If you guys are like us, you can’t help but be excited for the return of Michonne and Rick freaking Grimes! We spend this episode getting ready for the new show by going over some of the things we especially love about these two characters, and also we catch you up quickly on everything you need to know plot-wise to be ready for The Ones Who Live. Never got around to watching World Beyond? We got you covered :) Next up: The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live S1E1 “Years”. We absolutely want to know...
Feb 19, 2024•2 hr 55 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s the classic 1985 zombie comedy, The Return of the Living Dead, the first movie where the zombies said “Braaaiiiinnnns!” And it’s also the return of Karen! I can’t believe Karen and I never covered this one before. It was a blast to talk it through with her and Lucy, and to just kind of let the conversation go wherever it wanted. Hope you enjoy :) After this we’re getting ready for TWD: The Ones Who Live, and as always, we’d love to hear what you guys think. Next episode: Catching Up with Ri...
Feb 06, 2024•1 hr 26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bonus ep! Thought you guys might like to check out Podcastica's first improv podcast, set (of course) in the zombie apocalypse, featuring Randy, Jenny, Robert, and special guests making their way through the walking-dead-infested landscape as best they can. To hear more, go to podcastica.com/podcast/welcome-to-the-apocalypse or search for "Welcome to the Apocalypse" wherever you get your podcasts. --- Welcome to the Apocalypse is an improvised podcast that pulls listeners into a post...
Feb 01, 2024•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast Is this the most iconic Walking Dead episode of all? Pretty much! Lucy and I had a blast talking it through with guest Jonathan Bookallil. As always, we want your feedback (and zombie sounds) as we go back through The Walking Dead. Next episode: The Return of the Living Dead (and the return of Karen) You can email your thoughts or send a voice message to talk@podcastica.com . Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica . Show...
Jan 30, 2024•3 hr 37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Psst…. Hey…! Here’s our episode about TWD S2E6 “Secrets”. Don’t tell Glenn. As always, we want your feedback (and zombie sounds) as we go back through The Walking Dead. Next episode: The Walking Dead S2E7 “Pretty Much Dead Already” You can email your thoughts or send a voice message to talk@podcastica.com . Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica . Show support and get ad-free episodes and a bunch of other cool stuff: pat...
Jan 23, 2024•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast We’re thrilled to be joined this week by listener Dina to talk about this Daryl-Dixolicious episode ;) P.S. Don’t look behind you, it’s a chupacabra :o Trailer for The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_kTUnzp5ng Check out Dina’s romance novels!: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Dina-Keratsis/author/B002BLU538?ref=dbs_a_mng_rwt_scns_share&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true Daryl Dixon’s Crossbow vs. A Real Crossbow User: https://racheltsoumbakos...
Jan 16, 2024•2 hr 34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Man, these episodes take on a new flavor when you’ve spent a lot of time with the characters and know how things turn out. I won’t spoil the whole podcast, but I (Jason) always thought Daryl’s Cherokee Rose speech was cheesy, and now I just think it’s really sweet. The Walking Dead Bad Lip Reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6BsMzc9mMs As always, we want your feedback (and zombie sounds) as we go back through The Walking Dead. Next episode: The Walking Dead S2E4 “Cherokee Rose” You can ema...
Jan 09, 2024•2 hr 57 min•Transcript available on Metacast An iconic episode of The Walking Dead this week, maybe the first big “holy shit” moment, and a turning point for the series and definitely for Shane. What do you think? Was Shane right or wrong? Lucy and Jason are joined by Karen Shih to talk it through. As always, we want your feedback (and zombie sounds) as we go back through The Walking Dead. Next episode: The Walking Dead S2E4 “Cherokee Rose” You can email your thoughts or send a voice message to talk@podcastica.com . Or check out our Facebo...
Jan 02, 2024•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast So great to see the first appearance of the Greene family, with Maggie galloping in and saving the day with her bat (!), and Hershel confidently using his veterinarian skillz to save poor little Carl. As capable and confident as they are, that’s how broken down Rick is. Poor dude. Want to help us keep the rewatch going? Please let your WD-loving friends know we’re doing it. Just send them to thecastofus.com . They’ll thank you for it :) If you’re in a Walking Dead Facebook group (or any other WD...
Dec 26, 2023•2 hr 40 min•Transcript available on Metacast On to TWD season 2, and even though a few characters are starting to get pretty annoying, it was a delight to revisit this premiere and to see some of it in a new light. Want to help us keep the rewatch going? Please let your WD-loving friends know we’re doing it. Just send them to thecastofus.com . They’ll thank you for it :) If you’re in a Walking Dead Facebook group (or any other WD group), let them know too! I’d think people who are fans would be into it. As always, we want your feedback (an...
Dec 19, 2023•2 hr 54 min•Transcript available on Metacast After wrapping TWD season 1, take a quick detour over to Japan with us for the acclaimed 2017 Japanese zombie head-trip of a movie, One Cut of the Dead. The movie is available to stream on AMC+ and Shudder, and you can rent or buy it on other platforms. And we do recommend checking it out before listening to the podcast, and make sure to keep watching past the 37-minute mark…. Plus, it’s been awhile since we talked about any news on The Last of Us, and there is some, so we talk about it! You mig...
Dec 12, 2023•1 hr 24 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s the end of season one with this rather strange episode in the history of TWD, with themes of sexual assault and suicide in this weirdly super-high-tech facility with the lone scientist who seems to know more about the ZA than anyone. Want to help us keep the rewatch going? Please let your WD-loving friends know we’re doing it. Just send them to thecastofus.com . They’ll thank you for it :) If you’re in a Walking Dead Facebook group (or any other WD group), let them know too! I’d think peopl...
Dec 05, 2023•2 hr 36 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s the aftermath of the zombie attack on camp, and the group is shaken and has a bunch of decisions to make, like weather to kill Jim just because he was bitten, whether to go to an army base or the CDC, and in Shane’s case, whether to shoot his best friend so he can have a shot with his wife. What a stand up guy. Glad to be joined by Peter this week to help Lucy and me talk it out! Want to help us keep the rewatch going? Please let your WD-loving friends know we’re doing it. Just send them to...
Nov 28, 2023•2 hr 37 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you’re a fan of Fear the Walking Dead, well… honestly you should probably skip this one, but lemme tell you, we had a blast recording it :) We’re thrilled to be joined by our favorite FTWD critic, Erik Kain, whose scathingly accurate reviews at Forbes you may have heard Lucy and I fawning over throughout the years. Erik helped us send FTWD off in appropriate fashion, along with a bunch of cathartic messages from y’all. Erik Kain’s stuff can be found: On Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/er...
Nov 24, 2023•1 hr 16 min•Transcript available on Metacast So fun to be re-evaluating these episodes. We both liked this one better on rewatch and found it had more depth and humor than we realized before. But we always appreciated the first time we saw a zombie bite or kill anyone, even though we were both sad to see Amy go (but of course not Ed). Want to help us keep the rewatch going? Please let your WD-loving friends know we’re doing it. Just send them to thecastofus.com . They’ll thank you for it :) If you’re in a Walking Dead Facebook group (or an...
Nov 21, 2023•2 hr 42 min•Transcript available on Metacast Look at all those baby faces! It’s the first appearance of Carol and Daryl this week, and we see them in a new light considering how much they’ve changed and grown over the years since. I mean, Daryl’s sipping champagne in Paris on the regular nowadays, and Carol will put out a fire with yo face. Dina’s Daryl Dixon Naughty FanFic Blooper Reel: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zei8Ob2pht8ciVJCt2n7ASVXAKHw65qwFn6s4PHe19E/edit?usp=sharing TikTok of Andy Chen, the guy who’s making the Spider-Man ...
Nov 14, 2023•2 hr 30 min•Transcript available on Metacast We’re not sure what’s worse, smearing zombie guts all over you or having to listen to Merle’s bull$#!t. Equally shocking though in this super-fun-to-talk-about second ep of our rewatch! Check out Lucy on the Vulgar History podcast: https://pca.st/r4sd96ba Pick up one of listener Dina’s romance novels on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Dina-Keratsis/author/B002BLU538?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true We’re excited to keep going with the...
Nov 07, 2023•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Happy Halloween! Happy 13th anniversary of The Walking Dead (13 years is brains, we’re pretty sure)! And welcome to the start of our Walking Dead rewatch! Rarrr!!! It was such a pleasure to revisit TWD S1E1 “Days Gone Bye” and find that it’s as fantastic an episode of television as we remembered, and also to explore how our perspective on it has changed now that we’ve seen the whole series and we’ve all got 13 more years of life behind us. We’re excited to keep going with the rewatch, and hopefu...
Nov 01, 2023•2 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Very nice to tie up Daryl season 1 with some listener feedback. Merci to everyone who followed along, and hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did. Très bon! Now, on to The Walking Dead rewatch! Help us make it a success: We’re hoping this rewatch will have a big enough listenership to sustain it through the entire series, so if you want to help out, please let your WD-loving friends know. Just send them to thecastofus.com . Thank you! If you’re in a Walking Dead Facebook group (or any other W...
Oct 26, 2023•2 hr 30 min•Transcript available on Metacast D’accord, Daryl, la première saison, c'est fini! What a fun show. Lucy and I had a blast covering it and we’re glad so many of you were so engaged with it and sent in your feedback and thoughts. Merci beaucoup tout le monde! A bunch of cool announcements this week, so please check them out below: Come meet me (Jason) and a bunch of other Zedheads this Friday, October 20, at the High Street Place Food Hall in downtown Boston. We’ll eat there at around 6p and then have drinks after. High Stree...
Oct 18, 2023•1 hr 23 min•Transcript available on Metacast This ep we get into politics, religion, and a long aside on swearing. You know, first date topics. Next episode: TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E6 “Coming Home” If you want to talk about it with us, you can email your thoughts or send a voice message to talk@podcastica.com . Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica . Show support and get ad-free episodes: patreon.com/jasoncabassi or go to buymeacoffee.com/cabassi for a one-time donati...
Oct 13, 2023•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Crazy episode this week, with flashbacks and lots of story reveals and drama and action amped up to 11. Trés bon! Warning: In honor of all the F-bombs, we start this ep with a little lesson on French profanity, so be ready for that. And big thanks to Tiphaine for pointing us to this video on swearing in French! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtEibBLAuws&t=624s Next episode: Feedback for TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E5 “Deux Amours” If you want to talk about it with us, you can email your thoughts or ...
Oct 11, 2023•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week’s ep of TWD:DD may not have been the best of the season, but we sure had fun talking about it with you guys, and you always help us get more out of it. Next episode: TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E5 “Deux Amours” If you want to talk about it with us, you can email your thoughts or send a voice message to talk@podcastica.com . Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica . Show support and get ad-free episodes: patreon.com/jason...
Oct 05, 2023•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Man, brutal episode this week, and we also had some questions about plot and character motivation that needed talking through. Would love to hear what you guys think for the feedback show. Next episode: Feedback for TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E4 “La Dame de Fer” If you want to talk about it with us, you can email your thoughts or send a voice message to talk@podcastica.com . Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica . Show support ...
Oct 03, 2023•1 hr 17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Voila, this week’s feedback, and you guys had a lot to say about this Moulin Rouge of an episode :) Links: Philonico - C’est Étrange (People Are Strange French cover): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O44dtehbZJM Waiting for the Sun (The Doors) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUI-ELCdjxo The funniest SNL “Stefon” sketches - https://www.buzzfeed.com/angelicaamartinez/snl-stefon-bill-hader Next episode: TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E4 “La Dame de Fer”. If you want to talk about it with us, you can email yo...
Sep 29, 2023•1 hr 15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fantastic to see the spirit of Paris alive and well in the ZA this week’s episode. Bravo, Walking Dead! Next episode: Listener feedback for TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E3 “Paris Sera Toujours Paris”. • If you want to talk about it with us, you can email your thoughts or send a voice message to talk@podcastica.com . • Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica . Show support and get ad-free episodes: patreon.com/jasoncabassi or go to ...
Sep 27, 2023•1 hr 18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Another round of brilliant feedback from you guys as this series begins to take shape. Happy to be joined by longtime listeners Amelie and Jim, and next week Lucy and I will be back for episode trois! Next episode: TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E3 “Paris Sera Toujours Paris”. • If you want to talk about it with us, you can email your thoughts or send a voice message to talk@podcastica.com . • Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica ...
Sep 22, 2023•1 hr 15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Alright, Father Daryl doesn’t seem to be letting us down, does he? Another fun, engaging episode this week :) Trés bon! Check out Ben’s Wilhelm podcast for our Robin Williams episode: wilhelmpodcast.com The Most Annoying Children in ‘The Walking Dead’ Universe: A Taxonomy: the-walking-dead-series-most-annoying-children-a-taxonomy Next episode: Feedback for TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E2 “Alouette”. • If you want to talk about it with us, you can email your thoughts or send a voice message to talk@podcast...
Sep 19, 2023•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Hey, we got enough feedback to do a separate feedback episode. Bravo! Merci beaucoup! As always, you guys brought up some great points to talk over. Next episode: TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E2 “Alouette”. • If you want to talk about it with us, you can email your thoughts or send a voice message to talk@podcastica.com . • Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica . Show support and get ad-free episodes: patreon.com/jasoncabassi or ...
Sep 15, 2023•1 hr 18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bonjour tout les monde! Comment ça va? We’re happy to get going with the Daryl Dixon show, with our hero plucked out of the US and transplanted overseas. Such a strange idea for a show, but we’re really digging it. As always, merci beaucoup for coming along on this ride with us. Nous vous aimons! Next episode: Listener feedback for this episode, TWD: Daryl Dixon S1E1 “L’ame Perdue”. • You can email us or send a voice message to talk@podcastica.com . Or check out our Facebook group, where we put ...
Sep 13, 2023•2 hr 32 min•Transcript available on Metacast