Belief & Repentance
In this episode we explore the relationship between repentance and belief. We will dive into what transformation of the mind might entail. And, even discuss the kingdom of heaven here and now!
In this episode we explore the relationship between repentance and belief. We will dive into what transformation of the mind might entail. And, even discuss the kingdom of heaven here and now!
This week we will explore a very important question, so important in fact… that it happens to be some of the first words Jesus speaks in the gospel of John. Music by Prigida, Track Title: "Stumbling"
Taking the Disciple approach to the Skeptic Disciple, we will explore the encouraging message sent from Paul to a young Timothy: As a teen, whenever someone asked (usually a pastor) what our favorite bible verse was, I’d try to either sneak out or pray I wouldn’t be called on. I hated being put on the spot. I didn’t have a verse to quote from memory. Truth is I never read the Bible. It seemed so odd to me. But, the expectation was there. You’re a good kid, so you must read the Bible, and you mus...
Thanks for Listening to the Skeptic Disciple Podcast We are first of all human and secondly we are learners. Listening is an essential skill in reading scripture and listening to teaching. In this episode we will discover how NOT to listen. The 3 Defects of Listening: 1. Listening in a way that is like an upside down container. This means that physically we may be attending to but mentally we are busy somewhere else. So when someone is teaching, we are not in fact listening at all. 2. List...
A covenant meal, stone tablets and a golden calf? Sounds like trouble. Both, God and Moses react. A story that begins with a covenant meal, ends in bloodshed and the shattering of the Ten Commandments. This is a story of a complicated God-human relationship. Join us as we dive into the drama, and ask burning questions that lead us to discuss what it all means! Music by: Lily J found on
Many of us learned the children's version of Bible stories, but have we ever looked back and read them as adults? What do we do with the problematic parts. Do we still prefer to see those stories as we did when we were children, and if so how does this affect the way we live out our beliefs? This is a short episode simply doing a little bit of "house-keeping" before moving on with the rest of our episodes. Thanks for listening!
You Shall Not Bear False Witness & You Shall Not Covet are the Last of the Commandments! As with all else, there is always more than meets the eye. We hope you've enjoyed this journey through the 10 Commandments. We will be moving forward to the rest of the story of the Exodus and the story of the Bible itself in the VERY near future. Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: DH0N65X8THNGYLIE Find us on Instagram: https://www...
Possessions, things, money, wealth they are all human concepts. Concepts that allow us to feel as though we own the things that God created. I am no socialist or communist, but I do believe that the early church understood the spirit of the law when they shared things in common so that everyone had something to eat, something to wear, a place to rest their heads. A community that cared for one another not out of duty to a set of laws but out of the kindness of a heart transformed by the good new...
Sex and sexuality have always been topics of great debate throughout history. In this episode we discuss how the commandment regarding adultery was later expanded upon by Jesus in the New Testament. We find that Jesus constantly challenges his followers to rethink and dig deeper into the issues of the human condition. Due to the nature of this topic, it MAY not be suitable for all audiences. We ask that you practice discretion. The word adultery originates not from “adult”, as is com...
Have we really been doing this for a year? Yes, yes we have. And you have been part of it. Take a moment to slow-clap for yourself (and us, though we won't hear it). Thanks for being part of the journey! Follow us on Instagram:
Each of the four gospel accounts include the centurion in the account of the crucifixion of Jesus. In each account, this centurion has a moment when he realizes that Jesus is no ordinary man. But, what causes this change? Let's explore.
This is perhaps the most personal of all the episodes of the Skeptic Disciple Podcast for both of us. We discuss what our personal views are on the miraculous and more supernatural aspects of faith. As you know, we delve deep into scripture and as burning questions that may sometimes make us uncomfortable. But, in this episode we ask how thinking critically about the Bible affects our faith. We want to share with you were we currently stand in our faith in Jesus Christ.
Have you ever wondered why permanent happiness seems unattainable? And, what about good works and their relation to the life of faith? This is both a reflection and a call to action.
JPL Engineer Juan Gonzalez talks to us about his work on the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover and his personal integration of faith and science. You can learn more about the Mars 2020 mission at and more about his and his wife's coffee endeavor to bring farm-direct coffee to the Los Angeles area at We will be sharing more information on our Instagram page at SkepticDisciplePodcast.
The Bible contains both the commandment not to kill AND consequences for the breaking of certain commandments that end in the death penalty. So how do we navigate this apparent contradiction? What is justifiable?
Bonus Episode: A meditation on Psalm 14 amidst the chaotic background of the first few weeks of 2021. Ancient psalms reflect modern feelings that you and I may be currently experiencing.
Many of us are familiar with this commandment, but it seems we don't all interpret it the same way. How does the parent-child relationship affect the way we perceive God?
2020 has been a challenging year for most (if not all) of us. And, as we look forward to the new year it can be difficult to feel positive. But, I hope this meditation can give us some insight into the things that truly matter.
In this episode we discuss the third and fourth commandments as written in Exodus 20. Instagram: SkepticDisciple Twitter: DiscipleSkeptic Intermission Music by Tab_AURC found at:
In this episode we discuss the giving of the 10 Commandments as described in Exodus 20, with emphasis on the first two commands. Artwork: Moses and Aaron with the Tablets of the Law unknown artist Jewish Museum London
We discuss the importance of the Bible, it's human nature via divine inspiration, the importance of moving onward to follow Jesus. What is it to say something is inspired? What is inspired language? Can we allow the word to lead us to follow the Living Word: Jesus Christ. Join us a we take a deep dive into all things faith and believe. As we prepare to celebrate the Advent AKA Christmas AKA the arrival of God on Earth and the beginning of the Kingdom of God/Heaven. Please listen to "Crossing the...
Was the Red Sea really split in two in Exodus, or was it a different body of water? What can we learn from inconsistencies in interpretation? Why do we struggle to maintain the belief in the infallibility of the Bible, and where did this belief come from? In this episode we take on protestant history and Biblical interpretation as we currently understand it. We flesh out what it means to be a progressive believer in today's context. Join us in our continued journey of faith as we continue to dig...
A conversation about Exodus, the Red Sea Crossing, a song, and Jonah? This and more on this episode of Skeptic Disciple! Brian found Midrash references at
Exodus 1 // How did we get here, what happened to cause a drastic change in attitude toward foreigners in Egypt that would cause Pharaoh to enslave the Hebrews. Political changes, attitude changes, and the question: Where is God when injustice strikes? All this and more in this episode of the Skeptic Disciple Podcast.
Today, we read through scripture in a short episode that is more "devotional" than "critical reading" of the Bible. Thanks for joining and feel free to leave feedback!
Jacob wrestles God, asks a question, doesn't get an answer, begs for blessing and receives it, limps away with a dislocated hip. We've mentioned this story often in our wrestling with scripture, faith, and yes--even God.
Bonus Episode! IG LIve Interview with Dondeez - Co-Host of the Urban Prophets Podcast. Recorded August 13, 2020. Listen in on a conversation around what the background and intent is behind the Skeptic Disciple Podcast.
Why does God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son? Is God really the kind of God that would ask us to sacrifice human life? This story has been a source of debate and made many uncomfortable. But, what if there's more to it that we're missing? Join us in this episode as we discuss more on this controversial story.
Have you ever taken a leap-of-faith? Moving to another city, or country to pursue your calling? Abram’s response to God’s call carries an element of faith that few of us have even in people we know. We often speak of the promises of God as a motivation for Abram’s actions, but the story seems to say that there is much more to the Abram-God relationship. Perhaps, there’s something there for us to learn from.
Genesis 10 & 11 // The Tower of Babel After the flood, a huge city construction takes place and God interrupts it by confusing their language. Sounds strange enough? Well, what if we told you that Babel is present throughout the Biblical narrative and that its something you and I continue to deal with today? Intriguing enough? Well, join us on this week's episode of the Skeptic Disciple Podcast. Background music by Ketsa, titled: Dusty Hills, found on