How Matisyahu Changed the Narrative - The Jewish Truth Bomb The Jewish Truth Bomb 30DEC2024 - PODCAST The Jewish Truth Bomb 30DEC2024 - PODCAST
On this show: Tamar speaks with Bruce Brill, a former NSA analyst in the Middle East department. He uncovered a secret 'Jew Room' from his time working there, and subsequently wrote the book, "Deceit of An Ally". He compares U.S. intelligence from back in 1973 with the surprise Yom Kippur attack, to last year's October 7th surprise attack on Israel. A riveting show! Find Bruce Brill's book at: The Tamar Yonah Show ...
Antisemitism is fast becoming a major problems for the Jewish communities in the US and Europe The Jay Shapiro Show 26DEC2024 - PODCAST
It should only be complete Phantom Nation 24DEC2024 - PODCAST
Empires came and empires went, each with their antisemitic periods, originally induced by the church, like the massacre in York England in 1190 or the expulsion of Jews by K King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in Spain in 1492 as just two examples. The bloody Middle Ages were followed by Islam with occasional persecution of Jews. Europe became a hotbed of antisemitism and assimilation. This programme discusses the consequences since the 18th century until the present time. The Walter Bingham File ...
The Story of Hanukah Is Chanukah a Religious or National Holiday? What Happened the Day After Hanukah? The Jewish Truth Bomb 23DEC2024 - PODCAST
It's war against the Jews of the world! In this must listen to episode, Howie has a solution to the attack on world Jewry! Political Hitman 23DEC2024 - PODCAST
On this show, Tamar speaks with Josh Wander from on the war fronts of Israel and a new player on the battlefield! PLUS, the Hanukkah miracles we are seeing today! The Tamar Yonah Show 22DEC2024 - PODCAST
Natalie is back from a speaking tour to the States and she shares her thoughts on the mindset of the people she met. Returning Home 22DEC2024 - PODCAST
Israel's five front war has not discouraged the people The Jay Shapiro Show 19DEC2024 - PODCAST
The Children of Israel carry the DNA of warriors, scholars, healers and leaders. We reflect the light of Chanukah, shining light and holiness throughout the world. Pull Up a Chair 19DEC2024 - PODCAST
Chanukah is the holiday where we celebrate miracles. The light illuminating the darkness. This holiday always carries special meaning, but seems to be especially important during our times. What is the message of miracles that happened so long ago here to tell us today? How can understanding the essence of the holiday of Chanukah enlighten us during today's dark times? Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to gain insight into The Soul Meaning of Chanukah. Soul Talk 19DEC20...
Howie can't believe that hostages are still being held in Gaza. Why has Israel not saved them all? What is going on? Political Hitman 18DEC2024 - PODCAST
Stop pleaslng the gentiles! Phantom Nation 18DEC2024 - PODCAST for Tanach Classes The Jewish Truth Bomb 16DEC2024 - PODCAST
On this show: * The New ME * War & the results * Interim results -with guest: Dr. Mordechai Ben-Menachem, commentator on mid-east and world issues, and author of the book: Muslim Winter The Tamar Yonah Show 15DEC2024 - PODCAST
Most of us recognize the destructive nature of criticism and ongoing complaints yet find it hard to stop the onslaught. Why is it so hard to stop criticizing and complaining? What steps can one take to make the change and what can be a replacement for criticism when feedback in a relationship is needed? Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to learn how to Enjoy Life Without Complaints Soul Talk 12DEC2024 - PODCAST
Do all heroes wear capes and, weaponized, fight the bad guys? In a world that has gone mad with rage and judgement, sometimes the best and bravest are those who celebrate God, country, and leave a legacy of kindness and walking in His ways. NOTES: Israel News Highlights: Back-a-Buddy: Thanking Israel News Talk Radio: Pull Up a Chair 12DEC2024 - PODCAST...
The Jay Shapiro Show 12DEC2024 - PODCAST
Syria's Old-New Regime Phantom Nation 11DEC2024 - PODCAST
Hear: How water played a part in the creation of the world and subsequently in biblical times. Even the ancient sailors, surrounded by water, had a ‘water’ problem. Today In the era of environmental studies we are even concerned with too much water. Global warming is thought to endanger low lying countries. Warm oceans produce Typhoons and hurricanes resulting in floods, so ironically the nectar of life can also cause death. Talking heads at conferences on that subject themselves cause pollution...
The second Holocaust against the Jewish Community has begun Political Hitman 09DEC2024 - PODCAST
Lenny Goldberg Tanach classes: The Jewish Truth Bomb 09DEC2024 - PODCAST
On this show: How did it happen, that in less than 2 weeks, Assad's Syria has fallen? Who are the players? And what is Turkey's agenda? What about Syria's chemical weapons? Also, who will be next to fall? -Think Jordan, Iran and possibly more! Tamar speaks with Mudar Zahran, a Jordanian Arab and the head of Jordan's Opposition Coalition. You can find him on twitter @mudar_Zahran The Tamar Yonah Show 12DEC2024 - PODCAST
Jew-hatred? Spiritual anemia? Parental alienation? Yawn. We've been given a mandate and the Torah blueprint is eternal. He took us out of Egypt to be a God to us: Why sweat the small stuff? LINKS: Pull Up A Chair 05DEC2024 - PODCAST
Howie looks at the most anti-Jewish city in the world... Political Hitman 04DEC2024 - PODCAST
It is the history of mankind Phantom Nation 04DEC2024 - PODCAST
Lenny's Tanach Shiurim - The Jewish Truth Bomb 02DEC2024 - PODCAST
Returning Home 01DEC2024 - PODCAST