A PIG SHOOT IS COMING UP THIS WEEKEND But not ACTUAL pigs just paper ones. It's another fun event put on by COFA that helps kids and adults get outside and learn to be outdoorspeople. Find out more here. Mike and Leslie from COFA pop in at 1 to chat about it.
REP GABE EVANS GAVE MIKE JOHNSTON THE BUSINESS THIS WEEK And you can watch it here if you missed it . He's on at 2:30 today to discuss.
A CU REGENT PUTS HER BUSINESS AHEAD OF THE UNIVERSITY And then yells "RACISM" if you point it out. Jimmy Sengenberger writes here about how Wanda James, who is a CU Regent who also owns pot stores, worked to get money to study high potency pot at the university pulled . She also threw a fake racism conniption fit over the "Tea on THC" campaign put out by the public health department, alleging that since one cartoon image was of a black child in the womb, the campaign was racist. She ignored the ...
FREDDY JONES BAND ON TODAY You may remember their huge hit In A Daydream and they are playing in Parker tomorrow night with The Rick Lewis Project at The Wild Goose Saloon , get your tickets here .
SO I POSTED SOMETHING ON X ABOUT BRITTANY PETTERSON TAKING HER BABY TO CONGRESS To say that the responses were less than family friendly was an understatement. Far too many of you showed NO sympathy for a new mom working in Congress, some of you said women of childbearing age should NOT be in Congress, or told your own story of having to go back to work so she should suck it up. It was disheartening to me. I will completely concede that her photo with her baby was a political stunt, but that doe...
Y'ALL, ANOTHER DUMPSTER FIRE FROM THE COLORADO GOP This is all so, so stupid. I've got Brita Horn on the show at 12:30 to discuss the lawfare tactics current party leadership learned from Joe Biden and her excellent plan for the Colorado GOP, which you can find here.
WE WILL STILL HAVE WEATHER WEDNESDAY ON OUR SHORT SHOW Because why not? Fox 31's Dave Fraser joins me at 12:30 to answer your weather questions.
HOW TO GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER FOR WHEN YOU DIE This seems like an excellent product that I looked into after a listener suggested it recently. The NokBox is a system of organization that puts EVERYTHING in one place in case something happens to you. This is literally the best gift you can give your family, trust me. I've got Maria Fraietta from the company on today for the short show at 12:30pm . Find out more and order yours by clicking here . If you buy something I get a small commission. By t...
THE COLORADO GOP IS ABOUT TO COMMIT SUICIDE FOR THE PARTY Word on the street is that Herr Dave Williams, called here Baghdad Bob by Dick Wadhams in a column , has the votes to opt out of the primary system in Colorado. He's kicked out anyone who dares to disagree with him (did you know Lauren Boebert is now a RINO?) on the Central Committee and just threw out a bunch of Weld voters who would have voted no on the stupid plan. This means we could face a situation where FOUR members of Congress, wh...
WANT TO LIVE A LONGER HEALTHIER LIFE? I've got longevity expert and physician Dr. Anmol Kapoor on the show today at 1 to talk about how stress affects your health and ways to live a longer and healthier life. Find out more about Dr. Kapoor's company by clicking here for Facebook, here for Twitter , and here for Instagram ....