Join Amir for a Special Middle East Update, where he will discuss the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran soon.
Join Amir for a Special Middle East Update, where he will discuss the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran soon.
While the symbol of the cross has been interpreted in various ways for thousands of years, it's the message of the cross that remains consistent regardless of one's background. Knowing this, what does it mean to carry your cross? Why is it that the Jews reject the message of the cross? Will they one day accept it? Follow Amir as he takes you on a tour of the history of the cross and what it means for the past, present, and future of the Jewish people.
"What Do I Believe?" (WDIB) provides a fresh alternative to challenge everyday believers in their walk with Christ. Especially interested in getting to the heart of our worldview as believers in Jesus Christ, WDIB wishes to introduce the reality of the Kingdom through engaging and inspiring conversations with everyday people to a generation undoubtedly longing for more.
Join Amir Tsarfati and Pastor Barry Stagner for Q & A, answering your questions about Bible Prophecy and current events! Why should Christians vote? (9:05) Will there be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and great harvest of souls before the rapture? (16:55) Does the election of Netanyahu have any biblical significance regarding end times? (18:54) What prophetic significance is there to the Euphrates River currently drying up? (23:05) Who are the Kings of the East? (24:55) When no person is G...
What determines the greatness of a generation? Its morals? Its accomplishments? What if the greatness of a generation isn’t determined by the actions of man but rather the fruition of God’s promises from thousands of years ago? Join Amir for his message “The Greatest Generation” as he targets the world today with undeniable truth from the Bible unveiling the magnitude and uniqueness of the times in which we live.
Neo-paganism. You can see its resurgence in movies, video games, and music. It is influencing body art designs and diet and has undergirded the “green” movement. Gone are the days of the Christian worldview in pop culture. The new worldview? A revival of ancient paganism, but repackaged on the world’s “buffet table” to allow everyone to choose whatever god or practice is right in their own eyes. What is neo-paganism and how does it differ from actual paganism? Is it part of the New W...
Join Mike Golay, Amir Tsarfati, Pastor Barry Stagner, and Olive Tree Views' Jan Markell for a Prophecy Roundtable where they will discuss Mystery Babylon.
For those who believe in the reality of the rapture - the catching away of the church to be with Christ forever - the disagreement doesn't concern what, but when. Is the wrath of God just a general term, or is it a specific period of time? Are believers appointed to experience at least a portion of God's wrath? How is your understanding of the character of God impacted based on what you believe about the future? Join Amir on a tour from Genesis to Revelation as he makes a scripturally-based case...
There is a lot of speculation surrounding the Tree of Life - a unique tree first presented in the Garden of Eden; a special tree accessible to Adam and Eve. However, after sin entered the world, this man and woman were immediately driven from the presence of God and from this tree. What did its presence mean for Adam and Eve? Will anyone ever experience the blessings this tree again? If so, how might we obtain access to it? Join Amir in his riveting message about a rarely touched-upon subject, T...
The teaching of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church has fallen victim to much scrutiny, especially over the last couple of centuries. How can we know that the church is going to be raptured before God’s wrath is poured out on this world? Will there even be a rapture? In his new teaching, The Rapture According to the Early Church, Pastor Mike Golay not only presents Scripture that provides clarity on this topic, but he cites a number of early church fathers to reveal their confidence in a p...
Satan is the master deceiver! So masterful, that in the Tribulation he will attempt to counterfeit the Trinity of God. In this teaching, Pastor Mike Golay exposes the key spiritual deceptions leading up to the Rapture, unpacks how Satan will provide a counterfeit trinity in the Tribulation, and reminds the viewer of three powerful weapons reserved only for believers.
Every believer has been tasked with the role of a watchman, but not every believer owns it. From understanding the times in which we live, to taking a biblical approach to controversial situations, the watchman is held to a very high standard. What does it mean to be a biblical watchman? What practical steps can we take to ensure we're reflecting the Word of God in all that we do? Join Pastor Mike Golay as he provides application and encouragement for this crucial responsibility.
It's been 2000 years since Jesus said that He would soon return. Despite the long gap in time, today many are saying that now is the day of His arrival. Is that true or is it just wishful thinking? In his new video, Where are We on the Prophetic Timeline?, Pastor Mike Golay asks the question, "Are we really in the end times?" He then puts that question to eight biblical tests. Taking Scripture and comparing it to what we see in modern culture, religion, and geopolitical relationships, Pastor Mik...
As we read through the Scriptures, it’s undeniable that even today God is continuing to fulfill His promises related to the nation of Israel - promises that were given to Abraham thousands of years ago. But why Abraham? Why Israel? And what will Israel’s role be when this world has passed away? Join Amir in this exciting teaching in which he provides an overview of God’s plans for Israel from Abraham to eternity.
The Holocaust is remembered as one of the darkest hours in human history - when over six million Jews were hunted and murdered throughout Europe by the Nazis and their collaborators. The prophet Ezekiel prophesied of this time thousands of years before it would materialize. However, does the Bible predict that there will be a period in Israel's future that will be even worse than what happened during this evil era? If it does, why? Where? When? And what can we do to prevent it from happening? Tu...
When we turn on the television, it seems that all we see is bad news. There is a reason for that – the world is quite literally falling apart. And maybe the ugliest news of all is that it’s not going to get any better. Yet, in the midst of the dark, there is always light, so, yes, there is good news, too. In his new teaching, “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly News”, Amir Tsarfati pulls no punches laying out the state this world is in. But he also reminds us that with God there is always hope, and...
Why are Christians surprised by what is happening in the world? Jesus told us very clearly that there would be days like this. In his new teaching, What in the World is Going on?, Amir Tsarfati reminds us that while the rest of the world may experience fear in these dark days, a knowledge of the Word of God lays a solid foundation of hope for the Christian. He then goes on to very practically describe how a life of light is lived out in this time of fierce spiritual warfare.
What’s next? From the very beginning, the eyes of mankind have always been looking ahead – waiting, wondering, worrying. Now more than ever, wars and pandemics have the world feeling like we’re living in a pressure cooker that is about to blow. Amir Tsarfati, in his new teaching Global Suspense , tells us that our peace regarding the future can only come about by looking to the past. Not only does he clearly identify when and where our hope can be found, but he points out to us what it is ...
Amir disucusses the Palestinian Attempt to Start a War from Lebanon
In the Bible, the sounding of a trumpet often indicated that something important was about to happen – change was going to come or movement was about to take place. For those of us who are in Christ’s church, we eagerly await the sounding of one particular trumpet, the Last Trumpet, which will bring an incredible change, translating us from corruptible to incorruptible. But what exactly is this great event? Is it related to the Feast of Trumpets or the tribulation judgments, or is it something c...
Join us for a special broadcast as Amir and Mike read with their father-in-law, Hanan Lokes, with readings in both Hebrew and English.
Join Amir for a special update discussing what’s next in the Ukraine War.
This week’s Public Reading of Scripture includes a brief and personal update of the situation for families struggling with the invasion in Ukraine.
Join Amir for a Middle East Update discussing Israel – Iran: The War Before the War.
Join Amir for a Middle East Update discussing The Hook in the Jaw of Russia.
Amir Tsarfati, and Pastor Barry Stagner host a special Live Q & A on the Russia-Ukraine War and Bible Prophecy.
Pastor Mike Golay hosts a PRS with Ukrainian Pastors involving prayer for Ukraine.
Pastor Mike hosts a special PRS with Ukrainian friends involving prayer for Ukraine.
This week, Jason Koemans, Steve Yohn, and special guest Pastor Matt Moore lead us in a reading from the Psalms and Galatians.
This week Pastor Mike hosts Pastor Roman Kapran, Chairman of the Ukranian Baptist Convention. Psalm 87-88 and 2 Corinthians 11.