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 309 Show Notes Topic of the show: ODP altitude selection by Patron NS NS asks about the best altitude to file on an ODP with the knowledge that ATC may stop you below that anyway. Timely Feedback: 1. Patron JB sent an advisory circular that defines short approaches. 2. Patron TS tells us that once again we put our feet in our mouths about the experimental remarks remarks we made. 3. Patron BC has a question about speed reduction on final 4. SGAC Patron RF adds to the theme of his 5 star ...
Dec 04, 2023•1 hr 27 min•Ep 309•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 308 Show Notes Topic of the show: Tricky Go-Arounds by Patron Oscar Golf: A completely made up, fictitious event having no connection to any real events that ever happened before. . . .AG and RH discuss a squeeze play that went terribly wrong resulting in a double go around and at least one pilot responding to a TCAS Resolution Advisory. Find out what the pilot could have done to prepare for a possible go around and increase their situational awareness in a tricky environment. We also di...
Nov 27, 2023•1 hr 22 min•Ep 308•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 307 Show Notes Topic of the show: More Feedback! 1. Patron BY discusses a proposed FAR for OB Listeners 2. Patron MTW talks about glider ops near the Triad https://www.piedmontsoaring.net/ Timely Feedback: 1 . Patron SE discusses a great technique using contact approaches. 2 . Patron BE gives us the history of descents on airways for approaches. 3 . CG finds a CFR about descending on airways for approaches Feedback 1. Patron CM on how the 737 descends so beautifully. 2. Patron LR sent au...
Nov 20, 2023•2 hr 32 min•Ep 307•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 306 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, we discuss controller’s favorite approach: the contact approach! Why does this procedure confuse controllers when it’s actually very simple? What can you expect when you request this rarely used procedure? We also discuss STARs, “I love ATC”, and more aviation questions. This was a fun episode and you don’t want to miss it! Have a great week and thanks for listening! Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show usi...
Nov 13, 2023•1 hr 16 min•Ep 306•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 305 Show Notes Topic of the show: Simultaneous IFR approaches to non-towered airports. Timely Feedback: 1 . Frozen North Center controller on VFR release of IFR and more. 2 . Patron JP on VFR release of IFR departures. 3 . Congrats on 305 episodes. Feedback 1. Modest deviations on IFR FP by Patron EL 2. Patron KK on victor airway descents on IFR approaches . Have a great week and thanks for listening! Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiti...
Nov 06, 2023•1 hr 22 min•Ep 305•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 304 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, AG and RH get into the details of a rare type of approach clearance. What would we do as pilots if we received this clearance? How would we issue the clearance as controllers? And is there a regulation to establish an argument that it’s not only safe, but legal? We also discuss pilot punishments, PIREP holds, and more of your aviation questions and feedback. This is a packed episode and you don’t want to miss it! Timely Feedback 1. P...
Oct 30, 2023•1 hr 27 min•Ep 304•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 303 Show Notes Topic of the show: On today’s show, AG and RH share some very exciting news! We also discuss controller contrived missed approach instructions, med-evac call signs, and more of your aviation questions and feedback. Timely Feedback: 1 . Patron HTB shares the results of their ATSAP report. 2 . Patron JM shares an idea on how the arrival deviation should have sounded. 3 . Patron WTF files to a nearby VOR and continues VFR. Feedback 1. Patron AW wants to buy a secret transpond...
Oct 24, 2023•1 hr 18 min•Ep 303•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 302 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss a complicated approach in mountainous terrain. Why is the controller leaving the pilot high? What routing may help the pilot comply with the approach using normal descent maneuvers? We share our thoughts and some ideas on what this pilot can do next time. We also discuss vectors to final at the last second, wandering luggage tugs, and more of your aviation questions and feedback. You don’t want to miss this episode!...
Oct 16, 2023•1 hr 10 min•Ep 302•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 301 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss a shortcut through a very busy Class Bravo area on an IFR flight. Why was the original routing assigned? How is it possible to fly directly over a busy airport? And what can the pilot to do to plan for this type of routing? We also discuss departing VFR looking for your IFR flight plan, remarks, and much more. You don’t want to miss this fun episode! Timely Feedback: 1 . SGAC Patron Alpha Kilo asks about the use of ...
Oct 09, 2023•1 hr 20 min•Ep 301•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 300 Show Notes Topic of the show: Episode 300!!! On this milestone episode, AG and RH take a stroll down memory lane while answering listener questions about aviation, flying, and air traffic control. We discuss flight plans, flight following, landing at a busy Class Bravo airport, emergencies, and much, much more. This is a fun, entertaining, and educational episode you won’t want to miss. Thank you to all our loyal Patrons, listeners, family, and friends for helping Opposing Bases make...
Oct 02, 2023•2 hr 32 min•Ep 300•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 299 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, we discuss “descend via” clearances and the confusion caused by taking an aircraft off vertical guidance early in the procedure. What could the pilots do differently to avoid any confusion? How can the controller mitigate the risks involved in issuing new altitudes? We also discuss missing aircraft after flight following and more of your aviation questions and feedback. You don’t want to miss this episode! Timely Feedback: 1 . Patron...
Sep 25, 2023•1 hr 15 min•Ep 299•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 298 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH discuss a recent TRIAD emergency inbound flight. What happened? What advice to we have for the pilots and ATC? How did prompt pilot decision making lead to a safe outcome? We also discuss phraseology, clearances, and aircraft identification. This is a packed episode and you don’t want to miss it! Timely Feedback: 1 . Patron TBP sent some clarifying comments about traffic direction. 2 . Patron HTB shared more insight into the BT-13 military trai...
Sep 18, 2023•1 hr 23 min•Ep 298•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 297 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss the striking similarities between our jobs as air traffic controllers and real life police officers directing traffic. Squeeze plays, confused drivers, violators, and those that simply don’t pay attention make for an interesting comparison to air traffic. We also share our opinion on general aviation landers at Class Bravo airports, rant about PIREPs, and hear more of your awesome aviation feedback. This is a fun ep...
Sep 11, 2023•1 hr 14 min•Ep 297•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 296 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, we discuss controller hiring and location selection. AG and RH share their opinion on the process and offer some perfect world suggestions on how to solve some of our staffing issues. We also share a recent story of RH going missing, unusual visual approach clearances, and more of your aviation questions and feedback. This was a really fun episode and you don’t want to miss it! Timely Feedback: 1 . Patron Bravo Alpha Sierra gives a m...
Sep 04, 2023•1 hr 15 min•Ep 296•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 295 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, we discuss the rarely used “through clearance” and run a thorough cost benefit analysis of using this technique. What about search and rescue? What other options exist to mitigate the risks of losing communication with ATC on the ground? We also discuss the perilous bike path near jet blast experienced by a listener, the dimensions of mountain airspace, and more of your awesome aviation questions and feedback. You don’t want to miss ...
Aug 28, 2023•1 hr 15 min•Ep 295•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 294 Show Notes Topic of the show: When a general aviation propeller driven aircraft is assigned an arrival (STAR) into a giant Class Bravo airport, what should the pilot know ahead of time to prepare for the procedure? Why does ATC assign them only to take an aircraft off of them later? What is helpful for the terminal controller when establishing a sequence with faster jet traffic? AG and RH break down the minutia involved in a STAR into a busy Class Bravo airport and answer a listener’...
Aug 21, 2023•1 hr 20 min•Ep 294•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 293 Show Notes Topic of the show: RH took a solo trip in the mighty Skyhawk from TRIAD to NYC to fly the Hudson Skyline route with Newark and LaGuardia Tower controllers! Special thanks to N90, EWR, LGA, and all the radar controllers along the way. Are you considering a trip to NYC to fly up the Hudson? We try to explain the planning and navigation to make the trip fun and safe! We also discuss RNAV vs. ILS approach clearances and training in the radar room. This was a really fun episode...
Aug 14, 2023•1 hr 15 min•Ep 293•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 292 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, we try to dispel some myths about Class Charlie airspace. How can pilots position themselves to remain safely separated from airplanes operating in and out of busier Class C airports? Why is flight following so important in these areas? We also discuss a tower controller’s rude behavior during otherwise normal operations, special VFR, and more interesting aviation questions. This episode is packed with aviation gold nuggets and you d...
Aug 07, 2023•1 hr 8 min•Ep 292•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 291 Show Notes Topic of the show: Live from EAA AirVenture 2023 #OSH23! AG and RH are joined by AirVenture ATC expert Bravo Kilo (his views and opinions are his own and he does not officially represent the FAA) and a live audience! Penguin cookies, fly bys, and live feedback from our audience! This was a really good time and we hope you enjoy the show! Special Thanks: AOPA and Kim for hosting us at the AOPA 39 Lounge Patron and co-host Bravo Kilo from the JR Ewing Airport Patron JEF (VP ...
Jul 31, 2023•1 hr 14 min•Ep 291•Transcript available on Metacast Live show recording with a live audience on Saturday, July 29, 2023 at AirVenture 2023. Come out and ask a live question and meet RH and AG! See you on Saturday! 10am, July 29, AOPA 39 Lounge across from the brown arch at AirVenture!
Jul 26, 2023•1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 290 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, we discuss the importance of altitude selection and routing when you are flying near busy Class Bravo airspace. Why does clearance delivery issue routing that doesn’t work for your entire route? What can you do to ensure a smooth, reroute free, flight in the NAS? What happens in the background during a reroute? We discuss all of this and break down a recent IFR flight with 4 different reroutes. We also discuss preferential routing, t...
Jul 24, 2023•1 hr 24 min•Ep 290•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 289 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, we discuss a listener’s “possible pilot deviation”. Why did they receive the Brasher warning? Who is waiting for the phone call? What information will be requested on the initial phone call? We share our opinions on the issue and discuss what administrative tasks are being completed, why the controller may have issued the warning, and the possible outcomes. RH and AG also discuss a no radio landing, routing around Class Bravo airspac...
Jul 17, 2023•1 hr 19 min•Ep 289•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 288 Show Notes Topic of the show: On this week’s show, we discuss general aviation operations at busy Class Bravo airports. Flying to a big airport can be intimidating so we offer some tips for the general aviation pilot. How can you safely taxi behind a heavy jet and keep ATC happy? What should you be prepared for when arriving or departing a busy, Class Bravo airport in your general aviation aircraft? Our special guest, Bravo Kilo, is a friendly voice in a busy tower and shares his exp...
Jul 10, 2023•1 hr 23 min•Ep 288•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 287 Show Notes Topic of the show: 2023 AirVenture Notice with Bravo Kilo. BK is a highly experienced team lead for air traffic controllers at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh and shares his pro tips on how to safely fly the arrival, how to plan for your flight to OSH, and discusses what controllers expect from pilots participating in the best aviation gathering in the world! If you’ve flown to Oshkosh ten times or if this is your first year flying the FISK arrival, this episode is for you! *Discla...
Jul 04, 2023•2 hr 32 min•Ep 287•Transcript available on Metacast