The Bible says “...For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way...”. Who is the Restrainer? When will He be removed? Why does He restrain? How will He be removed?
Dec 07, 2020•45 min•Ep 41•Transcript available on Metacast The deity of Jesus Christ is something that has been under fire throughout the centuries. In fact, to the New Testament authors, it was one of the determining factors as to whether or not someone was holding to the truth. Does Jesus exemplify the same divine characteristics of the God we read about in the Old Testament? Is believing in the deity of Jesus necessary for one's personal salvation? Join Amir and his special guest, Dr. Seth Postell, as they get to the bottom of the question; Jesus - M...
Nov 30, 2020•55 min•Ep 40•Transcript available on Metacast Who is the person known to us from the Bible as the Antichrist? Where will he come from? When will that be? Why are we to know these things?
Nov 23, 2020•1 hr 10 min•Ep 39•Transcript available on Metacast Gog and Magog is a term used often to describe an end times war. The Bible indicates that there will be two different wars with the same name. Only one of those wars you want to see and live through! Which one? When? Where?
Nov 16, 2020•36 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast The parable of the ten virgins communicates a mysterious yet serious message regarding biblical wisdom. Do these virgins represent the need for Israel to prepare to meet the Lord, or is there a greater application for those within the Church concerning foolishness and wisdom? Join Amir as he discusses what it means to be prepared to meet the Bridegroom.
Nov 09, 2020•59 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast There is no other country on earth that was driven from its ancient homeland only to return nearly 2,000 years later. From the diaspora beginning in 70 AD to the restoration beginning in the early 1900s, the Jews were dispersed among the nations of the world. And to this day, the Jewish people have continued to make their way back to their God-given land. Furthermore, from the very moment that God made His covenant with Abraham, we can testify of the miracles He's worked on the nation's behalf. ...
Nov 02, 2020•1 hr 10 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast Amir teaches on the history of the satanic efforts of religions, cults, and the modern, powerful elite to rule the world with "the light of Lucifer" as their guide. There is a deliberate plan and push for one leader and one-world government all around us.
Oct 26, 2020•1 hr 4 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast The Bible makes it abundantly clear that no one knows the day or hour of the Lord's return for His church. Yet the Bible is equally clear that there will be a generation that will witness "the Day of the Lord" (including the Tribulation) approaching. What are the signs? Are we living in that generation? Find out where we are in the prophetical timeline in this timely message by Amir Tsarfati entitled: The Day Approaching .
Oct 19, 2020•53 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast God created peace, and then man rebelled and violated this peace; thus, war has entered our history. Ever since, man has been trying to achieve peace. But can he do it apart from God? What does the Bible tell us about the future? Will it be peace or war? Amir identifies peace and war in a cycle of 4. Which will be the one God intended
Oct 12, 2020•58 min•Ep 33•Transcript available on Metacast God gave His laws to Moses, as well as the feasts of the Lord to observe. In this teaching, Amir uses the 7 Feasts of Israel from the Old Testament to show you the New Testament, which is Jesus Christ.
Oct 05, 2020•46 min•Ep 32•Transcript available on Metacast There is a chronological sequence of events regarding the end times. Often, Christians see the second coming of Jesus and the rapture of the Church as the same event, when in reality, they are years apart and for different purposes. According to the Bible, when is the second coming of Jesus? What is the purpose? Will Jesus be coming for us...or with us? Join Amir as he teaches what the Bible has to say concerning the return of Jesus Christ!
Sep 28, 2020•1 hr 5 min•Ep 31•Transcript available on Metacast Can one be a follower of Christ and yet be off the path of the Word of God? Is it possible that many Christians today repeat the same mistake of the Jews two thousand years ago and paint the coming of the Messiah to earth to reign as something that will happen in a peaceful, perfect, and ready world? Are we witnessing a huge wave of false teachings suggesting that it is the Church's mandate to prepare the world, take dominion, and usher in the return of Jesus? Join Amir as he uses the Word of Go...
Sep 21, 2020•1 hr•Ep 30•Transcript available on Metacast What's the common thread between man-made viruses, late-term abortions, damaging vaccinations, climate change indoctrination, legalization of drugs, and the promotion of a multi-gender society? A very dark plot that isn't hidden anymore! Join Amir as he uses the word of God to unveil the satanic plot to reduce the earth's population.
Sep 14, 2020•1 hr 14 min•Ep 29•Transcript available on Metacast Many misleading conclusions have followed the conversation that Jesus had with His disciples on top of the Mount of Olives over the last 2,000 years. When will these things happen? What is the sign of His coming? How will we know when it's the end of the age? Join Amir as he teaches through this critical passage of Scripture to help you better understand who Jesus is talking to and why it matters.
Sep 07, 2020•53 min•Ep 28•Transcript available on Metacast Many have tried to speculate the identities of these two men we read of in both the Old & New Testaments. While some believe them to be Enoch & Elijah, or Moses & Elijah, the true significance is not found in who they are, but what they'll be doing. The most important question to be answered is; Are you a witness...or are you going to need one?
Aug 31, 2020•1 hr 3 min•Ep 27•Transcript available on Metacast There is a lot of confusion about what is happening in our world today and the events described in the Book of Revelation. This confusion has resulted in the belief that we, The Church, will be going through part or all of the events of the Seven Year Tribulation described in the Book of Revelation.
Aug 24, 2020•59 min•Ep 26•Transcript available on Metacast While the symbol of the cross has been interpreted in various ways for thousands of years, it's the message of the cross that remains consistent regardless of one's background. Knowing this, what does it mean to carry your cross? Why is it that the Jews reject the message of the cross? Will they one day accept it? Follow Amir as he takes you on a tour of the history of the cross and what it means for the past, present, and future of the Jewish people.
Aug 17, 2020•54 min•Ep 25•Transcript available on Metacast Bible Lands Unveiled is a series of on location Bible studies that will give you a look at the impact of the Gospel around the world. "Run the Race!" is part of a set of teachings filmed in Greece and includes four messages, “I Have Many People in this City”, "Turn the World Upside Down”, "The Unknown God" and “Run The Race!"
Aug 10, 2020•21 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast