Looking Forward
Listen as the Learning Through Leading co-hosts, Nick Sutton and Matt Jacobson , reflect on 3 years of our podcasting journey. We'll also discuss what we have going on now and what the future may hold. Until next time, friends...
Listen as the Learning Through Leading co-hosts, Nick Sutton and Matt Jacobson , reflect on 3 years of our podcasting journey. We'll also discuss what we have going on now and what the future may hold. Until next time, friends...
Join us for an emotional and revealing chat with Dr. Gabe Schwemmer. In this episode, Gabe discusses her journey through difficult times during the COVID-19 pandemic and how that experience has shaped her leadership style. Contact Information Twitter: dr_schwemmer Web: Sparta CUSD #140 Remember to check out this and all past episodes at www.LearningThroughLeading.com and follow the podcast on your favorite podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify. You can find us on Twitter a...
We had a great time talking with the EdTech Distilled Podcast! Hosts Adam Geisen and David Lerch discuss their views on podcasting, the pandemic, and balance. We hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did! Contact Info EdTech Distilled Podcast on Spotify Adam Geisen on Twitter David Lerch on Twitter You can find us on Twitter at @DrNickSutton @YodaMatt68 Interested in extending your professional learning? Check out the books and online courses from EduMatch , a...
We are joined this week by Dr. Marlon James who provides an enlightening look at equity and equality. Listen as Dr. James shares details on the specific elements of each and the importance of cultural awareness to our classrooms and the world. Contact Dr. James Email: equalityequitygroup@gmail.com Web: www.equalityequitygroup.com Remember to check out this and all past episodes at www.LearningThroughLeading.com and follow the podcast on your favorite podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Googl...
Dr. Kimako Patterson discusses the importance of being genuine and transparent as a school leader. Dr. Patterson’s stance, while not always shared by everyone, displays the unapologetic courage that defines her core values. Learn more about Dr. Patterson’s points of view in this episode of Learning Through Leading. Contact Dr. Kimako Patterson Twitter: @DrKimako LinkedIn: Kimako-Patterson Prairie Hills Elementary School District #144 Web: phsd144.net Facebook Remember to check out this and all p...
Dr. Nick and Matt have a candid and informative discussion with Angela Bayer-Persico, Director of Little Angels Child Development , of Yonkers, NY. Contact Angela: Twitter: @bayer_persico Web: World Of Angela Little Angels Child Development Little Angels Child Development on Facebook Remember to check out this and all past episodes at www.LearningThroughLeading.com and follow the podcast on your favorite podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcast...
Join us for a frank and open conversation with author and consultant Mandy Froelich about the importance of self-care and social-emotional learning (SEL) for educators and students. Mandy discusses her journey, her work, and her ideas about helping educators take care of themselves and each other during difficult times. CONTACT INFO Social Media: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram Website: www.mandyfroehlich.com ( Contact ) Read Mandy’s Books , take her free self-care course for educators...
Educator, veteran, podcaster, and author Dene Gainey talks with us about his classroom philosophy of C.L.I.M.B.E. Dene also discusses the resilience teachers can develop as we face challenges and how that can translate into positive and powerful classroom activities. CONTACT INFO Twitter: @dene_gainey Website: denegainey.com The CLIMBE Podcast Edumatch Publications Use promo code LEARNLEAD for 10% off your purchase Publications available on Amazon Remember to check ou...
We’re back with Season 3! In this episode, Matt and Dr. Nick discuss Nick’s new book, Make PD Matter. You’ll learn about the high points of the book and resources that can help improve professional learning in your school or district. Order Nick’s book and download the free study guide on our website. Remember to check out this and all past episodes at www.LearningThroughLeading.com and follow the podcast on your favorite podcatcher, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify. You can find...
Join us for a refreshing and informative chat with Dr. Bhavna Sharma Lewis, Superintendent of the Diamond Lake (IL) School District. Dr. Sharma-Lewis discusses her experiences, the work she and her schools are doing to enhance community involvement and outreach, and the importance of self-care for students and staff. Contact: Twitter: @DLDistrict76 and @bsharmalewis Web: www.dist76.org Email Dr. Sharma-Lewis: bsharmalewis@dist76.org Instagram: @dldistrict76 YouTube: Diamond Lake Dist...
In this very unique episode, we talk with members of a graduate class in education leadership, led by Dr. Denny Barr of Western Illinois University. These aspiring leaders frankly and openly discuss their core values and the development of their leadership skills. Contact Info: Mr_Crusen MsJTeaches323 CoachRocket Email: dh-barr@wiu.edu - Denny Barr Listen to our previous interview with Dr. Barr Visit www.LearningThroughLeading.com and subscribe to our podcast using your favorite podcast player. ...
Learn how our friend Ashley White has adapted to the changing face of education while cultivating her passion for fitness and self-care. Ashley offers her perspectives on education and her tips on starting and maintaining a self-care routine while juggling her life as a middle grades educator. Contact Info: Web: www.amwfitness.com IG: amw_fitness2021 Facebook: AMWFitness2021 Visit www.LearningThroughLeading.com for episodes and more! Interested in extending your professional learning? Chec...
Dr. Denny Barr of Western Illinois University joins us to discuss his advice to new and aspiring educational leaders. Contact Info: Email: dh-barr@wiu.edu Visit www.LearningThroughLeading.com and subscribe to our podcast using your favorite podcast player. You can find us on Twitter at: @DrNickSutton @YodaMatt68...
Recently we had the opportunity to get to know Principal Mike Earnshaw, who also happens to be the co-host of the Punk Rock Classrooms Podcast. In this episode, Mike talks with us about supporting educators throughout the pandemic, his work with the podcast, and his new publication with EduMatch Publishing . Contact Info: Twitter: @MikeREarnshaw Web: The Punk Rock Principal Blog Punk Rock Classrooms Punk Rock Classrooms Blog Punk Rock Classrooms Podcast Twitter: @PunkClassrooms Visit www.Learnin...
Nick and Matt reconnect with their friend Steve Wilder, discussing the effects of the pandemic on school and district leaders. Steve discusses the importance of maintaining and supporting resilience through times of challenge and change, and provides some great perspectives for school leaders. Contact Info: Twitter: @suptwilder Web: syc427.org Visit www.LearningThroughLeading.com and Subscribe to get every new episode delivered right to your inbox when it is published....
SOPPA - the Student Online Personal Protection Act - goes into effect July 1, 2021. Join us as we learn more about the law and tools that can help schools remain in compliance with it from LTC Executive Director Tim McIlvain and LTC Director of Technology Services Chris Wherley . Mentioned in this episode: Consortium for School Networking, or CoSN Protecting Student Data Privacy , by Linnette Attai NDPA: National Data Privacy Agreement ISPA: Illinois Student Priva...
Craig Randall takes a few minutes to talk with us about creating trust and providing support through administrators’ observations of educators’ classroom activities. In this episode, Craig outlines the process of trust-based observations and provides tips on how administrators can weave this into their daily roles as instructional leaders. Contact Info: Web: trustbased.com Twitter: @TrustbasedCraig Find the book on Amazon Visit www.LearningThroughLeading.com and subscribe to get every new episod...
The COVID-19 global pandemic has required enormous changes in the ways students learn and the ways teachers support them. In this episode, Dr. Georgie Koenig shares her views on the effects of the pandemic on students’ reading and writing skills and offers ideas that teachers can use to help students build intellectual curiosity. Contact Info: Web: www.performancelearn.com/ Twitter: @perform_learn and @GeorgieKo Instagram: performance_learn Facebook: PerformanceLearning email: ...
Managing remote and hybrid learning experiences can be a difficult task for many educators, so we sought advice from two folks who quite literally wrote the book on digital classroom management. Heather Dowd and Patrick Green wrote Classroom Management in the Digital Age, and in this episode they share and adapt ideas in their book to our current remote and hybrid teaching and learning reality. Contact Info: Web: bit.ly/cmdigitalage - links to amazon book page cmdigitalage.com Follow the hashtag...
What we intended to be a discussion of school finance really turned into a fantastic talk about managing the stresses involved with leadership. Dr. Mike Curry , Superintendent of the Abingdon-Avon School District in western Illinois, provides his insight, habits, and advice to support school leaders on a daily basis and during difficult times. Being a superintendent is like being “...a seal balancing a ball while riding a unicycle on a tightrope over a volcano.” --Mike Curry Contact info: Dr. Mi...
Nick and Matt have a candid conversation about how they dealt with 2020, and what they're planning to work on during 2021. Remember to check out this and all past episodes at www.LearningThroughLeading.com and click the Subscribe button at the top of the screen to have every episode delivered right to your email inbox. You can find us on Twitter at @DrNickSutton @YodaMatt68 How to Listen ** NEW: Amazon Music Podcasts ** Anchor Apple Podcasts Breaker Castro Google Podcasts Overcast PocketCasts Ra...
Carly Spina joins us to discuss her ideas for helping students who are learning English, from a classroom and a leadership perspective. See Carly’s Translation Spreadsheet Tool (To use with your students, click File > Make a copy) Contact: Twitter: @MrsSpinasClass Other: Innovative Inspiration with English Learners Remember to check out this and all past episodes at www.LearningThroughLeading.com and click the Subscribe button at the top of the screen to have every episode delivered right to ...
Jeff Cohn is a consultant to schools, districts, and businesses. In this episode, Jeff gets down to the basics of SMART Goals in strategic planning and the importance of empathy and trust to leadership. Mentioned in this episode: Jim Collins on Amazon Learn more about Jeff Cohn Website: BraveDialogue.com Other: Contact Jeff Cohn Remember to check out this and all past episodes at www.LearningThroughLeading.com and click the Subscribe button at the top of the screen to have every episode delivere...
This week we are joined by Sarah-Jane Thomas, PhD. Sarah is a Regional Technology Coordinator in Prince George’s County Public Schools. Sarah is also a Google Certified Innovator, Google Education Trainer, and founder of the EduMatch project, which promotes connection and collaboration among educators around the world. Sarah is also on the leadership team of the ISTE Digital Equity PLN, and Affiliate Faculty at Loyola University in Maryland. Sarah is a co-author of the ISTE publication series, C...
This week we are joined by Sarah-Jane Thomas, PhD. Sarah is a Regional Technology Coordinator in Prince George’s County Public Schools. Sarah is also a Google Certified Innovator, Google Education Trainer, and founder of the EduMatch project, which promotes connection and collaboration among educators around the world. Sarah is also on the leadership team of the ISTE Digital Equity PLN, and Affiliate Faculty at Loyola University in Maryland. Sarah is a co-author of the ISTE publication series, C...
Enjoy this look back at our interview with the creators of FLOOP, and don't forget to use the info below to get your special discount on your first year of FLOOP! From Season 1 Episode 23, January 19, 2020 : We had a great talk with Christine Witcher and Melanie Kong about Floop, an app that supports teacher and peer feedback in almost any classroom. Listen to their startup story and how Melanie and Christine have used their classroom experiences and action research to build student ...
Enjoy our chat with our friend, Lloyd Kilmer, in this episode. Learn about his views on cultural competency, leadership, and the pandemic's impact on education. You'll also learn more about the ways that Performance Learning can help your school or business improve performance in our new reality. Contact: Twitter: @Perform_Learn Website: PerformanceLearn.com Performance Learning Blog Facebook: PerformanceLearning Instagram: @Performance_Learn Apple Podcasts: Performance Learning YouTube: Perform...
We hope you enjoy our chat with Amanda Post and Maggie Gifford, two educators from Ohio. During our chat , Amanda and Maggie discuss how they navigate remote learning and support students' social and emotional health. (This post corrects the previous one, removing only the dead-air in the audio recording) Read More: Remembering YOU in Times of Uncertainty and Change , by Maggie Gifford on the TeachBetter Blog Finding YOU Outside of the Classroom , by Amanda Post on the TeachBetter Blog Contact :...
We hope you enjoy our chat with Amanda Post and Maggie Gifford, two educators from Ohio. During our chat , Amanda and Maggie discuss how they navigate remote learning and support students' social and emotional health. Read More: Remembering YOU in Times of Uncertainty and Change , by Maggie Gifford on the TeachBetter Blog Finding YOU Outside of the Classroom , by Amanda Post on the TeachBetter Blog Twitter Amanda Post: @amandapost1513 Maggie Gifford: @giffordm621 Instagram Amanda Post: @a...
This episode highlights author and first-grade teacher Adrienne Graham and her first book, The Color of Friendship . Adrienne talks to us about the importance of this book, the process she went through to publish it, and how it can be used in the classroom. We are happy and proud to help amplify and support her voice and the message of The Color of Friendship . Contact Adrenne: Facebook: Author Adrienne C Graham Website: Adrie-Graham.com The Color of Friendship (Amazon) Remember to check out thi...