115 — The Last Post
We log off (for now). No notes! Go touch grass.
We log off (for now). No notes! Go touch grass.
We chat with Celeste Liddle, Greens candidate for Cooper, about unionism, protest and speedrunning Spyro the Dragon. Celeste Liddle for Cooper! Celeste Liddle is running for the Greens in the seat of Cooper . The 1988 bicentenary protests — first nations people and supporters protested 200 years of colonialism . Celeste has a history of unionism, an Organiser for the NTEU . Without reparations, what good was Rudd’s apology to the Stolen Generations ? Why do so many of the radical left participat...
Not an ep! Just an update! See you all soon xx
QLD and NSW are underwater, again. Knives are out for the prime minister. FU Pay is not good. The budget is discussed. Floodcast (not that one) At Melbourne’s Flower and Garden show, see “Coming soon”, a garden built around the theme of climate change . The flooding in Queensland and NSW: It’s real bad . Lismore’s flood warning system didn’t work, because it was still damaged from the flooding three weeks ago . The NSW government has proposed cutting stamp duty for people leaving flood-effected ...
Carbon credits are a big scam. David Koch fantasies about cutting the rope. Carbon Credits! Angus Taylor has spent a billion dollars on “sham” carbon credits . Whistleblower Andrew Macintosh says many parts of the carbon offsets system are a scam . Andrew Macintosh has been replaced by former fossil fuel lobbyist David Byers ( we’ve talked about him before ). Under the Gillard government, Australia’s emissions actually went down . What’s the go with Angus Taylor anyway ? Blockade Sunrise Protest...
We get Adelaidepilled, then talk about the federal court ruling that the Environment Minister doesn't have a duty of care after all. Adelaidepilled The election in South Australia saw large swings against the Liberals. The new Premier said some okay things . Fair enough! The federal court has found that the Environment Minister doesn’t have a duty of care to protect children from climate change after all ! The judges had a lot of good legal reasons why we should ignore the fact that the governme...
We talk about the power of polyps and the power of community. Blobbing along Australia’s nuclear submarines would “inevitably” be forced to shut down by peacenik Queensland jellyfish . In 2006 the US Supercarrier Ronald Reagan was owned by 800kg of jellyfish . Floating in a pork barrel Flood disaster relief payments are different, depending on your electorate . Meanwhile, crowdfunding campaigns outstrip traditional charities . The Ballina hospital was evacuated and relocated, by staff and volunt...
The government ignores the IPCC report and the floods. Warnie ruled though. Fucking around / finding out The second part of the 6th IPCC report has been released . This one is about the social cost of climate change. UN President António Guterres: “I’ve seen many reports, but nothing like the new IPCC climate report, an atlas of human suffering” . The government response: Ignoring it . Except for Pauline Hanson, who’s happily denying that climate change exists . On a plus side, Victoria has anno...
No pod this week! The vibes shifted too hard. Instead, tune in to our pals over at Boonta Vista, raising funds for Sikh Volunteers Australia, Lismore SES and Loop Growers Brisbane .
Australia's largest coal power plant is shutting down early, Scott Morrison is good at diplomacy, and Grace Tame is cool. On the tools Scott Morrison, welding expert . Good news! The biggest coal power plant in Australia is shutting 7 years early ! They specifically avoided telling energy minister Angus Taylor about the plans . The Australian government has fought hard to keep fossil fuel plants spewing in the past. Angus Taylor is pissy about it . Of course, because the government refuses to co...
It's a good* news week! International news Anthony Albanese reassures the nation that no-one cares if he wins or not . Good* news Nurses in NSW are striking for better pay and safer conditions . The Omicron wave and the withdrawal of government supports has been brutal for health workers . The ICU nurse in the US who quit, and encouraged others to do the same . Environmental activists win high court case, stopping a new coal mine in the Bylong Valley . Victoria has decriminalized sex work ! We w...
Western Australia succeeds in succeeding, the Religious Discrimination bill is bad and aged care is in cri—. International news Western Australia is cut off from the nation, with their only rail link flooded out . As a result of this, WA is running out of water treatment chemicals . Mining magnate Gina Rinehart has advocated using nuclear bombs to mine iron ore . Religious discrimination Mitch was on the Drum ! The Federal government is still pushing their pet “Religious Discrimination” bill . T...
The Aged Care minister goes to the cricket, the NDIS is a complicated octopus and Scott Morrison gets the respect he deserves. Weather talk Ever year, we see more and more once-in-a-century days for it . Aged careless Aged Care Minister Richard Colbeck went to the cricket instead of fronting a committee hearing on his policies . Last year, Colbeck didn’t know the number of people who had died under his department’s care . Health care minister Stewart Robert doesn’t seem to care that aged care re...
Meat just keeps getting spilled, everyone's back working for the economy and the Labor party loves doing borders. Okay here’s the meat Meatspill 2: Meating of the Meats It’s the economy, and you’re stupid Josh Frydenburg says industrial action is bad for the economy . The Labor party says free RATs are good for the economy . Scott Morrison reckons children driving forklifts would be great for the economy ! Meanwhile, schools are going back, which will be a killer move for the economy ! Vaccine n...
Australia's Unions post through it, it's very very hot, and Hillsong have a big party. Posting through it Union leader Sally McManus says that Unions are not launching a pay rise blitz . Cool hashtag: #WTFWoolies . Meatworks workers are having to wear hairnets to show their covid status . It’s hot! Australia may have hit it’s hottest day ever — some places hitting above 50 degree. Time to have fun in the sun ! Maybe try wearing bathers and a raincoat ? Part of the area that hit 50 degrees was Ro...
Rats, we forgot to order any RATs! Also Mitch talks to Emerald Moon from the Serious Danger podcast about Green politics, Byron life and loud music. Circle of self-indulgence Omicron: There’s lots of it around . McLean’s book club: The Gone Away World by Nick Harkaway Scott Morrison says Jen gets the tests for him . …and that “Australians are taking wickets in the virus” ??? RAT tests are simply not available in Australia . Byron punks Listen to the Serious Danger podcast ! Listen to Class War L...
We talk about Shell's acquisition of Powershop and the cool cool Labor party. Power flop Powershop got acquired by Shell . Energy Australia cancelled their partnership with Powershop . Amber Electric got sassy . Shell have said they plan to reach “net zero” by 2050 . Opposition party? The Labor party have announced a plan to reduce emissions by 43% by 2030 if they are elected. Such ambition! They’ve also dumped plans for vehicle emissions standards . And worked with the government to hand out mo...
We're all recording in the same room for the first time in 91 episodes! It's a bit chaotic. Also some news is discussed. Blocked Blockade A Blockade Australia activist has been jailed for 12 months for stopping a coal train . Tough lockdown anti-protest laws are now being used against envionmental protestors . WA Premier proposed keeping border checks post-covid to stop drugs . Schools out for parliament The Liberal government have decided to not establish an ICAC, even though they promised :( W...
MQFF help pinkwash apartheid, Dani Laidley returns as a hero, and the Victorian Pride Lobby release a massive report on LGBTIQA+ people's feelings toward police. Pinkwashing The Melbourne Queer Film Festival were asked to drop a pink-washing Israli film , and join in BDS against the aparthied state. They didn’t, saying they wanted to remain “apolitical” . The push to remove the film was spearheaded by Queer Palestinians like Lujayn Hourani . MQFF co-president Molly Whelan and board member Nayuka...
Heroes keep stopping coal trains, Scott Morrison has never told a lie and Australia wins at Climate Golf. Hero watch Direct action works. Blockade Australia are repeatedly shutting down train lines from coal mines . Blockade Australia are planning a massive disruption in Sydney on June 27th . Every Time I Die — People Verses Never lying Scott Morrison says he has never told a lie in public . This follows him backtracking on some of his electric vehicles policies . We’re in a “post-reality-based ...
Farm workers are now entitled to a minimum wage, some guy got smashed and crashed his car. Also some dudes went to Glasgow and talked about submarines or something. Minimum wage news The Fair Work Commission has ruled that farm workers must be paid a minimum wage ! This means that some workers are entitled to an 830% pay rise . Shoutout to the Australian Workers Union for bringing this complaint . Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud (who previously worked as an Agribusiness Banker ) says ...
Evie sits down with Justin Warren for a good long chat about what's up with all the internet legislation the government is pushing. Justin Warren is a board member at Electronic Frontiers Australia . You can follow him on Twitter . Proposed legislation The Online Privacy Bill Exposure Draft , colloquially known as “the Online Privacy Bill”. Draft Restricted Access System Declaration Social Media (Basic Expectations and Defamation) Privacy Act Review Discussion Paper . We didn’t even get to this ...
Governments are marking up the next IPCC report with track changes. Chistian Porter has a secret vault of cash and no-one wants to look inside. Climate action Activist Lauren McDonald calling a fossil fuel CEO a mass murderer to his face: Pretty cool ! She was able to get onto the panel via the Stop Cambo campaign . Mia held up the Adani coal line for hours . Climate inaction Saudi Arabia has a goal to get to net zero by 2060 . Bridget “Rorts” McKenzie says it’ll get ugly if Scott Morrison commi...
News Corp say they believe in climate change now. Don't take their word for it. We also discuss whether buying billboards is effective climate activism. News Corp are climate activists? News Corp are running a two-week campaign called “Mission Zero” . Joe Hildebrand is fronting the campaign . Their tabloids ran with “Green and Gold” on their front pages . McLean’s deep dive into News Corp’s ongoing climate denial and pushing of gas. The News Corp writeup of solar panels is just as bad . A part o...
Gina Rinehart has terminal facebook brain, the nationals want to keep digging coal long after capital decides it's a bad idea, and we answer a listener question. Upholding titles Police have recognised Traditional Owners’ rights to practise culture on the land where the Adani mine is being built . Facebook brain Gina Rinehart made a totally cooked climate-denying speech to schoolchildren . Holding the Australian swim team hostage to wish you happy birthday . Cooking the planet Nationals MP Keith...
Girlbosses are doing it (high level corruption) for themselves. Bishop to Lithium Former Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop put on a big pink frock . Don’t miss the bedazzled safety glasses and tiara hardhat . In the 1980’s Bishop worked as a lawyer defending an asbestos producer from worker compensation claims . Big talk Rowe Vanity podcaster Jessica Rowe had Pauline Hanson on her show . Chameleonic racist and fraudster Pauline Hanson was instrumental in the destruction of the family cou...
Hi-vis rallies: cool, cooked or complicated? Let's find out together. Jeffrey Combs appreciation Watch Jeffrey Combs in the Frighteners . Treat denial Delivery workers at StarTrack and FedEx have struck for safer conditions. Workers from Cadbury and Accolade Wines have also struck for better pay. Hi-vis rallies Massive rallies in Melbourne started as legitimate CMFEU worker complaints . …but were infiltrated by right-wing agitators . And cheered on by “citizen journalists” . CMFEU boss John Setk...
We have a lot to say about submarines. Also, shutting down public transport to stop a protest: Sensible tactic to calm things down or bad idea that'll just make things worse? If only I were writing this several days in the future and could see what would happen on Monday and Tuesday. Three large sons Australia has entered a new military pact with the US & UK to build a couple of new submarines . It’s pronounced “Orcus” . We wasted billions of dollars on the Collins class Submarines . No one reme...
We're joined by climate journalist Lyndal Rowlands to discuss New Corp's two-week admission that climate change exists. Then we dig into reality show The Activist, and the weird people behind it. Toot toot! Get on the Drilled Bus! The Drilled Podcast . Not Good Enough Episode 77: Care of Duty: Modern Lawfare Toot toot! Get on the Vaccine Bus! Jabba the Bus is coming for you . What works to Increase Vaccine Uptake (pdf link) Zero day News Corp have said they’ll “champion net zero emissions” (for ...
The LNP want to give you a school chaplain to sooth your worries about climate change, and we discuss whether you can ever get away with a "BUT" after "death is horrible". Banning Nazi stuff Victoria is banning swastikas and other Nazi symbols . IPA alumni Tim Wilson became Human Rights Commissioner, and then helped them out . Preaching to the choir Worried about climate change? It’s okay, two Liberal Ministers are proposing more school chaplains to help! . Luke Howard is all about school chapla...