Episode 200 Show Notes Topic of the show: Live from Killer Taco Truck Airport in Sanford, NC, AG and RH answer audience questions, play some audio from listeners that couldn’t make the show, and discuss the podcast’s history. We are humbled by the turnout and so thankful for our listeners and show supporters. Thank you to our host: Wings of Carolina Flying Club and the delicious taco truck: Taqueria El Azteca . Captain Jeff drove all the way from Atlanta to watch today’s show and surprise AG and...
Oct 25, 2021•2 hr 45 min•Ep 200•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 199 Show Notes Topic of the show: Wake turbulence is a flight hazard for all aircraft but especially dangerous for small, light airplanes. Do non-pilot controllers understand the implications of squeeze plays with regard to wake turbulence encounters? On this week’s show we will break down arrival to departure wake turbulence minimums and how pilots can play a role in risk mitigation. Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON Julie Echo Charlie shares some final thoughts on emergency operations and co...
Oct 18, 2021•1 hr 12 min•Ep 199•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 198 Show Notes Topic of the show: During an emergency, controllers have required information they must get from the pilots. Sometimes that gets done repeatedly. On this week’s show, we will discuss why that happens and ways to reduce the redundant communications. Timely Feedback: 1 . Bravo Zulu shares a new take on lost communications. 2 . PATRON Hotel Mike Bravo got his CFI rating! 3 . Whiskey Bravo reminds us we missed the DaVinci reference! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo%27s...
Oct 11, 2021•1 hr 14 min•Ep 198•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 197 Show Notes Topic of the show: What does ATC expect when a pilot experiences radio failure? How closely do lost communication regulations match up with what happens in real life? We discuss a common question that many instrument pilots have and give our take on what pilots can do to be more predictable. Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON Papa Victor shares an idea on a code name for the Fly-In airport. 2 . removed 3 . PATRON Juliet Golf asked Foreflight for their thoughts on the AirVenture N...
Oct 04, 2021•1 hr 5 min•Ep 197•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 196 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH discuss MEDEVAC flights, medical emergencies, and priority handling. How do we expedite traffic with time sensitive cargo on board? We also discuss tips and tricks for planning on weather reroutes, traffic avoidance, and international overflights. Timely Feedback: 1 . Sierra Sierra offers some more insights into international overflights. 2 . Juliet Kilo responds to our discussion about Class B shelf speed limits. 3 . SGAC Patron Sierra Echo sh...
Sep 27, 2021•1 hr 15 min•Ep 196•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 195 Show Notes Topic of the show: Low altitude alerts and collision alerts go off all the time. How do we know when they are genuine safety alerts or nuisance alarms? AG and RH explain the two safety alerts and how we process the information to keep the pilots safe! This week, our show topic was inspired by SGAC Patron Mike Mike. Thank you! Timely Feedback: 1 . SGAC Patron Juliet Sierra sent audio about updated TFR information using ADS-B In. 2 . PATRON Tango Sierra sent feedback about F...
Sep 20, 2021•1 hr 11 min•Ep 195•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 194 Show Notes Topic of the show: Sometimes the most important NOTAMS are either buried in a stack of words or hidden in places pilots don’t even know to look before making a flight. AG and RH share some pilot feedback about the AirVenture NOTAM and discuss Domestic Notices on this week’s episode. Timely Feedback: 1 . Kilo Mike Charlie sent in hold for release audio. 2 . The Terps Elf got the secret sign from Mike Kilo and has answers! 3 .Bravo Tango shared kind words about episode 56 “M...
Sep 13, 2021•1 hr 13 min•Ep 194•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 193 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH go back to ATC basics and discuss a few of our local letters of agreement with surrounding facilities, how that changes your flight path, and how those reroutes relate to airspace. We also discuss merging target procedures with a duplicate target, flight following, and more of your aviation questions. Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON Alpha Charlie shares an audio example of “hold for release”. 2 . PATRON Delta Tango gives us an update on private pil...
Sep 06, 2021•1 hr 16 min•Ep 193•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 192 Show Notes Topic of the show: RH and AG heard from the listeners about techniques they use to resolve the RNAV vector to final issue with ATC. We also discuss local flight following, emergency airspace, and clearances to unknown fixes. Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON Mike Kilo sent audio about unmonitored navaids. 2 . Dr. Kilo Bravo shares a medical opinion on the hypoxia case we spoke about. 3 . PATRON Joe the Airbus Guy sent some awesome audio. Feedback Long lost PATRON Captain Nick sh...
Aug 30, 2021•1 hr 17 min•Ep 192•Transcript available on Metacast Revised addition Episode 191 Show Notes Topic of the show: How much room below glideslope does a pilot have until they are too close to obstacles? We hear from the Terps Elf about obstacle clearance on the ILS and the importance of maintaining your vertical path on the glideslope to avoid hitting the ground or obstacles. Timely Feedback: 1 . SGAC PATRON SE sent information about the dual transmitters. 2 . PATRON Zulu Zulu sent in a menagerie of older, lost feedback. Feedback PATRON Papa Tango ha...
Aug 23, 2021•56 min•Ep 191•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 190 Show Notes Topic of the show: Hold for release phraseology is used every single day throughout the NAS at non-towered airports to expedite IFR clearances. How should a pilot handle it when they run into a brick wall trying to get their IFR on the ground so they can load up the FMS/GPS? We discuss our ideas and explain what it means when we use this technique. Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON Juliet Mike had an interesting exchange with ATC on his way home from AirVenture. 2 . PATRON Mike ...
Aug 16, 2021•1 hr 16 min•Ep 190•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 189 Show Notes Topic of the show: When pilots and controllers get into an argument on frequency, nobody wins. It’s a waste of time and can most likely be solved on the ground using a phone. AG and RH explain what they consider before engaging in an argument or heated discussion on frequency. Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON Mike Bravo sent a video of his departure from AirVenture on Saturday. 2 . Mike Kilo lives in the middle finger of the mitten state and has a comment. 3 . PATRON Romeo Mike...
Aug 09, 2021•1 hr 7 min•Ep 189•Transcript available on Metacast AG and RH are live at EAA AirVenture 2021! We discuss the origins of Opposing Bases, answer live questions from the audience, and hear feedback from our most valuable show supporters. The sounds of EAA AirVenture in the background will make you feel like you were at the live show! Thank you for attending and see you next year! To learn more about EAA, click here . Thank you for allowing us to record a show at the Forums! #OSH21 A special thanks to all our Patreon supporters and our volunteer sou...
Aug 02, 2021•2 hr 40 min•Ep 188•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 187 Show Notes Topic of the show: When a pilot has the airport in sight, sometimes a visual approach clearance is delayed. But when the controllers point out the airport and the pilot can’t find the field, it can create problems for ATC. Find out when super vision helps and when it hurts. We also discuss law enforcement flights, hazardous missed approaches, and more of your awesome aviation questions. Timely Feedback: PATRON Alpha Mike Bravo is curious about the recent TRIAD ATC situatio...
Jul 26, 2021•1 hr 16 min•Ep 187•Transcript available on Metacast Bonus Episode: 2021 EAA AirVenture NOTAM On this week’s episode, we will review some highlights of the 2021 EAA AirVenture NOTAM . Print the NOTAM and follow along as Romeo Hotel and Mike from the Flying and Life podcast review important changes to this year’s arrival procedures. As always, fly safely and see you at AirVenture! Helpful links: RH and Mike’s first NOTAM episode : https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/opposingbases/1412947-ob81-eaa-airventure-oshkosh-notam.mp3 NOTAM: https://www.eaa.or...
Jul 19, 2021•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 186 Show Notes Topic of the show: A recent video on the internet sparked a conversation about Class Delta air traffic services, a pilot’s responsibility to see and avoid other traffic, and the primary job of air traffic controllers. In this week’s episode, we will add our thoughts to the conversation. A link to the video can be found in the show notes. Timely Feedback: 1 . SGAC Patron Darth Pilot responds to OB185 and vectors to final for an RNAV approach. 2 . PATRON Sierra India (fellow...
Jul 19, 2021•1 hr 16 min•Ep 186•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 185 Show Notes Topic of the show: RH and AG discuss the importance of controllers having a basic understanding of the GPS/RNAV approach and vectors versus initial fix usage. We discuss some easy tips for pilots and controllers to avoid confusion when executing RNAV approaches and issuing clearances. All feedback episode! Feedback *moved to OB186* PATRON Echo Charlie wants to know why he didn’t get a “hold for release” clearance. PATRON Romeo Whiskey shares his solo story! Tango Mike aske...
Jul 12, 2021•1 hr 17 min•Ep 185•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 184 Show Notes Topic of the show: A pilot explains his decision-making process while experiencing an inflight emergency. We learn how he dealt with air traffic control, flying the plane, and briefing his passengers. Great job, Mike Bravo! We also get an update on the “Mayday Mayday Mayday” episode from earlier this summer. Timely Feedback: 1 . Charlie Charlie asked for an update on the engine emergency we discussed on our bonus episode earlier this summer. Audio update! 2 . Lima Alpha sh...
Jul 05, 2021•1 hr 7 min•Ep 184•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 183 Show Notes Topic of the show: We are all over the map today. We discuss through clearances, SIDs, terrain clearance, radio confidence, and non-towered airport pet peeves! This was a fun show that you won’t want to miss. Congratulations to everyone that got new ratings, this was a huge week for listener announcements! Timely Feedback: 1 . Juliet Oscar shares the metrics for a formation flight. Thank you! 2 . PATRON Papa Victor wants some intel on strip scanners. 3 . PATRON Papa Mike a...
Jun 28, 2021•1 hr 10 min•Ep 183•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 182 Show Notes Topic of the show: What happens when our squeeze play doesn’t work out as we had imagined? Are we guilty of the occasional snarky response on frequency? Find out on this week’s episode. Timely Feedback: 1 . Juliet Foxtrot Sierra shares thoughts on top of descent planning. 2 . PATRON Juliet Bravo shares his thoughts on the Mayday Mayday Mayday episode. 3 . PATRON ABM shared two links for your viewing pleasure. One about mental math for descent planning: https://www.youtube....
Jun 21, 2021•1 hr 10 min•Ep 182•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 181 Show Notes Topic of the show: Required readbacks of instructions can be very confusing for new pilots. On today’s show, we break down some common exchanges between air traffic control and pilots and discuss what we need to hear and how you can be efficient in your readbacks. Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON Mike Kilo shares a non-radar story. 2 . Delta Charlie Papa passed the instrument check ride! Congratulations! 3 . PATRON Juliet Golf shares a story about CTAF and TCAS. 4 . PATRON Juli...
Jun 14, 2021•1 hr 10 min•Ep 181•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 180 Show Notes Topic of the show: Can ATC help expedite IFR traffic from non-towered airports? What tools are available to controllers to help inbounds avoid the dreaded hold or outbounds avoid lengthy departure delays? Find out on this week’s episode! Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON November Mike sends his flight plans to his Mom, too! 2 . PATRON Juliet Mike asked about headings for traffic avoidance. 3 . PATRON Juliet Echo Foxtrot overflew Delta and said hello. Now what? 4 . SGAC PATRON Si...
Jun 07, 2021•1 hr 17 min•Ep 180•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 179 Show Notes Topic of the show: Special guest co-host Max Trescott joins us today! Pilot in command (PIC) skills development begins with primary training and never ends. What tips do AG, RH, and Max share to help pilots become better decision makers and safer aviators? We also discuss runway changes, noise abatement responsibilities, and some ATC phraseology. Sad news: Pik-n-Pig restaurant at BQ1 airport burned down. If you’d like to help them out, please consider donating using this G...
May 31, 2021•1 hr 16 min•Ep 179•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 178 Show Notes Topic of the show: What does “Radar Contact” really mean? What responsibilities does air traffic assume when a pilot hears those magical words? How do controllers establish radar contact and how does the relationship end? All this and more on another jam packed episode you don’t want to miss! Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON Bravo Whiskey provides some very detailed information about LSAs and IMC. 2 . SGAC PATRON “Darth Pilot” shares a request for holding instead of delay vecto...
May 24, 2021•1 hr 15 min•Ep 178•Transcript available on Metacast Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! RH got a chance to sit down with Bravo Foxtrot and discuss a recent emergency landing. We learn all about what happened, how Bravo Foxtrot made the decision to land in the nearby field, and how important his training was to a safe and successful outcome.
May 18, 2021•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 177 Show Notes Topic of the show: Graduate level tips and tricks that will help pilots and instructors get the most out of ATC services. We discuss land and hold short chaos, pop up IFR clearances, VFR altitude changes, and practice approaches to closed runways. This episode is jam packed and you don’t want to miss it! Timely Feedback: 1 . Patron Charlie Alpha has an idea for a new Opposing Bases T Shirt. 2 . New Patron Juliet Golf shares his thoughts on the IFR reroute comments in OB176...
May 17, 2021•1 hr 5 min•Ep 177•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 176 Show Notes Topic of the show: Can tower deny a go around? Why would a controller prevent the go around? What can instructors do to accomplish the lesson in a busy pattern and what information would have been helpful for the controller and the pilots? We also discuss a busy mountain airport's IFR flow, confusing clearances, and diversions. Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON Whiskey Bravo shares some thoughts on TV research departments. 2 . Lima Bravo is waiting for eagle activity to show up ...
May 10, 2021•1 hr 11 min•Ep 176•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 175 Show Notes Topic of the show: AG and RH discuss missed approaches to crossing runways and how controllers can mitigate the risks in simultaneous go arounds. We also discuss the typical shift at TRIAD Tower, tower traffic management techniques, and clearances below the MVA. Another fun episode you won’t want to miss. Timely Feedback: 1 . Zulu Bravo uses Opposing Bases to gently lull him to sleep. 2 . PATRON Mike Kilo shares the background on the DA20 and IFR/IMC. 3 . PATRON Juliet Sie...
May 03, 2021•1 hr 13 min•Ep 175•Transcript available on Metacast Topic of the show: Which air traffic instructions do we wish required mandatory readbacks? Are there any instructions that must be confirmed but are not found in the regulations? We also discuss a recent change at a towered airport which stopped allowing IFR departures off a runway that has been used safely for many years. Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON Tango Sierra shared our show with a couple list servers. Thank you! 2 . PATRON Hotel Golf sent audio about bonehead instruction from ATC. 3 . PATRO...
Apr 26, 2021•1 hr 16 min•Ep 174•Transcript available on Metacast Show Notes AG and RH give their opinions on how to bridge the gap between controllers and pilots on everyday flights. Don’t be shy. Tell the controllers what you want or need and you might be surprised at the results. We discuss incorrect assumptions and the use of plain English with ATC. We also share some timely advice from a listener about degraded pilot skills with the onset of Spring. Fly safe and enjoy this week's show! Timely Feedback: 1 . PATRON CW explains the LSA IMC rule. http://www.f...
Apr 19, 2021•1 hr 5 min•Ep 173•Transcript available on Metacast