Wake the F#CK up w/Jeff #224- proofing and the importance of it
we prove our dogs on the obedience side and on the behavior side as well as the state of mind side and it is such an important component of what we do.
Real dog training for the real world. Jeff Gellman hosts dog training Q&A to help dog owners have a better relationship with their dogs. You will laugh, cry and fall in love with Jeff and his no-nonsense approach to dog training. Learn how to awaken the true spirit in your dog, gain a greater understanding of how to communicate with your dog, and have some fun while doing it! In the show, Jeff covers dog training, life & business questions from viewers. Want to get your question in? Subscribe on YouTube or Like & Follow Solid K9 Training on Facebook and be alerted when Jeff does his LIVE Q&A!
we prove our dogs on the obedience side and on the behavior side as well as the state of mind side and it is such an important component of what we do.
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so many issues can be prevented and absolutely resolved if we take emotions out of training and rehab to stop unwanted behaviors, getting dogs over fear and anxiety, and having a well-rounded dog. Then you can reach into emotions that are so much more less toxic and more healthy for you and your dog.
mention the word punishment and that is like mentioning you want to hang the dog from a tree for making a mistake. There is so much misinformation about punishment and most of it is false.
Ask your dog training questions and get your dog training answers
ask your dog training questions and get your dog training answers
There are many good dog trainers out there, but not as many as there should be, and out of those good dog trainers, unfortunately, many don\'t have human teaching skills, which is the most important part of training the dog, the most trying is the dog part but the most important is the human part. This takes training to do as we are about to film a new video for all of you, here are some thoughts.
I am really trying to understand why folks cannot say NO to their dog. Why do they allow their dog to keep misbehaving, doing dangerous things, and running the household? is it that folks actually think dogs are supposed to be primarily misbehaved? is it a self-esteem issue and you actually can\'t set down rules and boundaries as you don\'t think your dog will love you? what is it?
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so many folks say if you correct a bad behavior you don\'t actually get rid of the behavior and you create a ticking time bomb conversation, which is pretty much a load of crap..ill explain in this show
This a rant about a message I got yesterday, one of many I get daily and one of the thousands I get a year and it is all the same thing, yep shelters, rescues, trainers, vets, all of them, social media, books, reports, \"studies\", bottom line, you really don\'t give a shit about
ask your dog training questions and get your dog training answers
if you are struggling with your dog you can have a totally newly behaved dog by the end of the month.
ask your dog training questions and get your answers
ask your dog training questions and get your dog training answers
so many folks have dogs that do well inside or inside a class environment at your 1 time week classes, but when they go outside in the real world your dog does not listen, why? I\'ll let you know in today\'s podcast.
lots of control and badly behaved dogs out there, so mention training, and folks sometimes get on the defensive with the whole, \"I don\'t want a robot dog\" What does that mean, you currently have an out-of-control dog and a quiet often aggressive dog.
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having a good coach who understands the road to success, who has already made mistakes, has the scars to prove it, both physical and emotionally, someone who has figured out some best practices, years of experience, lots of failures, and even more success including massive success, well....listen to them, learn from them, they understand what you don\'t .....and a word about folks that picket at seminars.
Ask your dog training questions get your dog training answers
so your dog is out of control, what do you do? well, let\'s start with some simple leadership skills and then move on to the basics of obedience work, meanwhile stopping any unwanted behaviors as they pop up.
in 20 years, I have not talked about other trainers made videos about other trainers or jumped on the bandwagon of hate like so many do. It has gotten to the point though that I know know extremely firsthand about the attempts that the masses to protest, and cancel you. What it does to a person, their business, and the dogs and families looking for help. So after numerous requests it\'s at a point where everyone is jumping on the hate train that I speak up with factual information and not emotio...
Ask your dog training questions and get your dog training answers
ask your dog training questions get your dog training answers
Ask your dog training questions, get your dog training answers.
Ask your dog training questions, get your dog training answers.
so many folks when they get their dogs are not even teaching the basics, some not at all, then eventually an unwanted or dangerous behavior crops up and they are surprised or don\'t know what to do. If your dog understands training and the concept of YES and NO, has boundaries, rules and structure, many things don\'t manifest and many things are easier to stop.
ask your dog training questions. get your dog training answers
So many folks are struggling with duration work and working around distractions with their dogs to hold command, there is an important step to make when working with dogs so that they can work in those situations.
so many trainers and professionals telling you that correcting your dog is only suppressing the behavior and its going to come out worse. more lies to scare you