Send us a text Florida GOA representative Luis Valdes joins Royce in this episode to discuss bills in the Florida legislature (like a new one calling for real Constitutional Carry!) and in the federal government. Tune in and share!! Join GOA!! GOA | The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington ( Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( T...
May 02, 2024•54 min•Ep 614•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text With the Democrat Communists in government positions throughout the country and their fellow America-haters coming across our border(s), it isn't difficult to see all the birds of a feather flocking together. Royce proposes a terrible, yet entirely possible and scarily probable for the very near future of this country. You will understand how we the armed People of the United States are, and always HAVE been, the real defenders of the Constitution, simply by virtue of being a...
Apr 30, 2024•45 min•Ep 613•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text The title speaks for itself, and it says this episode is a barn-burner. Tune in and share, please! Link to assist Dexter Taylor, please give, even if it's only $5.00!! GiveSendGo - Dexter Taylor 2A Legal Fund: The Leader in Freedom Fundraising. Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Path: How Operation Fast & Furious...
Apr 25, 2024•49 min•Ep 612•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Since the Alpha Tango Foxtrot seems to relish usurping power they were never granted in our Supreme Law, with "rule changes" and "redefining" words and phrases, Royce decided to put together his own set of "rule changes" and "redefinitions" to be applied against them. He also passionately reminds us all that we are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, as per "Honest" Abe Lincoln himself. Tune in and share! Support ...
Apr 19, 2024•41 min•Ep 611•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text First, Royce revisits the killing of Brayn Malinowski in order to set the table for resisting the ATF's new "rule change" that redefines "engaged in the business" that will soon cause armed confrontations with them. Then, he explains how to combat it, and no, the ATF and their abuses won't be stopped through the courts or Congress, they'll will be stopped when We the People decide it's time to stop it and are willing to accept the consequenc...
Apr 17, 2024•43 min•Ep 610•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce first translates today's announcement by Biden the Bolshevik that the DOJ was going to be vigorously enforcing the "new rule" illegally issued by ATF that vaguely defines who is a gun dealer, and it could be you, if you sold five or more of your personal guns within a one-year period. Which means they can get a warrant to kick your door in at 6:00 A.M. and bust into your house while you're sleeping. And, if you react the same way any other homeowner would...
Apr 11, 2024•49 min•Ep 609•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text The Bolshevik Biden administration recently launched the federal "Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center" , which will be pumping federal tax dollars into the states to implement so-called "Red Flag" laws, which flagrantly violate the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments. Tune in and hear why Royce believes that ERPO's will soon be issued on a mass scale and encompass entire groups of people and mass confiscations, and that the federal government will use ou...
Apr 09, 2024•54 min•Ep 608•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Special guest Anthony "Cujo" Kooser joins Royce on the program to discuss combat trauma care. Why? Because we the People need to know this stuff, especially in the face of all the violence engendered, incited and propagated against us by the Democrat Communist Party and their willfully ignorant useful idiots (as "Uncle" Joe Stalin was so fond of calling them). Listen and learn, and share this vitally important episode around!! Support the show GiveSendGo | Unco...
Mar 25, 2024•48 min•Ep 607•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text The American Badass, Dale Comstock, joins Royce once again in this fiery episode! Dale served 10 years in 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-D (Delta Force) as an assaulter, explosives, mechanical, ballistic and manual breacher, Team Leader, 3rd Special Forces Group (Green Berets) as a light and heavy weapons expert -Team Sergeant, and in the 82nd Airborne Division 325th Infantry. He also worked 9.5 years as a paramilitary operative for USG and concurrently worked as a cont...
Mar 24, 2024•1 hr 17 min•Ep 606•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text In the first part of the program , Royce addresses the recent ruling by an Obama appointee that nullifies multiple laws and federal forms, and points out the good AND the bad implications of such a decision. In the 2nd segment , it's on to Illinois to take a critical look at their recent filing of a lawsuit (with the help of the newly, illegally created "Office of Gun Violence Prevention" and the civilian disarmament cartels) against Glock because of all the gangste...
Mar 21, 2024•52 min•Ep 605•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text The licensing of your rights by the government, once complied with, seizes control of the free exercise thereof. And, shockingly, some ATF agents are speaking out and "whistle-blowing" about the nefarious intentions of the proposed "rule change" that makes private gun sales illegal unless you perform a background check. And, even-more-shockingly, Royce offers a sincere apology for previously held animosity toward the ATF in a general blanket-condemnation-sense,...
Mar 19, 2024•53 min•Ep 604•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text While Royce has been less-than-forgiving with the ATF and their respective agents, some agents stand out in their true service to the American people. Mr. Peter Forcelli is one of those agents. He, along with John Dodson, blew the whistle on the infamous "Fast and Furious" gun-running program orchestrated by the DOJ (under Eric Holder) and ATF during the Obama presidency. Royce was humbled to have such a fine American on his program. Listen and share!! The Deadly Path: H...
Mar 17, 2024•1 hr 10 min•Ep 603•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text First, Georgia is attempting to pass legislation that makes businesses with "No Guns Allowed" signs to accept responsibility for their customers' safety. Then, if you want to close our porous border, hate gun control laws and want the government to stop seizing public lands owned by the taxpayers, then you are a "Domestic Violent Extremist" and the FBI is seeking info from your bank about purchases you've made. Tune in and share! The American Police H...
Mar 11, 2024•53 min•Ep 602•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Yes, not just against the free exercise of People's RIGHT to keep and bear arms, but against the People themselves. Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Path: How Operation Fast & Furious and Bad Lawyers Armed Mexican Cartels: Forcelli, Peter J., MacGregor, Keelin, Murphy, Stephen: 9798888456491: Books ...
Mar 07, 2024•35 min•Ep 601•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text After first explaining that the Marxists Democrats will not stop until every conservative has been disarmed and the trains are running non-stop to and from the death camps, Royce speaks about a major Constitutional reset regarding the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution in general. Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Path: ...
Feb 28, 2024•41 min•Ep 600•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text From sports figures to musicians to actors to other elitists, their constant presumptions about gun owners being "the problem" and "not caring" about so-called "gun violence" are not only ludicrous and slanderous, but utterly infuriating. More grotesque use of shooting victims as unwitting martyrs for gun control was recently unveiled as gun control cartels gained permission from the parents of some of the kids murdered at Parkland in 2018 to create A...
Feb 19, 2024•49 min•Ep 599•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce couples past articles with current ones to show that he's not the only one who believes coordinated attacks on America's mainland are imminent,....from within. The threats are very real, and they are already here. We the People are the militia, and we will have to be our own protectors, defenders and caretakers, because everyone in our government will be looking out for themselves, our safety will not matter to them. Start stocking up on canned foods, trauma suppli...
Feb 15, 2024•37 min•Ep 598•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text With much propagation of so-called "safe gun storage" laws being vomited over the airwaves by the media, Royce uncovers their ultimate design, and it ain't pretty!! Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Path: How Operation Fast & Furious and Bad Lawyers Armed Mexican Cartels: Forcelli, Peter J., MacGregor,...
Feb 07, 2024•35 min•Ep 597•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text An Obama-appointed communist judge has reversed a lower court decision that had tossed a lawsuit against multiple gun manufacturers, clearing the way for the suit to proceed. While the suit is allegedly being brought by Mexico, the wording and phrases used therein are purely 100% American Democrat Communist, and that's because it is indeed funded and argued by funds and attorneys from the Disarmament Cartels here in the United States. Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitut...
Feb 04, 2024•50 min•Ep 596•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce rightly exposes the two primary enemies of the American people and the Constitution: The multiple battalions-worth of fighting aged foreign men that have crossed our Southern border in the last three years, and the United States government who is actively enabling it, and all while trying to disarm all conservative Americans and passing laws against us organizing and training as local militias to fight the threats they created. The American Police Hall of Fame Museum and Sho...
Jan 28, 2024•41 min•Ep 595•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text With the massive invasion of our Southern border by Iranian and Chinese fighting-aged men (some who are openly making threats against the United States ON CAMERA), the federal government/Democrat Communist Party doing all they can to facilitate the continuance of said invasion, the SCOTUS literally giving the Obiden administration to order federal agents to cut razor wire in Texas to keep the flow unabated and the continued push to disarm conservatives, it's easy to see who t...
Jan 24, 2024•37 min•Ep 594•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text First, a pod of 20 Attorneys General are petitioning Congress to shut off sales of Lake City Ammo to the public, not caring that such a move would actually compromise our national security. as long as they can attempt to dry up an ammo source for the People. Then, a senator and a congressman team up to propose a federal law designed to supersede all state laws regarding paramilitary training by civilians. Gee, now why do you suppose they would do something like that?? Tune in and ...
Jan 18, 2024•45 min•Ep 593•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce blasts the gun control cartels and their sycophants for their typical fallacious reactions to the most recent engineered mass shooting by a mentally deranged "transgender" 17-year-old who willfully broke multiple gun control laws AND the laws against murder and malicious wounding. But, to the civilian disarmament complex, more of those same laws is the only answer, and the rights of the law-abiding citizenry 99.62% of society) must have the free exercise of their r...
Jan 12, 2024•38 min•Ep 592•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text First, a look at a challenge to New York's "Assault Weapons" ban, and it's (thus far) looking favorable for the plaintiffs, thanks to a sensible federal judge. Then, an in-depth look at the defiance of Illinois gun owners against the Constitutionally-reprehensible PICA Act, and their resistance obviously has the governor's and the State Police's attention, because they're not sure what to do, and they're making cajoling statements in regards...
Jan 06, 2024•45 min•Ep 591•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Quintessential braying communist jackass Sen. Chris Murphy (D- Conn) recently posted a tweet on X extolling the "accomplishments" of the BSCA ("Bipartisan Safer Communities Act) of 2022 claiming it had reduced homicides significantly throughout the nation, including in Chicago, Los Angeles and other Democrat communist hellscapes. The problem is that he was giving credit to gun control when the REAL reason crime has been steadily dropping SINCE 1990(!!!) is due to mo...
Jan 04, 2024•40 min•Ep 590•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text First, a look at o u tgoing Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards who recently pardoned 40 murderers — including a man who stabbed a store worker 39 times. Then, a leaked memo from Illinois Gov. Prickster's office which reveals plans (as if we didn't know) to confiscate all the "assault weapons" that have been registered thus far,....which won't be difficult because very few have been registered, thanks to some outright defiance by Illinoisans!! And more! Tune i...
Jan 01, 2024•36 min•Ep 589•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text One legislator wants to disarm domestic abusers through ERPO's (i.e. "Red Flag" laws), hoping that will render them harmless, but an actual victim of domestic abuse tells a different story before Congress that shatters the myth of "Red Flag" laws and exposes them as utterly useless. Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle (lookatthe...
Dec 26, 2023•36 min•Ep 588•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Multiple reports of violent criminality, some being thwarted by armed citizens, namely, two pregnant women using firearms to defend themselves and their families. Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Path: How Operation Fast & Furious and Bad Lawyers Armed Mexican Cartels: Forcelli, Peter J., MacGregor, Keelin, Murphy, ...
Dec 24, 2023•47 min•Ep 587•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce explains how the newly spawned "Office of Gun Violence Prevention" is teaming up with Attorneys General and multiple state legislators to use American taxpayer dollars to assault and batter the right of the People to keep and bear arms; the aim being a total ban on so-called "assault weapons". The collusion between all the communists in Washington with all the other communists in the various states leads us to New Mexico, where Gov. Grisham can't see...
Dec 19, 2023•49 min•Ep 586•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce exposes the battle against tyranny that has been going century upon century, and how tyrants have always attempted to pass laws to counter natural human rights, "legally" granting them power over others they deem to be lesser than them. Tune in and share! Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Path: How Operat...
Dec 16, 2023•1 hr 2 min•Ep 585•Transcript available on Metacast