What the Rosary has to do with Croissants
Bridging the gap
Bridging the gap
Take it to heart
The Spirituality of John Muir
What else could you need?!...
And your cup is overflowing?
The value of sacrifice
Desire and the Will to Power
Stay calm and keep on Evangelizing
Affirming Readiness
Wheresoever we writhe, ... God will provithe!
How to be Human in the Church
Gregorian Stuff You Should Know
Giftedness, Givenness, Gratuity
Special Episode: Catholic Marriage & everything you don't want to talk about
What does Max Scheler have to do with me?
Ecclesiology and Eschatology... in space.
Dante's Purgatorio
A change and a tribute.
State of the Union
Pondering your final desires
Being forced to seek out help.
Riding through the spiritual life
Beauty and grace in the unexpected gift.
Moments of recentering and remembering.
Remembering the simple things
Ask, and then maybe spoil them.
Continuing back, even in the struggle
A willingness to take the next step
Coming face to face with reality.
It's more than just bearing fruit.