Send us a text The ATF was allegedly "authorized" by the BSCA (Bipartisan Safer Communities Act) to change the definition and rule regarding who needs a license to sell guns, and they intend to craft it so that you cannot sell even one of your guns without a Federal Firearms License. They're doing this by redefining what it means to be engaged in the business of selling firearms, and Royce explains how this is being driven through in their attempt to finally have a total gun regis...
Aug 12, 2023•39 min•Ep 554•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text First, Royce touches on Illinois and their "Assault Weapons" ban which includes registration not only of lawfully owned arms but also their attachments!! Then, on to Colorado where yesterday (August 7th) was when their new Marxist-inspired gun control law went into effect that denies lawful 18-20-year-old adults their God-given right to purchase a firearm, essentially creating two classes of adult citizens; some with rights, some without. It seems that they actually beli...
Aug 08, 2023•31 min•Ep 553•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce tackles and gives a beat-down to another Marxist-media-created bad guy, the dreaded ( cue scary music here!! ) "GHOST GUN"!!!! He explains why government oversight/regulation is never a good thing, and how "public safety" is the excuse of modern-day tyrants. Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Pat...
Aug 04, 2023•34 min•Ep 552•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text The illegal ATF pistol brace "rule change" has been slapped down by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, keeping the injunction against it in place!! Tune in and share!! Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Path: How Operation Fast & Furious and Bad Lawyers Armed Mexican Cartels: Forcelli, Peter J., MacGregor, Ke...
Aug 03, 2023•31 min•Ep 551•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text First, Royce takes you to Brazil via two articles, one of which reports that violent crime and homicides have dropped dramatically in the wake of the previous President's effort to re-arm the lawful citizenry. Then, the next article reports on how the new Communist president is passing an executive order to reduce the number of firearms in lawful citizens hands and only allow 50 rounds of ammo for each gun. Stand by for the crime rates to launch once again. Then, on to San Jo...
Jul 27, 2023•38 min•Ep 550•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat Communist from Connecticut, recently proposed amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (an annual "must pass" bill required to keep the military funded) which very directly targets the firearms of uniformed service members both on AND off base, and causes them to be registered with the Provost Marshall.... and it also includes civilian employees who work on base!! This is a registration that will undoubtedly be handed to the ATF...
Jul 25, 2023•36 min•Ep 549•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Recent infringement proposals in Massachusetts, one of the original hubs of freedom, are egregious, to say the least, and it's great to see many police chiefs throughout the state speaking out against them with brutal common sense. Thank you for listening, please pass it around like a blunt at a Snoop Dog concert! Please share around! Defensive Pistol Fundamentals | Brevard County, Florida | Royce Productions, Inc ( Advanced Defensive Pistol | Brevard Coun...
Jul 21, 2023•34 min•Ep 548•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text When Royce goes off on the ATF it's always well deserved. Recent actions against innocent gun dealers is pushing America into a bad place. Royce calls them how he sees them in this hard-hitting episode, and he sees ATF agents as nothing more (and certainly nothing less) than criminals with badges. If you're a fan of unaccountable, rogue federal agencies and their badge-heavy thugs, this one's not for you. Defensive Pistol Fundamentals | Brevard County, Florida | Roy...
Jul 18, 2023•32 min•Ep 547•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Special guest Lee Williams, the Gunwriter himself, joins Royce on the program to talk about a gun range owner in Vermont whose rights have been horribly trampled by many in the town as well as a crooked judge who feels he has the power to simply sentence people he hates to prison,... without them ever having been arrested, charged, indicted or tried. Tune in and share around!! Click the GiveAendGo link below to help the fight!! GiveSendGo - Help Slate Ridge keep fighting to exist:...
Jul 13, 2023•36 min•Ep 546•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce begins by discussing the recent comments from Philly D.A. Larry "Commie" Krasner (Royce's name for him) in the wake of the recent shooting in Philly, then deals with idiocy from the mouth of Governor Prickster (again, Royce's name for him) of Illinois. Finishing it off is a story with a happy ending from San Antonio, Texas. Tune in and share!! Sicarios Gun Shop Firearms, Accessories, Ammo, Safes, and more! SHOOTINGCLASSES.COM Online business operations pl...
Jul 09, 2023•34 min•Ep 545•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce dives into the July 4th mass casualty shooting in the City of Brotherly Love and makes some startling observations about the shooter, the responding officers, and the usual responses from politicians and even the gun control cartels....with whom the shooter identified. Links for training classes, don't forget to use the discount code "Liberty" for $25.00 off. Defensive Pistol Fundamentals | Brevard County, Florida | Royce Productions, Inc (
Jul 06, 2023•33 min•Ep 544•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce first highlights Anthony of Counterstrike Tactical and how the ATF retaliated against him after he contacted his Representative in Washington DC to complain about their slothfulness in renewing his FFL. Then on to New Jersey where another FFL retailer took on the ATF and won, after they had sent him a letter of revocation. And last, Royce discusses the recent federal court ruling slapping down the ATF's recent "final rule" regarding frames and receivers. Tune ...
Jul 05, 2023•29 min•Ep 543•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Updates on the IRS raid of a Montana gun store, and how this is indeed a new tactic ginned up by the DOJ as they're weaponizing the ATF and IRS against the gun industry....because it has already happened to other gun stores even before this high profile case. Two Elected officials are demanding answers from the badged felons but we know where that's gonna' go: NOWHERE. No one will be held accountable and even if they are, no punishment or penalties will be exacted a...
Jun 29, 2023•34 min•Ep 542•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text A good guy with a gun in Nevada shut down an active shooter and no one but the shooter was hurt. One would think the haters of our rights would (grudgingly, at least) hail the man as a hero, but no, he'll be maligned by the leftists in the media and beyond if he's given any press at all and his heroic actions will be denigrated. Flagler County, Florida, votes down the implementation of the Guardian Program that would put armed staff in schools because they were afraid of...
Jun 29, 2023•33 min•Ep 541•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text First, some continuum of the last episode about the IRS raid on a Montana gun store. Then Royce shreds a police chief who asserts that Americans need to trade some of their liberty for safety and accept gun control as a viable solution to "gun violence". The show ends with a look at how Royce's predictions about "safe storage" laws is beginning to come true in Pennsylvania. Tune in and share!! Training class links (use discount code "Liberty"!): ...
Jun 24, 2023•32 min•Ep 540•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text The IRS,...yes, the IRS , recently raided a Montana Gun Store in full battle gear under the pretense that the owner had "unreported millions of dollars", and during the ten hours they spent seizing financial records, they also ILLEGALLY seized the owner's 4473 forms and ILLEGALLY copied his acquisition and disposition records, which were not listed on the warrant!! And the ATF gave them the green light to do so. Tune in for this one and share it around as far and wi...
Jun 20, 2023•32 min•Ep 539•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text In this episode, Royce discusses personal and home defense and some of the latest tactics employed by the predators who walk among us. We have an abundance of evil proliferating within this nation today, and you'd better start taking your self-defense seriously. Defensive Pistol Fundamentals | Brevard County, Florida | Royce Productions, Inc ( Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle&a...
Jun 15, 2023•32 min•Ep 538•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Both President Donald J. Trump and Charles Foehner were born in New York City, New York, thirteen years apart. Both are feeling the wrath of the Communist State because they had the audacity to freely exercise their God-given rights; Trump, his first Amendment right, Foehner, his second Amendment right. Both did nothing wrong, and committed no violations of the Supreme Law, unlike their persecutors who are seeking to make an example of them before the entire country, and to show a...
Jun 13, 2023•37 min•Ep 537•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce shreds an article co-written by Tom Gabor and Fred Guttenberg claiming they've "debunked 40 2nd Amendment myths" in a new book titled "American Carnage". The entirety of their article and book can be summed up with one sentence: "Total gun control and confiscation is the only solution to America's so-called gun violence problem." Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul E...
Jun 10, 2023•37 min•Ep 536•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text In this episode, Royce first delves into recent news in the 2nd Amendment world, including the hilariously dismal compliance with the ATF's illegal dictation of law regarding pistol braces (approximately 0.062% of pistol braced weapons were registered!). Then, it's on to Vermont where Governor Phil Scott, an alleged Republican, surrendered his testicles, rolled over for the communists, and negligently failed to veto a three-pronged gun control bill, allowing it to become...
Jun 06, 2023•36 min•Ep 535•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text In this episode, Royce shows the lateness of the hour in this country by exposing the real purpose behind the ATF's "rule change" on pistol braced firearms and exhibits exactly how the domestic enemies within our federal government view conservatives, Constitutionalists and "domestic terrorists". They're coming soon, and you'd better be ready to defend yourselves if you plan on standing firm on the Constitution and the American ...
May 31, 2023•32 min•Ep 534•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Recent revelations show how the Department of Homeland Security is involved with proposing schemes to intimidate gun owners in Delaware into registering their "assault" weapons, and Royce alleges that their involvement is actually in multiple states that have such illegal bans. This is (as Royce asserts) being done to expand the already existing and totally illegal federal gun registry that the domestic enemies of the Constitution in the ATF have already been compiling f...
May 29, 2023•37 min•Ep 533•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text With the constant assaults against the Constitution and our rights by the media, the infringement cartels and the federal government itself, it's time to realize that they will keep pushing until we make a stand and boldly tell them that there will be no more compliance with illegal laws that are illegally enforced by armed thugs with badges who are accountable to no one, and there will be no more credence given to people who blame lawful keepers and bearers for criminal viol...
May 25, 2023•36 min•Ep 532•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce talks about recent slanderous denigrations and accusations against conservatives by the Marxists in the media and federal government as they've called them "terrorists" and "white nationalists", painting them to be the most dangerous threat to America. Coupled with recent actions and false flag exhibitions by multiple federal agencies, Royce explains why he believes that the armed American citizens in this country are what has kept them from complete...
May 23, 2023•39 min•Ep 531•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text It was Royce's honor to have special guest Lee Williams, a.k.a. The Gun Writer, on this episode of Shooting Straight. Lee is a wealth of knowledge about the firearms industry, the politics of 2nd Amendment rights and much more. He's been a soldier, a cop and one heck of a journalist (a REAL journalist!) and you're really going to enjoy this one, for sure. This is DEFINITELY an episode you do not wanna' miss! Tune in and share! Support the show GiveSendGo | Unco...
May 18, 2023•42 min•Ep 530•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Special and regular guest Aoife (pronounced Ay-fah) joins Royce on the program again to discuss the absurdity of the leftists' relentless assault propaganda against the right of the People to keep and bear arms. Tune in and share! Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Path: How Operation Fast & Furious and Bad Lawye...
May 17, 2023•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text It was great having Luis Valdes of GOA back on the program to discuss the political machinations at work in Florida regarding the right of the People of Florida to keep and bear arms. Tune in and share!! Join GOA today! Hit this link: Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Path: How Operation Fast &...
May 13, 2023•35 min•Ep 528•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce has strong words of advice for all freedom-loving patriots in the communist-occupied territories of the United States who have recently had illegal laws passed against their God-given right to keep and bear arms (i.e. Washington State, Illinois and others). Every governor, every state legislature and every law enforcement agency in those states needs to know that the people of their state are their rightful masters, that they are resolved to not comply with those illegal law...
May 11, 2023•37 min•Ep 527•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Royce interviews Joel Hodges, regional manager for Glock, Inc., and you don't wanna' miss this one! Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul Eberle ( The Deadly Path: How Operation Fast & Furious and Bad Lawyers Armed Mexican Cartels: Forcelli, Peter J., MacGregor, Keelin, Murphy, Stephen: 9798888456491: Books Voice of th...
May 08, 2023•43 min•Ep 526•Transcript available on Metacast Send us a text Unlike the Constitutionally-dyslexic Obama appointee in DC that recently upheld the District's illegal ban on "large capacity magazines", a federal judge (McGlynn) ordered an injunction against the Illinois "assault weapons" ban with extreme Constitutional prejudice. We need more judge like McGlynn!! Support the show GiveSendGo | Unconstitutional 2A Prosecution of Tate Adamiak Askari Media Group Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt" Paul...
May 03, 2023•36 min•Ep 525•Transcript available on Metacast