A quick update, See you in June!
A quick update about The Colin and Samir Podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
A quick update about The Colin and Samir Podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
This week on the Colin and Samir podcast we take a question from anchor that inspired the topic for the episode, self doubt. Self doubt is something that we all deal with in some capacity but it is especially relevant for creators and artists. We deal with self doubt on a regular basis and we share some stories from our personal experience with the emotion. We also give advice on how to deal with self doubt and give an update on our skydiving experience from last week. Thanks to everyone who has...
This week on the Colin and Samir podcast, we talk about a call we got from Yes Theory, we explore the concept of saying yes, which we did and talk through our fears about skydiving for a second time…which should pretty much explain what the call was about. We also continue our conversation on instagram and debate some recent news about the platform. Lastly we take a really interesting question from a listener and give our opinion on the matter. Make sure to review the pod on iTunes and leave us ...
This week on the Colin and Samir Podcast we’re talking about a big moment that we experienced earlier this week. We got invited to an event from a brand we’ve always wanted to work with - and on this episode we reflect on the experience as well as talk about the importance of having a defined North Star when you are creating content or really just trying to bring any idea to life. We also answer your questions from the anchor app - we integrate those question throughout the episode - thanks to e...
Today on the show we are talking about the value of sticking to a schedule when it comes to creating content. Appointment viewing is nothing new in entertainment - live sports and shows like Game of Thrones have found tons of success by committing to a release schedule. On this episode we get into our desire to find a consistent release schedule on YouTube, the value of doing so, and the struggles we’ve had every time that we’ve tried. Also, we are taking your voice messages, download the Anchor...
Today on the Colin and Samir podcast we're talking about social media use...specifically Instagram and the effect it's had on our lives as creators. Social media addiction is a phrase you're probably hearing a lot right now and we're seeing many of our friends deleting these apps off of their phones and taking breaks from them, something we've done ourselves recently. We've actually been taking a break from content creation in general and as you probably know this is our first episode back in al...
Check out Paul's podcast: Suiting Up with Paul Rabil Today on the Colin and samir podcast we’re incredibly excited to bring you a conversation with our great friend. Paul Rabil. Paul is a professional athlete, an entrepreneur a creator, a podcaster and the most driven individual we’ve ever met. He’s a professional lacrosse player and on the field is often times referred to as the Lebron James of lacrosse, and to tack onto that off the field he’s referred to as lacrosse’s first million dollar man...
This week on the Colin and Samir Podcast, we’re joined by one of the founders and creators of Yes Theory - Ammar Kandil. Ammar and Yes Theory have built a global movement through their youtube videos about seeking discomfort, if you don’t know yes theory they believe that the best things in life are on the other side of your comfort zone and the best experiences in life can often times be achieved just by saying one simple yes. Today Yes Theory has over 3 Million subscribers on YouTube and a rap...
This week on The Colin and Samir Podcast we talk about realizing our dream of making a movie. We’ve had this dream for a while and we’ve talked about it quite a bit, we’ve always wanted to make a documentary, screen it in front of people and then have millions of people watch it….and all of that happened, within a week. Here's the link to the film: https://youtu.be/8cvhwquPqJ0 On this episode we talk about how it happened, how we felt during the process and how it feels now to reflect back on re...
Check out Houston here: https://www.houstonkraft.com/ This week on the Colin and Samir podcast we’re joined by a very unique guest. His name is Houston Kraft and he’s a storyteller and kindness advocate. Houston uses his storytelling abilities to spread stories about empathy kindness and love all with the goal of giving people the tools to practice more of those emotions in their day to day lives We wanted to bring you this conversation during the week of Valentine's day, a week where we hear a ...
This week on the Colin and Samir podcast we talk about a day that we never expected would come. We recorded this episode on Colin’s 30th birthday. Colin and I met when we were 22 and have been working together ever since. Our twenties were filled with experimentation, successes, failures and a lot of adventures along the way. On this episode, we reflect on the past 10 years, the work we’ve done together and the decisions that defined the decade for Colin. There were a few unexpected moments in t...
This week on the Colin and Samir Podcast, we’re joined by our good friend Matt D’avella. We first met Matt about a year ago when we were on his podcast - The Ground Up Show. Over the past year Matt has grown a serious audience on YouTube, he’s about to cross 1 million subscribers, and some of his videos have hit the 7 million view mark. The interesting thing about Matt is that he’s made YouTube a career for himself without any advertising or sponsorships. He’s paved his own way to make filmmakin...
This week on the Colin and Samir Podcast we took a trip to UCLA. If you don’t know what UCLA is, it’s a college here in Los Angeles and one of our subscribers who reached out to us is not only a student at UCLA but is also one of the leaders of a club called Creative labs. His name is Rohan Kumar and he asked us to come speak at creative labs. Creative Labs is an organization that aims to bring students together on collaborative projects, workshops and industry-orientated speakers at the interse...
This week on the Colin and Samir Podcast, we are bringing you an unreleased conversation about our first big Hollywood meeting. If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that one of our big dreams is to make a documentary, and this conversation you’re about to hear was recorded right after we pitched the idea for our documentary to a producer named JD Roth. Our guest this week is Tom Boyd, you can check him out on instagram @boydercam Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/...
This week on the Colin and Samir Podcast we bring in this new year by talking about new beginnings and more specifically, we’re actually talking about the end of a very important chapter in the Colin and Samir Story. On this episode we look back and reflect on some stories from our first company and tell you why the chapter is actually closing on the day this podcast comes out. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
as the year comes to a close, we want your feedback on the Colin and Samir Podcast, we'd love to hear from you what you loved about teh show and you think we could do better. We put together a feedback survey at ColinandSamir.com/Podcast it's a short survey that will help us improve the show in 2019 thanks so much for a great year - we appreciate all of your feedback and support! - Colin and Samir Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
On this episode of The Colin and Samir Podcast, we take a look back at the past year of our lives…and this has been a year of a lot of ups and downs. Colin and I both wrote down some amazing moments from the year prior to the podcast and I think we both expected this episode to be filled with a lot of fun stories about those memories, and we absolutely touch of a lot of those, but we also dive into the uncertainty we felt during the year. The conversation takes some twists and turns that we didn...
This week we’re talking about our experience at Buzzfeed. As a quick refresher, we pitched our show, The Breakdown, to a program called Vertical U that’s run by Instagram and Buzzfeed. Out of over 300 creators, 15 were selected to spend the week at Buzzfeed developing their shows. After the last day of the program, we decided to pick up the mics and recorded our thoughts on the week. On this episode we take you through our experience at Vertical U, we talk about what we learned from the program ...
This week we're joined by Samir's brother, Sahil. Sahil can be considered a somewhat third member of our team - obviously, he’s been a big part of my life but also he’s played a huge role in supporting Colin and I as we’ve navigated the world of being professional creatives. He graduated from UCLA law school and ended up becoming a lawyer at a very prestigious firm, but once he got there, he started questioning if it was really how he wanted to spend his time - which led him to find very powerfu...
On this weeks episode of The Colin and Samir Podcast, we talk about how feedback plays into everything Colin and I do - from launching brands to creating videos, feedback is an essential step in the creative process. We also give an update on a project we talked about in last weeks episode and end the episode with some Q & A from instagram. This is episode 30 of our show and we couldn't be more excited with where the show is headed. If you have feedback for us please rate and review the podcast ...
This week Colin and I talk about a recent experience that turned out to be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences we’ve had in a while. It all revolves around a pitch for our show The Breakdown - and we’ll get into more specifics about the opportunity and the experience in the episode itself. This podcast recording was actually the first time Colin and I talked about the experience and it led to a lot of interesting topics in our conversation. We talk about how each of us felt before, during...
Donate to wildfire relief: https://www.gofundme.com/cause/californiafires This week we are joined by Jack Coyne, who was actually the first person on the show. We dive into topics that affect us as online creators. The topics include the importance of writing, picking the right projects, advertising and the pressures that come with having an audience. We love having Jack on the show and are excited that he is our first returning guest. We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed reco...
Today on the Colin and Samir Podcast we’re joined by 17-year-old entrepreneur Jade Darmawangsa. Jade is a Digital marketer who has built a very impressive brand across all social platforms. Jade has a YouTube channel with 130,000 subscribers where she focuses on giving knowledge and tips on how to grow your business online. Jade’s been on YouTube for almost 10 years, so she brings a really interesting perspective on utilizing YouTube to grow an audience and a company. We cover a bunch of topics ...
This week on the Colin and Samir podcast, we take a look at ourselves and more specifically, we take a look at our lifestyle and how the work we’re doing everyday is leading us towards a life we want to live. As we started thinking about this topic I wrote down a bunch of questions to ask myself and eventually turned it into a worksheet that I printed out for both Colin and I to fill out and answer on our own. After we answered them, we got together and reviewed our answers and In this podcast, ...
Today on the Colin and Samir podcast, we are joined by our good friends, Rachel, and Daniel of Mango Street. Rachel and Daniel have created a very successful brand on YouTube through photography tutorials, films and a unique take on vlogs. They describe their channel with one simple line: “Photography Tutorials that Don’t waste Your time” Since they started the channel in January 2017 they’ve gained over 750,000 subscribers and a rapidly growing towards the 1 million subscriber mark. On this pod...
This week on the Colin and Samir podcast we ask ourselves one question - Why? Why do we do what we do every day? This conversation was inspired by a Ted Talk from Simon Sinek called Start with Why. We have been doing a lot of thinking around our purpose as creatives and trying to better understand our own personal reasons why we want to make videos for a living. In this episode, we record an open and honest conversation about our choice to work together and take on a challenging and time-intensi...
Today on the Colin and Samir Podcast, we’re joined by Thomas Brag and Matt Dajer from Yes Theory. This is an episode we’ve been wanting to record since we met the guys back in February. Yes Theory is not only a YouTube channel with millions of subscribers, but a movement and a way of life. They believe that the best things in life come from putting yourself in uncomfortable situations and challenging yourself to say yes to more things in life. They spread that message across the world through th...
In this weeks episode, we are driving to the Grand Canyon to help out with The Jump. In case you missed it - Last week, Will Smith bungee jumped out of a helicopter because of our friends at Yes Theory. While we were driving from Pheonix to Flagstaff Arizona, we turned on our mics and recorded one of our most vulnerable conversations to date. We talked about fame and what it means in the modern world. We also talked about some early stage success we've had with our new show, The Breakdown, and h...
On this episode of The Colin and Samir Podcast, we’re joined by the youngest guest we’ve had on the show, Braxton Haugen. Braxton is a filmmaker and YouTuber based in Oregon, he has a long history of working in entertainment, more specifically in television. He’s 18 years old but as you’ll hear on this podcast, he’s wise beyond his years. We met Braxton because he wrote an article about us, and it was so well written that we schedule a Skype call to learn more about him. On that call Braxton tol...
This week we talk about our new show, The Breakdown. We dive into how we are approaching our brand on YouTube and some of the struggles we've had in the past 2 years of staying consistent on the platform. Check out the first episode of The Breakdown on YouTube.com/ColinandSamir Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices