7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary alacena: pantry cerradura: keyhole distraer: to distract Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 13, 2025•7 min•Ep 120•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary moño: bun desentrañar: to unravel Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 12, 2025•7 min•Ep 119•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary desconcertante: disconcerting arrancar: to start marcado rápido: speed dial pitidos: beeps Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 11, 2025•7 min•Ep 118•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary machista: sexist dormitorio: bedroom estar con un pie en la tumba: (expression) to have one foot in the grave Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 10, 2025•6 min•Ep 117•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary arenas movedizas: quicksand infierno: hell el Diablo: the Devil en carne y hueso: in the flesh primogénita: first-born daughter inclinarse: to lean Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 09, 2025•7 min•Ep 116•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary cincel: chisel mentira piadosa: white lie paliza: beating Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 08, 2025•7 min•Ep 115•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary velo: veil propuesta: proposal arrodillarse: to kneel rogar: to beg Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 07, 2025•7 min•Ep 114•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary envejecer: to get old compromiso: commitment citar: to summon endulzar: to sugarcoat cubiertos: cutlery reemplazo: replacement herederos: heirs traspaso: handover Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 06, 2025•8 min•Ep 113•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary médico de familia: GP dañar: to damage pasar el mando: to hand over control Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 05, 2025•7 min•Ep 112•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary satisfechos: satisfied disturbios : riots Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 04, 2025•7 min•Ep 111•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary vasco: Basque rico: rich pobreza: poverty Francisco Franco: Spanish military general who led the Nationalist forces in overthrowing the Second Spanish Republic during the Spanish Civil War. He was a dictator from 1939 to 1975. bombardeo de Guernica: In 1937, the Basque town of Guernica was bombed at the request of Fra...
Jan 03, 2025•8 min•Ep 110•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary sillones: armchairs cuero: leather calculadora: calculating bienestar: wellbeing quiebra: bankruptcy faltantes: shortages acceder: agree hechos: facts Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 02, 2025•8 min•Ep 109•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary escalera de caracol: spiral staircase bastón: cane comprender: to understand ley: law apartarse: to step aside impedir: to block desprecio: disdain espanto: horror Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Jan 01, 2025•7 min•Ep 108•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary llamador : door knocker hierro: iron arrastrarse: to drag felpa: plush empresario: businessman mocoso: brat recibidor: entrance hall Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 31, 2024•8 min•Ep 107•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary con celeridad: promptly temer: to be afraid enmendar: to make things right acariciar: to caress estropear: to mess up peldaños: steps Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 30, 2024•7 min•Ep 106•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary pote: bowl cucharadas: spoonfuls cuenta: bill barra: bar cartera: wallet celoso: jealous mosquita muerta: (expression) a person who hides their true intentions behind a facade of innocence Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 29, 2024•7 min•Ep 105•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary arroz con leche: traditional Spanish dessert made with rice and milk. canela: cinnamon postre: dessert insinuar: to suggest bocado: bite resentimiento: resentment Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 28, 2024•7 min•Ep 104•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary atuendo: attire camisa estampada: graphic T-shirt chaqueta: jacket boquiabierto: flabbergasted zapatos de tacón: high heels cremallera : zipper sonrojarse: to blush menú del día: today’s special estofado: stew vino: wine Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 27, 2024•7 min•Ep 101•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary distenderse: to relax revolver: to stir ajetreado: hectic camisa: shirt calcetín: sock arreglarse: to dress up zambullirse: to dive Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 26, 2024•7 min•Ep 102•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary torbellino: whirlwind coraza: shell declaración: statement Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 25, 2024•7 min•Ep 101•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary arruinar: to ruin rata de oficina : (expression) desk jockey ser el último mono: (expression) to be the last one on the totem pole bueno en nada : (expression) to be good-for-nothing camada: class Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 24, 2024•8 min•Ep 100•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary clarear: to lighten dimisión: to step down ánimo: spirit desvanecerse: to vanish retar : to scold niñita : little girl Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 23, 2024•8 min•Ep 99•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary sobresaltarse: to startle ceniza: ash alfombra: rug machacar: to crush suplicar: to beg alcanzar: to reach Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 22, 2024•8 min•Ep 98•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary retener: to retain felpudo: rug llamativo: eye-catching maletas: suitcases Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 21, 2024•7 min•Ep 97•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary arrastrarse: to crawl tiritar: teeth chattering encandilar: to blind desplomarse: to collapse recobrar la compostura : to regain composure Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 20, 2024•2 min•Ep 96•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary poseer: to posess raíz: root tragar: to swallow escupiendo: spitting Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 19, 2024•2 min•Ep 95•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary apoderarse: to take control sobrevivir: survive cada hombre por sí mismo: every man for himself claro: clearing Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 18, 2024•2 min•Ep 94•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary arrodillado: kneeled gacha: down distorsionados: distorted podrido: rotten criatura: creature canicas: marbles abalanzarse: to pounce roer: to gnaw dagas: daggers Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 17, 2024•3 min•Ep 93•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary tiesos: stiff asustadiza: fearful persignarse: to cross oneself Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 16, 2024•2 min•Ep 92•Transcript available on Metacast 7-day FREE trial of our Intermediate Spanish course, Spanish Uncovered: www.storylearning.com/podcastoffer Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/storylearningspanish Glossary vigilar: to guard despejar: to clear tirar todo por la borda: to throw it all away retumbar: to rumble Follow us on social media and more: www.linktr.ee/storylearningspanish...
Dec 15, 2024•2 min•Ep 91•Transcript available on Metacast