In Sonnenplätze, a complex family story unfolds against the impressive backdrop of Lanzarote about a father whose charade collapses before the eyes of the children. Director Aaron Arens talks about the personal inspirations behind the script, the development of authentic characters and the particular dynamics of working with the actors. The discussion is about the challenges of writing together, the balance between drama and humor, and the influence of film awards and festivals. - In Sonnenplätz...
Feb 27, 2025•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Following the highly regarded federal elections in Germany, the coalition negotiations are now taking place, as no party has achieved an absolute majority to govern alone. A coalition of CDU/CSU and the SPD is probably the most likely. Together, the parties will probably also form a government. There are long and tough negotiations on the way there, and it is not yet clear whether there will really be an agreement. - Nach der vielbeachteten Bundestagswahl in Deutschland kommen jetzt die Koalitio...
Feb 27, 2025•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast In the middle of South Australia, there is a place where German traditions have remained alive. Black, red and gold flags fly here, it smells of pretzels and "Bienenstich" cake, and the streets are reminiscent of a miniature Germany. SBS correspondent colleague Barbara Barkhausen visited Hahndorf — and not only discovered familiar clichés, but also met a young German who calls the place home. She also discovered a very special culinary specialty: exceptionally good marmalade. - Mitten in Südaust...
Feb 25, 2025•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Laut Umfrage bevorzugen Wähler Koalition zwischen Union und SPD / Unions-Kanzlerkandidat Merz sagt Europa muesse sich von den USA abwenden / Spannungen zwischen Trump und Macron bei Pressekonferenz / EU lockert Sanktionen gegen Syrien / Albanese und Dutton versprechen mehr Medicare Bulk Billing / Australische Strände und Nationalparks sollen für Menschen mit Behinderungen besser zugänglich werden
Feb 25, 2025•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast German cinema in Australia? Again, this year's Europa! Europa Festival strives to present the best of the European film scene, including Alireza Golafshan's comedy Everything is Fifty Fifty, which had its Australian premiere in Melbourne and Sydney last week. - Deutsches Kino in Australien? Das bietet wieder das Europa! Europa Festival mit seinem diesjährigen Programm und bemüht sich, das Beste aus der europäischen Filmszene zu präsentieren. Darunter Alireza Golafshans Komödie Alles Fifty Fifty,...
Feb 25, 2025•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast SBS on Demand is a treasure trove of international films in the original language. There are also German-language films and series to discover. Every month, we present you with a review of one of them together with film scholar Dr. Claudia Sandberg. Today: ZERV - Divided We Stand. - SBS on Demand ist eine Fundgrube für internationale Filme in der Originalsprache. Auch aus dem deutschsprachigen Film und Fernsehen gibt es dort den ein oder anderen Schatz zu entdecken. Jeden Monat picken wir eine P...
Feb 25, 2025•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast CDU stärkste Kraft bei Bundestagswahl in Deutschland / Große Parteien versprechen mehr gratis Hausarztbesuche / Australien kündigt weitere Reiseverbote für Russen an / Telegram muss knapp eine Million Dollar Strafe zahlen / Zustand von Papst weiterhin kritisch / Unwetterwarnung für Queensland
Feb 24, 2025•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Three years after Russian tanks invaded Ukraine, the consequences for Ukrainian civilians and political stability in Europe are disastrous. Millions of refugees and tens of thousands of fallen soldiers are the result. Ukrainian activist Viktoriya Levynska talks in an interview about the ongoing struggle that she is waging from Nuremberg and whether she thinks peace is possible any time soon. - Drei Jahre nachdem russische Panzer in die Ukraine einrollten, sind die Folgen für die ukrainische Zivi...
Feb 24, 2025•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Verfassungsrechtsexperte Prof. Markus Wagner analysiert die Bundestagswahlergebnisse und ihre Auswirkungen auf das deutsche politische System. Im Fokus stehen die parteipolitischen Trends und mögliche Koalitionen. Zudem wird die Rolle der Fünf-Prozent-Hürde sowie der Einfluss der Rekordwahlbeteiligung auf Demokratievertrauen und politische Stabilität diskutiert.
Feb 24, 2025•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast The federal election has shaken Germany: The CDU is the strongest force, but far from a clear mandate. The SPD is falling historically, while the AfD is underpinning its claim as a new people's party with strong gains. Die Linke also performed surprisingly well. But who can and wants to govern? While initial talks are underway, forming a government remains a challenge — with potential consequences for the country's political stability. - Die Bundestagswahl hat Deutschland erschüttert: Die CDU is...
Feb 24, 2025•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Cryptocurrency is often promoted as a lucrative investment, even though experts warn it's high risk. - Kryptowährungen werden oft als lukrative Investition beworben, obwohl Experten vor einem hohen Risiko warnen.
Feb 21, 2025•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast The election campaign is over - the decision will be made on Sunday. A new government should do better than the broken traffic light coalition of SPD, GRÜNE and FDP. Because it is an early election, the time for an election campaign was limited. Nevertheless, what parties have tried to get the votes of the voters has so far been unique in this compilation. Dieter Herrmann, editor-in-chief of the week in Australia, has followed the election campaign closely. - Der Wahlkampf ist vorbei - am Sonnta...
Feb 21, 2025•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast There will be elections in Germany on Sunday and in a few months, millions of citizens in Australia will also be called upon to vote for a new government. These are important events that are at the heart of our democracy and shape our coexistence. In order not to make a mistake, you have to find out beforehand, but unfortunately it is becoming increasingly difficult to find objective information on many important issues such as climate change and immigration. Especially on popular online technol...
Feb 20, 2025•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ukraine-Gespräche unter Leitung von Frankreich / 5.000 Menschen demonstrieren als Gedenken an rassistischen Anschlag in Hanau / Australische Regierung will 2,4 Milliarden Dollar zur Rettung des Whyalla-Stahlwerks in Südaustralien investieren / Senatorin Lambie fordert mehr australisches Eigentum in Schlüsselindustrien / Arbeitslosenquote Australien leicht angestiegen / Inlandsgeheimdienst warnt vor zunehmender Radikalisierung von Kindern durch Online-Extremismus / Nordkorea kritisiert AUKUS-Bünd...
Feb 20, 2025•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Trump mit Details zu Extra-Zöllen auf Auto-Importe / Holocaust-Überlebender Marian Turski gestorben / Islamfeindliche Angriffe in Melbourne / Abbott für australische Friedenstruppen in der Ukraine / Trump weist ukrainische Kritik zurück / Spekulationen um Musk und neue US-Behörde / Indigene Organisation fordert wirtschaftliche Förderung / Pillentests bei Musikfestival in NSW / Mehr Studierende mit Behinderung – aber niedrigere Erfolgsquote / Massives Walsterben in Tasmanien
Feb 19, 2025•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast There are fledgling examples of artificial intelligence being introduced into the aged care sector from fall prevention systems to new ways of addressing social isolation. And a Australian made humanoid robot who goes by the name Abi is among them. - Abi hilft Bewohnern eines Altenpflegeheims dabei, sich weniger allein zu fühlen. Doch Abi selbst ist kein Mensch, sondern ein humanoider Roboter. Er wurde in Australien entwickelt und ist eines der ersten Beispiele für den Einsatz von Künstlicher In...
Feb 18, 2025•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Australian supermarket chain Coles has removed thousands of products from its range to save its customers the “agony of choice.” Our colleague Barbara Barkhausen took a closer look at the phenomenon of the so-called “FOBO” or “Fear Of a Better Option” for us. - Die australische Supermarktkette Coles hat tausende Produkte aus dem Sortiment genommen, um seinen Kunden die „Qual der Wahl“ zu ersparen. Unsere Kollegin Barbara Barkhausen hat sich mit dem Phänomen der sogenannten „FOBO“ oder „Fear ...
Feb 18, 2025•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Ensemble Nobiles is a world-famous and multi-award-winning vocal quintet from Leipzig, which has been around for almost 20 years. With their extensive repertoire ranging from late medieval mass to modern times, they have already won many awards. Now they're coming to Australia and New Zealand with a very special program. We spoke to three fifths of the Ensemble Nobiles: the twin brothers Paul and Lucas Heller and Lucas Lomtscher. - Das Ensemble Nobiles ist ein weltbekanntes und mehrfach ausg...
Feb 18, 2025•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Kritik an USA wegen Friedensgesprächen ohne Ukraine / Peter Dutton offen für Koalition mit Unabhängigen / Victoria bekommt übergangsweise neue Polizeipräsidentin / Messerattacke von Villach (Österreich) islamistisch motiviert / Guterres verlangt Stop von Waffenlieferungen in den Sudan
Feb 17, 2025•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Last weekend international politicians and militaries came together at the Munich Security Conference. The agenda included the peace negotiations between Washington and Moscow that are taking place in Saudi Arabia this week and to which Kiev was not invited. - Am vergangenen Wochenende hat die Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz stattgefunden, an der internationale Politiker, Militärs und Rüstungsindustrielle teilgenommen haben. An der Tagesordnung standen die diese Woche in Saudi Arabien stattfindend...
Feb 17, 2025•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Melbourne Opera presents a very special opera at a very special location: Richard Wagner's Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg in the historic Royal Exhibition Center. We spoke to opera expert Hans Henkell about the production, the challenges and what makes Wagner's only comedy so appealing. - Melbourne Opera präsentiert eine ganz besondere Oper an einem ganz besonderen Ort: Richard Wagners Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg im historischen Royal Exhibition Center. Wir haben mit dem Opernkenner Hans Henk...
Feb 17, 2025•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast At the turn of 2019/2020, severe bushfires devastated almost half of the South Australian island of Kangaroo Island, killing a large part of the approximately 50,000 koalas that lived there. Barbara Barkhausen visited the island and reports on how fauna and flora are doing. - Um die Jahreswende 2019/2020 verwüsteten schwere Buschbrände fast die Hälfte der südaustralischen Insel Kangaroo Island und töteten dabei einen Großteil der rund 50.000 Koalas, die dort lebten. Barbara Barkhausen war vor Or...
Feb 17, 2025•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast This was a week of political sensations at the end of which there are some long faces in the capitals of Europe and in Kiev. As American President Trump loudly announced during the election campaign, he has set out, together with Russian President Putin, to end the war in Ukraine. There wasn't much sign of clever diplomacy and involvement of all interests during the negotiations, says Dieter Herrmann, editor-in-chief of the week in Australia. - Dies war eine Woche der politischen Sensationen an ...
Feb 14, 2025•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast The pink kaputar snail, a rare endemic species, seemed almost extinct after the devastating bushfires in Australia in 2019/20. Their only known habitat, the extinct volcano Mount Kaputar in eastern Australia, was severely damaged by the flames. But five years after the disaster, nature is showing resilience: New observations show that the unusual snails are slowly returning to their native areas — a surprising sign of the resilience of this unique ecosystem. - Die rosafarbene Kaputar-Schnecke, e...
Feb 13, 2025•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast The German explorer Ludwig Leichhardt is known for three extraordinary expeditions. In 1844, he traveled with his companions almost 5,000 kilometers from the Darling Downs in Queensland to Port Essington near Darwin. His second attempt to get from Darling Downs to Perth in 1846 failed. In 1848, he made another attempt, but he and his companions disappeared without a trace — a mystery of the history of Australian discovery that has remained unsolved to this day. In our series “Important Germans i...
Feb 13, 2025•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Just 27 years after the surrender of Nazi Germany, the Olympic Games were held in the Federal Republic of Germany in September 1972. The “cheerful games” in Munich were intended to represent a deliberately staged contrast to Hitler's propaganda games of Berlin in 1936 — with modern architecture, in a relaxed atmosphere and cosmopolitan. On the eleventh day, however, the games became Munich's summer tragedy. The bloody events are the subject of a new film — nominated for an Oscar — with the title...
Feb 13, 2025•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Delusions of grandeur or cult object? Australians love their “road trips” and the numerous giant sculptures — the so-called “big things” — which “sweeten” the long journey times on the side of the road. A researcher has now explored the fascination surrounding giant bananas, pineapples or crocodiles. - Größenwahn oder Kultobjekt? Australier lieben ihre „Roadtrips“ und die zahlreichen Riesenskulpturen – die sogenannten „Big Things“ – die am Straßenrand die langen Fahrtzeiten „versüßen“. Eine Fors...
Feb 13, 2025•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Between the mid-1800s and the 1970s, Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families. What happened to those children, and what's the impact of the Stolen Generations today? - Zwischen Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts und den 1970er Jahren wurden Kinder der First Nations gewaltsam aus den Armen ihrer Familien entfernt. Was ist mit diesen Kindern passiert und welches Ausmaß haben die Stolen Generations heute?
Feb 13, 2025•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Director and screenwriter Alireza Golafshan talks about his new film Everything Fifty Fifty, a summery educational comedy with depth. In an interview, he reflects on the origins, personal inspirations and the challenge of balancing humor and seriousness. He shares insights into the choice of setting, working with the cast and the significance of international film festivals such as the Europa Festival. He also discusses the role of comedy as a means of making universal issues such as divorce, pa...
Feb 13, 2025•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Österreichs Bundespräsident sieht trotz Scheitern der Koalitionsgespräche / LKW-Fahrer bleibt nach ICE-Unfall auf freien Fuß / Urteil im Erpressungsfall der Familie von Michael Schumacher / Pflegekräfte in Sydney demonstrierten zur Unterstützung der jüdischen Gemeinde / Donald Trump berichtet Einigung mit Wladimir Putin auf Friedensverhandlungen / Australiens Handelsminister weist Vorwürfe zurück das Land schade der US-Wirtschaft mit Aluminiumimporten / Australische Regierung verlängert Entschäd...
Feb 13, 2025•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast