Made It, Told Everyone
Maybe you've already heard, maybe this is how you find out, but this is the last episode of Make It Then Tell Everybody. I wrote about it here. This episode is a Q&A with Dan. If you feel like it, you can leave a tip here.
Maybe you've already heard, maybe this is how you find out, but this is the last episode of Make It Then Tell Everybody. I wrote about it here. This episode is a Q&A with Dan. If you feel like it, you can leave a tip here.
Cab and Dan Berry chat about graphic design's role in comics, having a guide and making new comics from old characters. Cab is Cabtastic on social media. Consider supporting Cab on patreon , and while you are in a considerative mood, consider supporting this show on patreon too!
Kristen Haas Curtis and Dan Berry talk about Chaucer, chickens, adaptations that go beyond storytelling and growing new brains. You can read Kristen's adaptation of Chaucer's The Nun's Priest's Tale here , and ongoing thesis work Repainting The Lion here . Consider supporting the show on Patreon for as little as a dollar per episode!...
Luke Healy and Dan Berry chat about their differing levels of prep and saving time and effort, standup comedy and why they do the things that they do. Luke's book The Con Artists is out soon and available for preorder now. Also check out Luke's podcast Waking Kitchen Nightmares . The improv show we mentioned that Luke was in rehersals for is Sliding Lives, check it out!...
Jeremy Sorese and Dan Berry chat about moments of creative change and development, the challenge of teaching and art as a magic trick. Consider supporting the show on Patreon for as little as a dollar a month.
Boum and Dan Berry talk about the joys of hourly comics, figuring out backgrounds and The Jellyfish. Check out; Boum's portfolio , Boumeries , buy some books , buy some prints , go to patreon , twitter , instagram & facebook !...
Craig D Adams and Dan Berry chat about the making of the new game JETT: The Far Shore , working within constraints and games with heart & soul & style. There is more information about the book The Far Shore: Indie Games, Superbrothers And The Making of JETT by Adam Hammond here . Consider supporting the show on Patreon for as little as a dollar per episode. Artwork by Sam Bradley....
Carey Pietsch and Dan Berry chat about being a trusting collaborator, showing your working out and visualising the story in your head or on paper. You can follow Carey on twitter , and check out Carey's Patreon here . The fourth Adventure Zone graphic novel, The Crystal Kingdom is available now! Dan has a new book out too! Check out Rivers, with David Gaffney published by Top Shelf! Order it from your local independent book store! Consider supporting the Make It Then Tell Everybody podcast on Pa...
Lauren Weinstein and Dan Berry talk about drawing with digital tools, creating fiction out of someone else's truth and joining the $10 club. Buy the print version of Lauren's book The Gift of Time. All proceeds goes to the survivors of domestic violence at Town Clock CDC. You can also read Gift of Time on Slate. Support Lauren on Patreon - You can also support the podcast on Patreon for as little as a dollar per episode....
Lyndon White and Dan Berry talk about redrawing a book because you levelled up, accidentally becoming a teacher and kickstarter caution. Lyndon's book Candles is out soon with Cast Iron Books. Consider supporting the podcast on Patreon! Also, Dan's new book Rivers with David Gaffney is out now from Top Shelf! Get it from your favourite independent book store! OK Comics in the UK has exclusive signed bookplates that you can't get anywhere else....
Luke Kruger-Howard and Dan Berry talk about developing and using a style, putting yourself back together and the idea of emotional capital. Luke is also on Instagram. Consider supporting the show on Patreon from $1 per episode Check out Dan's Creative Mentoring scheme too!...
Tor Freeman and Dan Berry chat about developing a work ethic, improvising stories and the hierarchy of art tools. Be sure to read Tor's story The Temptation of Mr Rose on Instagram. Consider supporting the show on Patreon for as little as a dollar per episode! Also check out Dan's Creative Mentoring program....
Ngozi Ukazu and Dan Berry chat about being between projects, what and who your stories are for and what makes great art. Consider supporting the show on Patreon from as little as a dollar per episode! Check out also Dan's creative mentoring scheme - his 'rent-a-Dan' service where you can buy Dan's time to assist you in your creative projects....
Matt madden and Dan Berry talk about the challenges of being a mid-career cartoonist, exercises in style and working inside constraints. Matt has a new book out soon, Ex Libris through Uncivilised Books, which you can preorder here. Consider supporting the show on patreon for as little as a dollar a month. Dan also runs a creative mentoring scheme, which is basically a 'rent-a-Dan' scheme. Details here....
Joey Weiser and Dan Berry chat about the production treadmill, maintaining focus and giving yourself room to be creative. Joey has a new book out - Dragon Racer from Oni Press! Support the show on Patreon for as little as a dollar per episode! Also, if you want Dan's input on your project, you can buy time with him as part of his creative mentoring program....
Jenny Robins and Dan Berry chat about drawing every brick, the importance of community and drawing like everyone (or no-one) is watching. Consider supporting the show on Patreon for as little as $1 a month! Also check out Dan's Creative Mentorship program.
Sabba Khan and Dan Berry chat about signing up to precariousness, drawing ideas rather than things and how language can build fences. Check out Sabba's new book The Roles We Play Support the podcast on Patreon for as little as $1 per episode! If you want Dan to help you with any part your project, check out his affordable mentoring scheme here....
Ben Towle and Dan Berry chat about teaching, working with reference, finding shortcuts and loosening up. Ben's new book Four-Fisted Tales: Animals in Combat is out now. Consider supporting this show on Patreon for as little as a dollar an episode! You can get Dan to work with you and help out on your project too!...
Michael Sweater and Dan Berry chat about what 'normal' is, asking permission and how everything is do-able. Check out Michael's Patreon and Instagram ! Also check out the Make It Then Tell Everybody Patreon , where you can support the show for as little as a dollar per episode.
Zara Slattery and Dan Berry talk about the evolution of a style, where shape and reference intersect and needing to see things to be able to draw things. Zara has a new book out - Coma from Myriad Editions. Support the show on Patreon for $1 an episode! Dan has an affordable mentoring program where he can help you with your comics project!...
Shelly Bond and Laura Hole join Dan Berry to talk about Filth & Grammar (Kickstarter link here!) , the book they are working on that collects the thirty+ years of experience in editing comics that Shelly has. Topics covered also include putting together a team, following your convictions and 'Editorial Bloodthirst'. Follow Shelly on Twitter and Instagram , and also follow Laura on Twitter and Instagram Support the show on Patreon for as little as a dollar per episode! Also check out Dan's online...
John Tucker and Dan Berry chat about the challenges in mixing dexterity and intellect, making everything as easy as possible for yourself and the arrogance/confidence of comedy. Check out John's podcast This Foul Earth that made Dan laugh so much he couldn't ride his bike up a gentle hill. He also has a digital collection of all his books on gumroad for £5 . Consider supporting the Make It Then Tell Everybody podcast on Patreon for as little as $1 per episode. Dan has also launched a Creative Me...
Tom Hart and Dan Berry talk about running a comics school, the different kinds of practice and the question 'What Would Kate Bush Do?' Check out the Sequential Artists Workshop and the courses that they have available. Consider supporting Make It Then Tell Everybody on Patreon for as little as a dollar a show!
Louie Stowell and Dan Berry chat about the different corners of publishing how there's no single version of a story and what your editor is really doing when you are waiting for a reply. Louie's new book Otherland is out soon!
Stephanie Cooke and Dan Berry chat about going freelance, working with others and the importance (or not) of tools. In addition to writing and editing, Stephanie also runs Creator Resource , which is an excellent site that collects a treasure trove of information all about the comics industry. Totally worth jumping in. There's a Patreon for Creator Resource too! Speaking of Patreon, you can support Make It Then Tell Everybody on Patreon for as little as a dollar per 'thing'!...
Eleri Harris and Dan Berry talk all about having a multi-faceted career, the role of truth in journalism, information & explanation and how the world works. Consider signing up to join The Nib's membership program, The Inkwell from $4 a month. Also consider supporting Make It Then Tell Everybody on Patreon for as little as $1 per 'thing'.
This episode is a bit of a break from the norm, with Danielle Corsetto and Dan Berry discussing approaches to teaching. This mainly takes the form of Danielle asking Dan's opinion on various aspects of being an arts educator, from confidence, to expertise, to grades, to tone of voice and more. The course in Denmark we both taught on is the Graphic Storytelling course at The Animation Workshop, Via University in Viborg. It is exceptionally good and I am always very impressed with what they do and...
MariNaomi and Dan Berry talk about applying lessons learned from autobiography to fiction, characters as catharsis and burning out. Consider supporting Mari on Patreon here. Also consider supporting Make It Then Tell Everybody on Patreon, where Dan makes videos explaining stuff about comics and illustration suggested by patrons!
Rachael Smith and Dan Berry talk about drawing comics in quarantine, what agents do and how much of yourself you give away. Rachael's book Quarantine Comix can be preordered in the UK here and in the USA here. Support the podcast on Patreon for as little as a dollar per episode....
Dapo Adeola and Dan Berry chat about the difference between character design and illustration, the joy of linework and being kind to yourself. We talk about Dapo's journey into publishing, and his experience of arts education in the UK's university system. If are a student studying art or design in the UK and any of the things that Dapo talks about is affecting or has affected you or someone you know, feel free to get in touch with Dan for advice. This podcast is supported by listeners like you,...