Today I get to chat with both of my own current representatives in the Alaska Legislature. We start in hour one with House Rep Kevin McCabe who's running for reelection. We'll discuss his vision of the future. Then in hour two we'll catch up with Senator Mike Shower and chat about all the latest happenings from the last couple weeks and get his hot take on it all for the "Shower Hour of Power".
Aug 28, 2024•2 hr 58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we start by diving directly into the Weekly Top 3 from Brad Keithley from Alaskans for Sustainable Budgets. This weeks topics: the recap from the primaries; permanent fund reform; oil taxes and misinformation. Then in hour two we'll recap some of my thoughts and then hit a few other headlines before finishing up with Chris Story and getting our weekly PMA/Uplift.
Aug 27, 2024•2 hr 54 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we start off with Candidate for School Board in Fairbanks Morgan Dulian. We'll talk education and get her platform and thoughts. Then in hour two chat with Senator Jesse Keihl about last session.
Aug 26, 2024•2 hr 58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we get a chance to talk with Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President for Gun Owners of America. We'll get his take on what's going on across the country including the recent endorsement of Peltola and more. Then in hour two we'll take on a few other headlines along with your calls and then finally finish up with our weekend entertainment review with Willie Waffle.
Aug 23, 2024•2 hr 58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today it's just you and me as we continue to discuss the details from the primary and what it means for the general election. We'll also have the phones open and take calls from you on where YOU think things are going as well.
Aug 22, 2024•2 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we'll start off in hour one with an interview with Representative Mike Cronk who's now running for the Senate in District R. We'll talk about the big issues from last session and what he sees as the big one's coming up in the future. Then in hour two we'll review the preliminary numbers from the Division of Elections from yesterday's primary.
Aug 21, 2024•2 hr•Transcript available on Metacast Today we'll kick things off in hour one with Brad Keithley from Alaskans for Sustainable Budgets who brings us the Weekly Top 3. This weeks topics: SBR, CBR, PFD and now the corpus; what the oil/gas industry isn't telling us; the K12 lobby is not even pretending to care about "who pays" anymore. Then in hour two we'll recap with some of my thoughts about these and other headlines, as well as open up the phone lines for today and see who you're voting for.
Aug 20, 2024•2 hr 56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we'll talk about a few headlines and also about the willful blindness that seems to plague most of Alaska's elected leaders. Then in hour two we'll visit with Candidate for US Congress Nick Begich. We'll talk about his latest endorsements and what sets him apart from the other candidates.
Aug 19, 2024•2 hr•Transcript available on Metacast Today we cap out our week (I'm on vacay tomorrow) with two different interviews. In hour one we'll talk to Savannah Fletcher from the Fairbanks area about her run for State Senate Dist R and her proposed solutions to bring the state back on track. In hour two we'll head south down to Homer and talk to Rep Sarah Vance who's running for reelection to the Alaska House and get her take on the state of the State.
Aug 15, 2024•2 hr 59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we chat with Candidate for House Dist 36 Cole Snodgress. We'll be talking about the upcoming challenges for this session and the long term plan for where he thinks the state should be going and choice he's the best choice for that. Then in hour two we'll have the whole hour with State Senator Mike Shower for our weekly hangout.
Aug 14, 2024•2 hr•Transcript available on Metacast Today we'll start in hour one with Brad Keithley from Alaskans for Sustainable Budgets and the Weekly Top 3. This weeks topics: is the economy up or down; what does the Excelerate announcement mean for LNG; is the merging of the PF a campaign issue? Then in hour two, I'll give my take on some of those topics and then we'll finish up the hour with our weekly life coaching lesson from Chris Story out of Homer.
Aug 13, 2024•2 hr 56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we start off in hour one with just you and me talking about the important headlines that came out over the weekend. We'll discuss and maybe even take some phone calls. Then in hour two we'll talk with Veterans Party candidate Willy Keppel about his run for house from the area around Bethel.
Aug 12, 2024•2 hr 58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today it's just you and me and we discuss one of the most important issues for every American. The headline will be rolling the phones will be open for you to sound off and more. We'll check in with Chris Cheng on the AK NRA scandal. We'll finish up with our weekend entertainment report with Willie Waffle.
Aug 09, 2024•2 hr 59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we'll start with another candidate for AKLEG. This time it's he MatSu's Rob Yundt. We'll discuss his thoughts an plans for the State and how to bring us back from our fiscal crisis. Then in hour two we'll be joined by JD Tuccille from Reason magazine about the latest uptick in home schooling and what it may men for brick and mortar schools across the country.
Aug 08, 2024•2 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we continue our interviews with candidates for statewide office. In hour ne we'll talk with Harold Borbridge who's running for Senate Dist F. We'll see what his fiscal plan for the state looks like. The in hour two we'll check back in with State Senator Mike Shower for the full hour of power.
Aug 07, 2024•2 hr 52 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today is the Weekly Top 3 from Brad Keithley from Alaskans for Sustainable Budgets. The big topics this week: the outline of the Top 20%'s plan; the fake 'fiscal crisis'; progressives or limousine liberals? Then in hour two we'll get a chance to hit a headline or two , recap with some of my thoughts and then finish up our day with the PMA guru from Homer- Chris Story.
Aug 06, 2024•2 hr 59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we continue discussions with potential candidates for office. First we talk with Brandy Pennington who's running for State House Dist 9 down in Girdwood. Then in hour two we'll chat with Nick Begich, who's running for US Congress. We'll discuss the whole Biden/Harris switch and more.
Aug 05, 2024•2 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we'll start off with a couple of headlines and then dive into the latest unwelcome news about the NRA. They're endorsement of Peltola is a bridge to far for many of us and we'll discuss. Then in hour two we'll take a couple of calls and then finish up, as always, with our weekend entertainment report from Willie Waffle.
Aug 02, 2024•2 hr•Transcript available on Metacast Today we'll just hang out in hour one, talking about whatever headlines catch my attention as well as take a phone call or two from listeners. Then in hour two we'll get a chance to talk with former Rep David Nelson about his new run to get back into the AKLEG.
Aug 01, 2024•2 hr 58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we've only got the one candidate for interview so we'll talk with Bill Elam about his run for House Dist 8 in Soldotna. Around that discussion we'll take some phone calls and chat about the news of the day and whatever shiny objects show up in my path.
Jul 31, 2024•2 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today it's the Weekly Top 3 with Brad Keithley from Alaska for Sustainable Budgets. This weeks topic include: clarity on south central gas; keystone cops action at the Permanent Fund; child care & tax credits. Then in hour two we'll recap, maybe touch a bit on the witch hunt in Fairbanks' assembly and then finish up with Chris Story for our weekly positive mental attitude adjustment.
Jul 30, 2024•2 hr 54 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we'll shift gears a bit and chat with Sarah Montalbano for a Montalbano Monday segment on Ambler Road and maybe even some discussion on education as well in hour one. Then in hour two we'll visit with Representative Ben Carpenter, who's now running for the State Senate down on the peninsula.
Jul 29, 2024•2 hr•Transcript available on Metacast TGIFF! Come on down and join us around the coffee pot for a fantastic Friday discussion. Phone lines will be open all morning as we go through all the headlines and chat about our favorite Friday topic.
Jul 26, 2024•2 hr 56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our quest to interview as many candidates as possible before the August primary continues. Today we start in hour one with Elexie Moore who's running for a seat in House Dist. 28 in the Valley. Then in hour two we'll get a chance to talk to Mia Costello who's trying to make a return to the legislature, this time in the House in District 15.
Jul 25, 2024•2 hr 59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we talk to two new candidates. In hour one we'll go north and chat with FNSB candidate Miguel Ramirez about his vision for the Fairbanks area and the challenges it faces. Then in hour two we'll come back to the MatSu and talk to Jubilee Underwood's challenge to the incumbent Eastman.
Jul 24, 2024•2 hr 58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we start with the Tuesday Top 3 from Brad Keithley from Alaskan's for Sustainable Budgets. This weeks topics: The orwellian take on language from AKFiscal; follow-up on the Alaskan Anomaly; is the PF Board heading the right direction? In hour two we'll have some discussion on this and any other topic that strikes me, then we'll finish up with Chris Story for our weekly Life coaching lesson.
Jul 23, 2024•2 hr 54 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today our Candidate Interviews continue. In hour one it's Jeremy Bynum who's election could help solidify the Republican majority in the AKLEG. We'll talk about his view of the state of the state. Then in hour two we'll visit with Nick Begich on his latest endorsements and Biden's stepping back from the POTUS race.
Jul 22, 2024•2 hr 58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we cover some of the big headlines from around the country including a somewhat frightening announcement from Hickcok45 on all of his YouTube channels about new policies being enacted. Then in hour two we'll pick it up with Top Shot Chris Cheng to talk about what's happening since Trumps Pennsylvania incident and we'll finish up with Willie Waffle and our entertainment review.
Jul 19, 2024•2 hr•Transcript available on Metacast Today we continue our candidate interviews for the upcoming AKLEG race. In hour one we talk with Lee Ellis candidate for House Dist 9 in Girdwood, the seat formally held by Laddie Shaw. In hour two we'll talk with Rep Alyse Galvin about her run for reelection in House district 14.
Jul 18, 2024•2 hr 57 min•Transcript available on Metacast In hour one we'll continue our parade of candidates (and incumbents) for the upcoming AKLEG election. Rep Cliff Groh joins us to talk about his thoughts on this past session and the big issues facing us in the upcoming session and beyond as he runs for reelection. Then in hour two we'll be joined by Sen Mike Shower for an hour of of discussions on the state of the State and the Nation.
Jul 17, 2024•2 hr•Transcript available on Metacast