447: XCOM 2: War of the Chosen (Part 2)
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This strange baseball game gives us a very loose and runny WOFF. More of a desert WOFF, if you will.
It is indescribable, unfortunately.
Let's just do something with rocket launchers again.
If you thought the bits from from the first half were exhausting, just wait until you meet Flavio.
More like Paper Mario: The Thousand Word Dialogue Box.
Are we adult enough to admit that opinions can change?
Finally, a Zelda game where I can lease my equipment.
And a Die Augen Der Welt to you as well!
Try as you might, he will suffer.
This month, we discuss which games would be good entry points for people who are looking to start enjoying games, or people who are coming back to the hobby after a long hiatus. We also answer your questions, read your responses to May's games, and reveal what games are coming up on the show. June Games: The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante Project Snowblind The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds ## July Games: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (two parts) Quake
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We actually lose track of how many realms there are, exactly.
Create, evolve and live the power fantasy of being a world killing disease. Guest Ending is a piece of fan music for Gary's novel Atomic! Music by Swordquest (https://soundcloud.com/swordquest)
A good game bogged down by infuriating Ubisoft style decisions. This week's theme song brought to us by MegaMatt (https://soundcloud.com/megamattyb)
Is it better to have? Or to hold?
Well, we took a left at Donkey Kong Country... And then a right at Dream Land... And now we're here.
It's just like we're back in King's Field.
Places! How do you get there? What are you thinking when you do it? We have to get to point B!
In some ways, Miles is the Ultimate Spider-Man.
There is a room, but also its kind of not a room because of how big it is. Also, the definition of "room" is thrown completely out the door.
I didn't think it get tore any downer, but here we are.
Imagine the platonic ideal of a video game.
It takes about an age of Empires to play through this entire strategy classic.
I assure you, there is nothing sinister about this island full of ponies.
So. You're a demon, now. How's that going for you?
This is one of the best games of all time. Wipe that smile off your face. This isn't a joke to me.
I don't get it. It's just the same game over and over and over and over and over and over