An Unexpected Farewell
Sorry guys, but with campus shut down because of COVID-19, our podcast has to abruptly end. Thanks to everyone for listening, and keep your eyes peeled for one last blooper reel in the future!
Sorry guys, but with campus shut down because of COVID-19, our podcast has to abruptly end. Thanks to everyone for listening, and keep your eyes peeled for one last blooper reel in the future!
Alec Wallisch joins the Hooligans to discuss everything from corona frat parties to crazy tweets about that meme of President Brooks. Wash your hands, remember to check in with your online classes, and most of all, enjoy!!!
The 3 Hooligans are once again joined by Jesus Guerrero as they discuss various terrible movies including Dracula 3000, Cats, and I, Frankenstein! They also have resident Sonic experts Ian and Zeus discuss the intricate workings of the recent release of the masterpiece movie. (Enjoy this week's unique intro and outro... seriously, listen to that if nothing else!)
Can you guys believe Lake insults more of our viewers AGAIN? Crazy! Anyways, this episode the 3 Hooligans predict how Trine might transform in the next decade, and to do that they reflect on some of the interesting changes on campus. They also suggest restructuring the engineering departments around the four elements #avatarlife. As always, follow them on Instagram @itsaredactedthing and DM them any secrets/episode ideas you may have! Enjoy and #DoItForThePodcast!!!!
Guest star Amanda Baker joins Mycah, Ian, and Lake as they reminisce about Assault Rifle Jesus and discuss the pros/cons of Valentine's Day. We also hear about how one of our hosts drowned chipmunks and how the smell of cadaver labs makes people hungry. Yum!
Happy Monday! Guest star Hope Scholma joins the Hooligans to talk about her mold horror story! Things get a little crazy from there as they discuss everything from fruit prisons, yeeting sheep, and the coronavirus (if it does ravage the world, we wont find our comments so funny anymore).
The 3 Hooligans are joined by guest star Jacob "Hambone" Hamblen as they look at Trine's stats on Rate My Professor, relive their classmate horror stories, and end the episode with a lovely (terrifying) bit of synchronized singing!
Guest star Lain Sallee joins the 3 Hooligans as they discuss some bizarre things that have happened in Reiners, including launching an absurdly large Christmas tree out of the third floor and Lain's unfortunate run-in with a very angry dude. Also, we hear about the Treaty of Widmann and that time Ian accidentally saw Lake naked!
Welcome to season 2! We kick off this season with guest star Trace Scoles as we talk about couples who wax together, accidentally (or not?) summoning a sleep paralysis demon, and if we would be able to dodge the draft. Enjoy!
Bloopers and highlights from the first 8 episodes!
The 3 Hooligans and returning guest star Sydney Spurgeon bid the fall semester farewell by discussing Lake's Shrek story and other various shenanigans that have happened on Trine's campus in previous winters.
The 3 Hooligans are here with a Trine-personalized school survival guide! They also discuss the controversial business that was almost built in Angola and weigh the pros and cons of talking about crows on a date. Enjoy!
The Hooligans are joined by guest star Sydney Spurgeon (and a cameo by Liam Neeson!) as they discuss the recent laundry hostage situation, share their thoughts on the caf food, and debate the "Engineering Hierarchy."
The 3 very, very exhausted Hooligans discuss the dorm raids that happened last week, throwback some of the best memes/trends from the past decade, and quickly lose their minds over the course of 22 minutes!
Mycah, Lake, and Ian are joined by guest star Jesus Guerrero as they discuss various acts of vandalism that have occurred across campus. Fire, flooding, car keying, and that unfortunate fountain incident are all discussed!
In honor of Halloween this month, join the 3 Hooligans as they throw it back to the 2016 worldwide clown rampage, talk about alleged ghosts on Trine's campus, and mention some of their spooky movie recommendations!
Join the 3 Hooligans as they discuss that time Trine had a villa meth lab, the (almost) future of fraternity vigilantes, and when administration unrolled a faculty dress code so strict it made national news.
Welcome to episode one! Seniors Mycah, Lake, and Ian introduce the sassy school motto and talk about some unfortunate events, secret fight clubs, and the school's mascot being a child of incest. Enjoy!