Kino Lefter Appearance – ‘Children of Men, the Only Modern Movie ‘
The Wrong Boys are on Kino Lefter, a leftist film discussion podcast, to talk about Children of Men. Go check out Kino Lefter’s other eps! It’s a good show!
The Wrong Boys are on Kino Lefter, a leftist film discussion podcast, to talk about Children of Men. Go check out Kino Lefter’s other eps! It’s a good show!
Some say that the only way to the revolution is by accelerating the current trajectory, heightening the contradictions to collapse the waveform. Is it true? Is the only way out through? The...
Human need: what exactly is it, how do we meet it, and what level should nobody fall below? These are the questions which plague the Wrong Boys as they embark on the...
The Wrong Boys join Pearson and Mel from Coffee with Comrades to talk about extremely online leftism, sectarian shenanigans, prefiguration, and Mr. Fred Rogers. check out the show and get the full...
On this very special mash-up podcast, the Wrong Boys are joined by Team Advantage over at the Alberta Advantage podcast to talk about our woke bae Prime Minister, and all the ways...
Franz returns to the show to talk about what money is, how it came to be this way, and just exactly how bad it is screwing all of us over. Check our...
Wrong Boys are joined by Liz and Amy from the podcast Rebel Steps podcast to discuss leftist organizing, and stuff like group dynamics, what organizing is, and how to take your first...
The Wrong Boys are joined by Tim (aka SOLE) from The Solecast to stage a kind of intervention for all the workaholics out there, and talk about the debilitating effects of work...
It is one of the most powerful forces in existence. It has shaped our biology and our society. Our personal lives can be defined by it, or by the lack of it....
Former Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Mike Gravel joins the Wrong Boys to talk about throwing shoes, ending war, direct democracy, and teaming up with two teens to run for president Help...
For your use and enjoyment: a special episode of Srsly Wrong, using the lenses of history, complexity, retention, and culmination to talk about libraries, sharing, and the socialist future we want to...
Wrong Boys join Breht and Alyson Escalante to discuss and debate the merits of categorizing Marxism as a science. (we all collaborated on a sketch at the end as well!) Hear more...
Breht O’Shea joins the Wrong Boys’ ongoing revolutionary brainstorming session to talk about Marxist Leninist strategy, leftist unity, defense, violence, and the relationship between means and ends. Listen to the full episode...
this week on the show we tackle the totally normal question of whether people should be turned away when escaping from war, or seized from their homes and thrown in jail or...
Critics call SRSLY WRONG ‘the meanest podcast of all time’, ‘two asshole jerks being haters for an hour every week’, and of course ‘wretched vitriol so toxic it could be considered biological...
Gotta get that CLOUT baby, hell ya, wanna be RECOGNIZED for my contributions to society because we all have deeper insecurities than we show to the public and it’s important to feel...
This week the Wrong Boys examine one of the most common, most effective, and yet most underappreciated revolutionary tactics: running and hiding Theme Song by Phillip Osmon support us on Patreon
This week, the Wrong Boys investigate the importance of DETAILS by applying class analysis to Democratic Presidential hopeful Andrew Yang’s Basic Income proposal. #yanggang and #antiyanggang (and #whotfisyang) welcome, this episode caters...
Toss out all your boring theory and get ready to curl up with some fantastic woman-authored fiction! Special guest Lyta Gold (amusements editor for Current Affairs magazine) joins the Wrong Boys to...
The King is dead, but the revolution is just getting started. Robespierre and the Jacobins have a plan: using the means of State Terror, they will create a Republic of Virtue, complete...
King Louis XVI of France was beheaded by guillotine on January 21, 1793 – a pivotal event in (the often quite unsafe) birth of modern liberal democracy. In part one of our...
It’s a Valentine’s day spectacular as the Wrong Boys examine everything from medieval Courtly Love, to modern dating and apps, the creepiness of love potions and Cupid, and the utopian future of...
Walmart is the world’s largest corporation, a mantle it has achieved by (internally) eschewing market-based allocation, and developing itself into a sophisticated and well-functioning globally-planned economy. This week, guests Leigh and Michal...
As the global Capitalism market works to spread its tentacles into every aspect of human life on earth, you can’t help but wonder: how the heck did this all get started in...
Time for a REVOLUTIONARY BRAINSTORM. The Wrong Boys take a look at some different ideas for achieving a revolutionary change in society, discussing the benefits and drawbacks of each in this very...
Friendly daily reminder that our number one tool for dismantling capitalism is *checks notes* snarky comments online. Ummm but maybe web based snark isn’t the best mode of political communication??? For grown...
This week The Wrong Boys gaze into The All-Seeing Face, longing for joy and human connection, instead finding a malicious, psychologically invasive hell casino that tracks their every move and thought, creating...
This week it’s news! Topics include: – spiders killing us all – dirty climate deals – 15 yr old climate genius – george bush death party? – christmas in australia theme song...
The Intellectual Light Web is a fierce new renegade political movement based in hope, joy, humor, and making the world a better place for everyone. Nathan J Robinson of Current Affairs Magazine...
Now that we know escaping the ecopocalypse is 100% technologically feasible, the next logical step for the Wrong Boys is imagining the beautiful world we’d like to build instead, and speculating on...