There are so many legal requirements for starting an online business–is it even worth the effort? That’s what one of my students asked me last week. So I decided to get an attorney to answer. But not just any attorney–you’re gonna love this guy! To help you turn these ideas into action, click here to download this week’s free “key ideas” Worksheet. Today you’re going to learn… Why businesses need to get their agreements in writing. Why businesses need to have a strategy for their “legal stuff.” ...
This week I welcome my friend and former student Mike Kim to the show. He’s an amazing marketing strategist, consultant, and copywriter. His podcast, “Brand You podcast” is the #1 podcast on personal branding according to Apple. Mike worked for years as the CMO of a big-time company before building his personal brand. One of his current marketing clients is none other than John Maxwell. We’ve prepared a FREE worksheet for this week’s show to help you apply Mike’s suggestions and get started with...
This week I’m talking with the amazing Chris Hogan about his new book, “Everyday Millionaires.” Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Ray's Tip Of The Week Are you interested in making money every month automatically? Sound too far fetched? Introducing the Recurring Revolution! We’re working hard to implement a system just like this in our coffee shops. To get training from the BEST expert in this field I know of, don’t miss the FREE “Tribe Workshop” training going on right now I...
Are you interested in having guaranteed money in the bank every month? Then this week’s podcast is for you! I’m talking with my friend Stu McLaren, the founder of Stu has become famous by helping entrepreneurs build low stress, high-profit businesses using recurring revenue. How does that sound? How would it feel to start every month with money in the bank and never wonder where your next client is going to come from? Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Featu...
What happened to Tiffany? What happened to Adriane? What happened to Sean? Where are they? Don’t worry, they’ll be back soon. We’ve all been traveling so much that we couldn’t find a time to get together in the studio. So we’ve batched a couple of fantastic interviews with 3 world class copywriters and marketers to replace the fun, freewheeling episodes until we can get back in the studio together again. In the next week or so we’ll release our official announcement of a second podcast. That’s r...
Over the past few weeks, we’ve had a “shake-up” on the show. We had several weeks in a row of freewheeling discussion with two of my assistants, Tiffany and Adrian, and my son, Sean. To please the long-time listeners, some of whom aren’t thrilled with this new style of episode, we’ve decided to launch a second podcast. That way, if you want to tune into the freewheeling silly stuff, you can do that. And if you want to hear the more serious business and copywriting stuff, you can do that too. Sta...
Today it’s just my special guest and me. But never fear, Tiffany, Sean, and Adriane will be back very soon. For the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing some interviews I did with great copywriters. I asked them to share their philosophies about how to write copy that sells. This week I’m interviewing David Garfinkel, the world’s greatest copywriting coach. But first… Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Spiritual Foundations: I want to encourage you to remember some important things...
NOTE: The title of today's episode is the work of Ben Settle, who promptly smacked my wrist for grabbing one of his old subject lines – and rightfully so. Ben is a friend – but we don't steal from our enemies. We certainly don't steal from our friends! So sorry, el Benbo. The slight was not intentional, but that don't make it right. We changed the name of the episode to reflect Ben's ownership of the term, and we also changed the graphic for the post. Finally, I emailed out subscribers explainin...
This week we’re taking off the gloves! My son Sean and I–along with Tiffany and Adrianne–get down and dirty in a heated discussion about Capitalism and Socialism. It all started with a controversial Facebook post I wrote about why I’m a proud Capitalist Pig… oink, oink! We’re also going to talk about… An online tool that allows you to “ exponentialize ” your social media content . You can create content one time and have it show up in many different social media platforms, “automagically.” The t...
On today’s episode, I am interviewing Dr. Gus Vickery , a doctor in North Carolina and the author of the book, “Authentic Health.” As a part of his practice, he goes deep down in his patient’s history and blood work to find an individualized plan for them so they can live their healthiest life and possibly reverse their diseases. And he did this for me. Listen on to hear my test results and what he suggests. Click here to download or listen to this episode now. 4:14 Dr. Vickery talks about how h...
Today on the show, we talk about how to get clients now and the 3 pillars of building a copywriting business. We also do Q&A with Ray where my assistant, Tiffany, asks me some questions that you may or may not want to know the answers to. Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Spiritual Foundations 8:00- There is a passage in James that says you are not supposed to be boasting about tomorrow. Does this mean we shouldn’t have goals? 9:05- Choose goals that are challenging and stret...
Just a sampling of comments on our last few podcasts… “You have ruined your podcast.” “I thought you were a Christian.” “You’re a complete f-ing a-hole.” And to be fair: “Best podcast you have ever done.” “This was a GREAT episode!” “Ray, I have always liked your show, but I love it now that you have Tiffany and Sean with you!” In today’s podcast, I’ll answer the questions about what’s going on with our show, what you can expect in future episodes, and why we’re making all the changes. Click her...
Today on the podcast we are talking about TV preachers, how people feed their delusions and the meaning of beauty. Also, we have some fun questions that my assistant, Tiffany, asks in our new Q&A section. Click here to download or listen to this episode now. 0:50- TV Preachers are still a billion-dollar industry. Why is this? 4:20- Sean’s interesting take on how all of us have delusions. 6:25- “People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fear...
Let’s say I discovered a secret language pattern than could force people to buy whatever I’m selling. Would you wan to know this tactic? Would you use it? What if people bought stuff they couldn’t afford for no other reason tan your tricky marketing tactics? Would that make you evil … or them gullible? All this and more in a rough-cut podcast recoding in an empty boardroom after a day full go meetings… Click here to download or listen to this episode now. [01:00] How the beauty & fashion industr...
Today’s podcast is completely different than anything I have done in the past. Today, you get to listen in as my Executive Assistant, Tiffany Laughter-Twining, and my Personal Assistant, Adriane Allred – interview me. They’re asking me all the toughest, most personal questions come from you, O Constant Listener. I somehow suspect they slipped in a question or two of their own as well. Expect to be entertained and surprised. Click here to download or listen to this episode now. In this shockingly...
Today we are talking about marketing and specifically how we are marketing in our businesses and the meaning of life. Click here to download or listen to this episode now. This Episode is Sponsered by How To Write Copy That Sells You can get my book by just paying for shipping. Get it here: SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS Is Jesus against materialism? I share my thoughts on this subject and why a statement an author made recently about this made me angry. Do you make assumptions ab...
What’s the highest leverage skill you can learn in business? What if there was a skill you could learn that would allow you to: Create a new product or company from thin air? Create cash windfalls on command Convince others of your belief or cause Decide your income and make it real Become location independent Save a company or start a new one Attract and grow a tribe Launch or relaunch a product Get a raise or promotion Start a movement Lower marketing costs AND increase revenue & profits Sprea...
This is episode 371 of The Ray Edwards Show. I get asked frequently, how I became who I am and why I believe what I believe. I read and form opinions from what I read, and I am very good at finding brilliant minds. So I am sharing some of my favorite books from some of the most brilliant minds with you. Listen on to hear my recommendations. Click here to download or listen to this episode now. Here are the books I recommend you read if you want to reinvent your life and the way you think about i...