Episode 146 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH catch up on a variety of questions from listeners: HIWAS, Radio Checks, Student Pilot Solos, Fatigue, and many more. Timely Feedback: PATRON Kilo Kilo sent the rest of the open door story! #Latch SGAC PATRON Bravo Sierra sent in his solo story. PATRON Mike Kilo sent audio from TRIAD airspace. PATRON Tango Papa sends his thoughts about the lessons learned from the stuck mic. PATRONs Juliet Echo Charlie and Bravo Sierra sent in audio from their f...
Oct 12, 2020•1 hr 14 min•Ep 146•Transcript available on Metacast Lifelong Commitment to Aviation with Ron Horton -CFII, Designated Pilot Examiner (Single Engine Private, Commercial, and CFI Add-Ons) -Volunteer Pilot for Angel Flight and Airlift Hope - Cirrus Training Center Instructor (TCI) - Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award Recipient - AOPA Distinguished Flight Instructor -Instructor at Aerowood Aviation in Monroe, NC (KEQY) -Find Ron on Instagram , YouTube , Twitter , or PlaneVisions.com AG and RH sit down with Ron Horton, a local CFII and Designated Pilo...
Oct 09, 2020•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 145 Show Notes Topic of the show: On today’s show, we have a special guest: Ron Horton, CFI and Designated Pilot Examiner for the FAA. We will discuss student pilot solo sign offs, going missed on a visual approach, and more of your great questions and feedback. Welcome to the show, Ron! Full interview with Ron will be available later this week, stay tuned! You can learn more about our guest co-host by visiting his website , or visiting the flight school where he instructs: Aerowood Avia...
Oct 06, 2020•1 hr 18 min•Ep 145•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 144 Show Notes Topic of the show: This week, we hear from an airline pilot, a general aviation pilot, and a dispatcher that works nights. Each of them has valuable feedback regarding fatigue. Thank you for sending us your stories! Timely Feedback: Guglielmo Marconi PATRON Hotel Mike Bravo passed his checkride! Congratulations! PATRON Mike Kilo sent in feedback about visual approaches. Link to AC 90-66B . 91.126 and 91.127 . Delta Hotel sent in details about a gear incident at a local air...
Sep 28, 2020•1 hr 13 min•Ep 144•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 143 Show Notes Topic of the show: Fatigue is an insidious danger in aviation. AG and RH discuss fatigue as it relates to some listener stories. Are you monitoring your level of fitness for flight? Are you taking a much-needed break when your brain is telling you to stop? Plus more of the listener’s awesome feedback! Timely Feedback: PATRON Bravo Charlie Juliet flew with the Terps Elf! 2 . Charlie Mike Sierra sent a story about a gas stop on a highway followed by a police escorted departu...
Sep 22, 2020•1 hr 7 min•Ep 143•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 142 Show Notes Topic of the show: What happens when the emergency is over? Is the pilot detained, questioned, and forced to fill out endless paperwork? We hear from several pilots about their post-emergency paperwork and we think our listeners will like what they learn. Also, what does law enforcement dispatch do with a laser report? Timely Feedback: PATRON Echo Golf (and fellow ATCer in the U.S.) shares his comments about a local Class Delta and VFR codes. PATRON Alpha Bravo Mike gives ...
Sep 14, 2020•1 hr 3 min•Ep 142•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 141 Show Notes Topic of the show: This week we will get the details of a middle of the night incident in TRIAD airspace and discuss the troubleshooting procedures of a solo Pilatus pilot. We also discuss the differences throughout the NAS regarding the issuance of VFR codes at Class D airports. Timely Feedback: PATRON Mike Kilo sent in fantastic audio feedback about Class D VFR flight following codes. PATRON Bravo Sierra discusses Class D codes under a busy Bravo on the East Coast. PATRO...
Sep 08, 2020•1 hr 5 min•Ep 141•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 140 Show Notes Topic of the show: What’s going on in the radar room when a pilot declares and emergency and can’t make it back to an airport? AG and RH will offer their opinions on what you don’t’ hear on frequency. Links to the story: link to kathryn's report http://www.kathrynsreport.com/search?q=n4092d flight radar24 https://www.flightradar24.com/data/flights/n4092d https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/238465 Timely Feedback: Juliet Whiskey wrote in after hearing us talk about his gea...
Aug 31, 2020•1 hr 4 min•Ep 140•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 139 Show Notes Topic of the show: This week on Opposing Bases, we discuss a listener’s story when he busted Bravo accidentally. Why did it happen? What did they do to solve the issue with ATC? What can we learn from his story? This and more feedback and questions from the listeners. Timely Feedback: PATRON Mike Kilo shares his thoughts on the show and the names of his cats. PATRON Charlie Alpha is sad AG didn’t sing the ATC Sak jingle. PATRON Tango Whiskey’s brush with fame in the TRIAD ...
Aug 24, 2020•1 hr 13 min•Ep 139•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 138 Show Notes Topic of the show: This week we will discuss our opinions on navigating complex airspace with several different controlling agencies and airspace boundaries. Who should you call when you are approaching a Class Delta? How far above the Delta should you fly? What does the controller see when you are tagged up by another facility? Timely Feedback: PATRON Echo Hotel got his instrument rating! Congratulations! PATRON Tango Foxtrot shares his thoughts on the Class B violator. D...
Aug 17, 2020•1 hr 8 min•Ep 138•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 137 Show Notes Topic of the show: RH and AG are going to talk about separation errors. What happens to us when we violate a rule? How does our reporting culture encourage the sharing of data to enhance safety? Timely Feedback: PATRON Juliet Hotel is back from his long, unplanned cross country. PATRON Tango November is a private pilot! Congratulations! PATRON Joe the Airbus Guy sent in audio about approach planning. Golf Delta sent in information about ALTRVs. Feedback Juliet Charlie has ...
Aug 10, 2020•1 hr 12 min•Ep 137•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 136 Show Notes Topic of the show: We get a couple of different perspectives on the Class Bravo violator. What else could the controller do to make sure the pilot was not medically incapacitated? Did the pilot need special assistance? We will share our opinion and get to more of your awesome feedback! Timely Feedback: PATRON Tango Kilo is an instrument pilot! Congratulations! PATRON Kilo Whiskey sent in the article about flight following requesting handoffs. Juliet Alpha Lima sent in some...
Aug 03, 2020•1 hr 10 min•Ep 136•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 135 Show Notes Topic of the show: This week, we are going to read a story about a missed radio call and subsequent pilot initiated go around. Situational awareness and prompt pilot action prevented a loss of runway separation. AG and RH will discuss what we can all learn from this story. Timely Feedback: Juliet Papa is a Private Pilot! Congratualtions! PATRON Juliet Hotel sent in a Christmas Laser Thingamajig story. Alpha November has an idea for a new shirt! #bingobangobongo PATRON Juli...
Jul 27, 2020•1 hr 6 min•Ep 135•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 134 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH give their opinion on how to handle a potential violation of airspace. How can we conduct ourselves on the radio to avoid escalating a conflict? What actions do the professionals take in situations where they may have made a mistake? Thank you to PATRONs IM, CH, and MD for your awesome answers! Timely Feedback: Juliet Oscar wants us to clarify what “low” airspace means. PATRON Mike Delta wants to know what we think about checking in on a newly ...
Jul 21, 2020•1 hr 7 min•Ep 134•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 133 Show Notes Topic of the show: What happens when we file an IFR flight plan in the air but the controller has already cleared us to our destination before we call Flight Service? Why would the pilot have to call FSS if they had a clearance already? We will cover this and more of your awesome feedback. Timely Feedback: PATRON Delta Mike asked about advertising our favorite approach instead of ILS approaches. Why not? Mike Delta sent in audio of an aircraft squawking 1 7 7 6 on July 4th...
Jul 13, 2020•1 hr 4 min•Ep 133•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 132 Show Notes Topic of the show: This week, RH and AG discuss the differences between approach types in terms of pilot and controller workload and difficulty. What is our favorite type of approach and why? And of course, more of your awesome questions! Timely Feedback: Delta Yankee has timely feedback about the closely spaced parallel approaches and visual conditions. PATRON Delta Bravo shares a lesson in Bay Area reporting points near Valley Airport and the Pruneyard! Feedback PATRON B...
Jul 06, 2020•1 hr 14 min•Ep 132•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 131 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH continue the discussion on traffic; specifically calling traffic in sight and the pilot’s responsibilities after the call is made. What happens if you lose the traffic? What are the controller’s responsibilities after the pilot says they lost the traffic? All of that and more of your awesome feedback! Timely Feedback: Supreme Galactic Aviation Commander PATRON India Mike got a slam dunk clearance! PATRON Charlie Papa sent in audio about looking...
Jun 29, 2020•1 hr 17 min•Ep 131•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 130 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH explain several different types of traffic calls and situations. Do we need the pilots to see one another? What happens if you have them in sight? What happens if you don’t see them? Timely Feedback: India Lima walks us down his memory lane and his amazing career in air traffic. PATRON Bravo Sierra has a great story about traffic in sight! Romeo Mike got some terrible vectors from RH last week. Alpha Uniform has some advice for applicants takin...
Jun 22, 2020•1 hr 10 min•Ep 130•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 129 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH discuss ATC traffic calls. When do we issue them? What are the pilot responsibilities for reporting traffic in sight? What can controllers do knowing pilots have other aircraft in sight. We answer all these questions and much more. Timely Feedback: Delta Alpha from Big Apple asks about staffing and training. PATRON Alpha Whiskey asks about a strange approach clearance. Delta Bravo Charlie calls for an end to PTAC drool! Bravo Whiskey offers a s...
Jun 15, 2020•1 hr 16 min•Ep 129•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 128 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH discuss how controllers all have their own way of doing things. What happens when we sit down and the previous controller created a situation we don’t like? How do we make the problem run our way? Timely Feedback: Delta Victor from the approach control mentioned last week responds to our discussion about an arrival to a Class Delta being left to high. Thank you, DV! Charlie Whiskey Sierra want to know why pilots are using up frequency time to c...
Jun 08, 2020•1 hr 15 min•Ep 128•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 127 Show Notes Topic of the show: RH and AG discuss what a pilot can do to get out of a jam when they are left high on an approach. Timely Feedback: PATRON Tango Hotel sent in a great audio question! Bravo Foxtrot got selected to take the air traffic test. Congratulations! Feedback Echo Romeo asks about “approved as requested” phraseology. Charlie Alpha asks for our take on partially reopening a closed runway. Juliet Lima is training to become a CFI and has some AIM interpretations to sh...
Jun 01, 2020•1 hr 10 min•Ep 127•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 126 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH break down the importance of timing when turning aircraft onto final and illustrate the differences between aircraft with widely different speeds. Timely Feedback: Air Traffic Controllers are an integral part of the aviation safety system! PATRON Charlie Mike left audio about aircraft equipment knowledge. Whiskey Echo Bravo left feedback about the Blue Angles comm use. PATRON Delta Mike Guy Named After a Texas Town left feedback about the foodt...
May 26, 2020•1 hr 7 min•Ep 126•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 125 Show Notes Topic of the show: RH and AG got the help of a TERPS expert answering a listener question about unpublished hold instructions on a missed approach. Links referenced in the Terps Elf answer: FAA's Instrument Flight Procedures Information Gateway , FAA Form 8260-2 , CRQ ILS 24 Timely Feedback: PATRON helped us answer a question about the Blue Angels and frequency usage. Kilo Kilo sent in answers to a few questions of the week. PATRON Alpha Tango commented on the new show int...
May 18, 2020•1 hr 10 min•Ep 125•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 124 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH discuss why we refer to the aircraft on approach as “my final”. Why are we so possessive of this area of airspace and why do we celebrate when we do it well? Mentioned in the opening: Race City Flight Operations at 14A Airport (Lake Norman Airport). Stop by on May 16th for some food trucks, airplanes, and a reminder of “normal”. Also, check out opposingbases.com/shop to get the first official OB merchandise sold in the Opposing Bases store! Sal...
May 12, 2020•1 hr 17 min•Ep 124•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 123 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH break down the details of an arrival with “descend via” instructions with the help of PATRON Joe the Airbus Guy. We also find out what our listeners want to do in aviation when we get back to the new normal. Timely Feedback: PATRON Echo Golf sent in audio feedback about the show. PATRON Whiskey Charlie sent a confession. PATRON Sierra Hotel sent a link about a local company helping the fight against the pandemic. Feedback PATRON Echo Hotel is g...
May 04, 2020•1 hr 2 min•Ep 123•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 122 Show Notes Topic of the show: What is taking that controller so long? Whiskey Charlie sent in a question on OB120 about a reroute that took a little while in the tower. On this episode, we will hear from two of the controllers that work at the facility providing the outstanding service. We find out why the reroute took so long, what obstacles are in the controller’s way, and how the controller tried his best using paper charts! Timely Feedback: PATRON Tango Foxtrot sent some more loc...
Apr 27, 2020•1 hr 15 min•Ep 122•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 121 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH got some great feedback about two topics recently: flight following in the SoCal area and the use of autopilot on checkrides. We will share our thoughts and you can hear what our listeners think! RH and AG were recently interviewed by Carl Valeri on the Stuck Mic AvCast episode 237! Timely Feedback: Part 1: PATRONS Bravo Sierra, Delta Bravo, and Echo Alpha, and Romeo Lima Hotel sent in feedback about the use of autopilot on check-rides. Great p...
Apr 20, 2020•1 hr 2 min•Ep 121•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 120 Show Notes Topic of the show: What are "Opposing Bases"? Also, PATRON Whiskey Charlie asked about reroute selection, chart usage, and general controller/pilot type of knowledge in the tower. AG and RH will give our opinions on the disconnect between two sides of the microphone. Timely Feedback: PATRON Juliet Bravo sent in some local VFR feedback for SoCal area. Supreme Galactic Aviation Commander Charlie Hotel provides some fun facts about practice areas and frequency usage. PATRON G...
Apr 13, 2020•1 hr 4 min•Ep 120•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 119 Show Notes Show Topic: AG and RH talk about their favorite instructors of all time! We dig deep into the inbox and get to some more of your awesome questions and feedback! Happy Monday! Feedback Romeo Whiskey the “Terps Elf” sent in his confessions. PATRON Juliet Bravo sent in a question about equipment suffixes. Alpha Foxtrot sent audio about practice areas. Charlie Mike sent a quick thank you. Mike Delta asked how to self-announce or get flight following in busy Class B in Californ...
Apr 06, 2020•1 hr 15 min•Ep 119•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 118 Show Notes Topic of the show: We asked listeners about their favorite instructor and we have some great feedback. We are going to resist the urge to talk about current events. Please use this show as a momentary escape from reality and stay safe, healthy, and happy. We will get through this time and we will be stronger for it! Timely Feedback: PayPal Supporter Juliet Foxtrot sent audio about his field and non-towered operations during the temporary closure of a large Class B airport....
Mar 31, 2020•1 hr 5 min•Ep 118•Transcript available on Metacast