425: Sad Server Stories
Sometimes things go wrong; this week, we admit we've got a problem. Plus new details about the Steam Deck everyone has missed, and an old friend stops by the show with an update. Special Guest: Danielle Foré.
Sometimes things go wrong; this week, we admit we've got a problem. Plus new details about the Steam Deck everyone has missed, and an old friend stops by the show with an update. Special Guest: Danielle Foré.
A serious problem is brewing in Desktop Linux that hasn't impacted end users yet, but will soon. We break down why distribution makers are getting upset and explain what's next. Plus, an update on Matrix and the recent upgrades we made to our server. Special Guests: Brent Gervais and Joshua Strobl.
Why it might be time to re-think who is and who is not a Linux user, plus we do a reality check on the state of Linux phones. Special Guest: Brent Gervais.
We try out what might be the most fun Linux distribution around. It started as a laugh, but now we’re in love. Plus, the reunion road trip hits a bump, some community news, feedback, picks, and more. Special Guest: Brent Gervais.
A surprise server outage at the studio requires we jump into action with a few last-minute solutions and deploy one of our favorite open-source tools. Plus some community news, handy picks, emails, and more. It's a special edition of the Unplugged show. Special Guest: Brent Gervais.
We share some stories from our Denver meetup, the strange reason we found ourselves at a golf course, and some news you should know. Special Guest: Brent Gervais.
Live from Denver, we chat with old friends and new. We get the inside scope on what has been going on at System76, and what's coming up next. Plus we catch up with a few members of our crew, and find out what Linux tech they're loving these days. Special Guests: Aaron Honeycutt, Alex Kretzschmar, Brent Gervais, Carl Richell, Cassidy James Blaede, chzbacon, and Ian Santopietro.
Big things are happening in the world of WireGuard, Jim Salter joins to catch us up. Plus we chat with Daniel Foré and Cassidy James Blaede about the just released elementary OS 6. Special Guests: Brent Gervais, Cassidy James Blaede, Danielle Foré, and Jim Salter.
Yabba Dabba Distro! Run every major distribution on one native host. How we hijacked a Fedora install and turned it into the ultimate meta Linux box. Plus Valve and AMD team up to improve Linux performance and the duct-tape solution holding our server together. Special Guests: Brent Gervais and paradigm.
We try to pull off a show while recovering from an epic server crash. Then we build the ultimate remote Linux desktop—in the cloud!
Could the Steam Deck mean fewer native Linux games? We chat with prolific game developer Ethan Lee and get his perspective on the negative impacts of the Deck. Plus, our thoughts on how Valve might successfully ship Arch to consumers, a batch of feedback, and more. Special Guest: Ethan Lee.
Have you noticed the Linux news has gotten a little weird? Michael Tunnell joins us to break down the changes we've observed over the last year. Plus, we set up private and secure location tracking and tell you how and why. Special Guest: Michael Tunnell.
Linux server admins don't know where to turn next; how the cult of personality might be shaping Linux's most important market. Special Guest: Jack Aboutboul.
Is Fuchsia a risk to Linux? We try out a cutting-edge Fuchsia desktop and determine if it is a long-term threat to Linux. Plus, have we all been missing the best new Linux distribution? We give this fresh distro a spin and report.
Is it possible to have Arch’s best feature on other Linux distros? We attempt it and report our findings. Plus our reaction to NVIDIA’s beta Wayland support–is this the milestone we’ve been waiting for?
We revisit the seminal distros that shaped Linux’s past. Find out if these classics still hold up. Plus the outrageous bounty on a beloved Linux desktop app. Special Guest: Gary Kramlich.
We discuss old and new ways to manage, organize, index, and search your photo collection. It's our favorite Google Photo's alternatives. Plus Chris' hands-on review of System76's customizable Launch keyboard. Special Guests: Alex Kretzschmar and Brent Gervais.
We’re joined by a special guest who’s built his very own Linux battle bus. We get the technical details on how Linux is at the core of this open road machine. Special Guest: Aaron Bockelie.
From our origins with Linux to preparing your home LAN for a solar storm, it’s an Ask us Anything special edition!
Tim Canham, Mars Helicopter Operations Lead at NASA’s JPL joins us again to share technical details you've never heard about the Ingenuity Linux Copter on Mars. And the challenges they had to work around to achieve their five successful flights. Special Guest: Tim Canham.
We’re taking a look at an underdog distro. We may have found a diamond in the rough with a few tricks up its filesystem. Plus our review of the ODROID-Go Super an Ubuntu-powered handheld, and our tools for laptop battery health.
It's episode III, Return of the Email. Everyone says never host your own email, so we're doin it. We just have one last job to complete. Special Guest: Danielle Foré.
The new release of Fedora has more under the hood than you might know. It's a technology-packed release, and nearly all of it is coming to a distro near you. Plus the questions we think the University of Minnesota kernel ban raises, and more.
You should never host your own email, so we’ve gone and done just that. What we learned trying to build an email server in 2021. Plus our take on Ubuntu 21.04, become a master of your schedule with our pick, and a Garage Sale update.
Do as we say, not as we do. This week we're setting off to host our own email. We'll cover the basics, what's we're using, and why. Plus an update on Jupiter Broadcasting going independent, community news, and more. Special Guest: Martin Wimpress.
Old friends and new join us on a quest to celebrate four hundred episodes. Special Guests: Alex Kretzschmar, Corry Clinton, Drew DeVore, and Graham Morrison.
Lutris developer Mathieu Comandon joins us to share his perspective on the uncomfortable issues facing Linux desktop developers. Plus the tech behind Shells.com, community news, feedback, and more. Special Guests: Mathieu Comandon and Zlatan Todorić.
We share our favorite networking trick of all time, and then chat with the blokes behind a new WireGuard-powered service. Plus our reaction to RMS's return to the FSF, some big project updates, picks, and more! Special Guests: Dalton Durst and Danielle Foré.
We break down the next-level features coming to a Linux near you in just a few weeks.
Tim Canham, the Mars Helicopter Operations Lead, shares Linux’s origins at JPL and how it ended up running on multiple boxes on Mars. Plus the challenges Linux still faces before its ready for mission-critical space exploration. Special Guest: Tim Canham.