Ep. 63 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! In this episode, Sean Bowen, Esq., from McDonald Hopkins, joins the show to discuss pixels, why they are forefront in the privacy realm, and the recent HHS/OCR guidance. Trust me, you don't want to miss it! Keep the questions, calls, etc., coming. Call me at 410-917-5189 or e-mail me at spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com.
Dec 14, 2022•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 62 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! We do a joint episode with Felicia King and Breakfast Bytes. In the episode we dive into current trends, what to expect moving forward, and third-party risk management! Keep the questions and calls coming! 410-917-5189 or spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com Enjoy!
Nov 22, 2022•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 61 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! THE INVASION OF THE MCDONALD HOPKINS DP TEAM (or at least some of them!)! In this episode, we are joined by Sanjana Palla, Kelly Campbell, Heather Shumaker, Stephen Robison, and Meghan Collins, all cybersecurity and privacy attorneys at McDonald Hopkins! Each provides inside information on why they decided to pursue a career in cyber and privacy law, how they got into the area, and advise to new attorneys looking to break into the field! Keep the quest...
Nov 14, 2022•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 60 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! Thrilled to have Linda Comerford, AVP of Cyber Services and Incident Response at AmTrust, joins the show to talk about the claims process, how to become a more attractive insured, and common missteps during a cyber claim! You won't want to miss it! Keep the questions and calls coming! 410-917-5189 or spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com
Nov 09, 2022•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 59 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! In this episode, we dive into the FBI's IC3 2021 report and discuss the trends that the FBI found in 2021 related to cybercrime. Some great insight and facts that you won't want to miss! Keep the questions and calls coming! Call me at 410-917-5189 or e-mail me at spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com.
Oct 19, 2022•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 58 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! ALERT! Microsoft just announced two new zero day vulnerabilities! Buckle up and get a head of the threat! Prepare, Prepare, Prepare! Keep the questions, calls, comments coming - call me at 410-917-5189 or e-mail me at spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com. Enjoy!
Oct 02, 2022•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 57 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live. In this episode, we dive into the importance of performing cyber and privacy due diligence related to M and A transactions. This is an emerging and important area of M and A law that we will continue to see impact deals in the future! As always, keep those questions and calls coming. Call me at 410-917-5189 or e-mail at spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com. Enjoy!
Sep 13, 2022•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 56 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! In this episode, we discuss Lockbit getting hit by a DDoS attack, the potential legal implications of the group launching the attack against Lockbit, and Lockbit incorporating DDoS attacks into their arsenal! Great stuff that you won’t want to miss! Keep the questions, calls, and comments coming –410-917-5189, spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com , or comment below! Feel free to recommend future topics! Enjoy!...
Aug 24, 2022•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 55 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! Cybersecurity, data security, and privacy laws are the fast-moving and evolving regulations in the country. Don’t blink, or you will miss an amendment or change existing law. The NYDFS demonstrated just that in a recent draft amendment to its already strict cybersecurity law. In this episode, we do a nerdy dive into the new proposed amendments. Feel free to call (410-917-5189), e-mail (spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com), or comment below!...
Aug 03, 2022•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 54 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! In this episode, we discuss the potential advent of a federal privacy law - the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) - and its impact on nationwide privacy standards. Also, we dive into Florida banning ransom payments for public entities. You won't want to miss it! Keep those questions, calls, comments, etc. coming - 410-917-5189, spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com, or comment below.
Jul 25, 2022•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 53 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! In this episode, we discuss Lockbit 3.0's new bug bounty program and how they love to exploit greedy humans. Also, we dive into Marriott's newest data breach. You don't want to miss it....do you ever want to miss this podcast though?! ;)
Jul 07, 2022•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 52 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! In this episode, we dive into the recent consent enforcement action by the NYDFS against Carnival Cruises and its subsidiaries. Let me tell you, this consent action was no joke, and the NYDFS hammered Carnival on deficiencies related to cybersecurity and compliance. Tune in to understand the practical effects of this decision. Keep those questions, calls, and comments coming (comment below!)...410-917-5189 or spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com...
Jun 26, 2022•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 50 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! In this episode, we dive into cloud based incident response and how it presents new challenges compared to traditional incident response. Also, we touch on Indiana's new amended data breach notification law. You don't want to miss it!
Jun 07, 2022•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 49 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! In this episode, I discuss the recent data breach with the Texas Department of Insurance and its widespread implications. Also, I dive into the cyber compliance vulnerabilities with medical institutions. Enjoy!
May 18, 2022•6 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 48 of the Cyber Law Revolution podcast is live! In this episode, we discuss the resurgence of the notorious ransomware group, REvil, the broader implications of their reappearance, and how to defend ourselves against such groups proactively. Keep those questions, calls, comments coming - 410-917-5189 or spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com
Apr 25, 2022•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 47 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! In this episode, we delve into my position on data breach class action lawsuits. Specifically: Who is actually getting paid or compensated (hint: it is not the people allegedly injured)? Why are they getting compensated? Why are speculative damages acceptable? Are these class actions causing more harm than good? You won't want to miss it! Keep the questions/calls/comments coming! 410-917-5189 or spollock@mcdonaldhopkins.com...
Apr 12, 2022•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 46 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! Pleased to have Felicia King, Security Architect and Information Security Officer, from QPC Security on the show! Felicia turns the tables on me and puts me on the spot to talk about the importance and role of a breach coach, how we all work as a team, and preparation preparation preparation! Keeps the questions, calls, comments, etc. coming. Call me at 410-917-5189 or email me spollock@wtplaw.com Enjoy!...
Mar 27, 2022•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 45 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! Pleased to have Chris Loehr, EVP, and CTO, of Solis Security, back on to talk about the cyber ripple impact caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Conti's internal chat logs and leaks, and the corporate infrastructure of ransomware groups. Great stuff! Keep the questions, comments, etc., coming by calling me (410-917-5189), emailing me at spollock@wtplaw.com, or commenting below!
Mar 15, 2022•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 44 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! In this episode, we discuss the cyber threats likely to come from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how we can "shield up" to protect ourselves. Also, we dive into new privacy laws and their impact on commercial entities. Call or email me with questions/comments/etc. - 410-832-2002 or spollock@wtplaw.com - or comment below. Enjoy!
Mar 06, 2022•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 43 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! In this episode, we talk about the recent report published by Coveware detailing the data breach and cyber-attack statistics from the Q4 in 2021. Lots of interesting details and new information that you won't want to miss! Keep the questions, calls, comments, etc. coming - call me at 410-832-2002 or email me at spollock@wtplaw.com Enjoy!
Feb 14, 2022•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 42 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! In this episode, Patrick Costello, co-founder of Evolve MGA, joins the show and provides the listeners incredible insight into cyber insurance trends, becoming attractive to cyber insurers in a challenging marketplace, and the role of an MGA. You won't want to miss it! Keep the questions, calls, comments, etc., coming - either comment below, call me at 410-832-2002, or email me at spollock@wtplaw.com. Enjoy!...
Jan 23, 2022•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 41 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! In this episode, we discuss what we saw in 2021 and what we should expect to see in 2022. Comment below or call or email me - 410-832-2002 or spollock@wtplaw.com. Enjoy!
Jan 10, 2022•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 40 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! On this episode, we discuss the joys of HIPAA compliance (yay!) and how to navigate OCR's wrath by checking the safeguard boxes: administrative, physical, and technical (I wish it was as easy as it sounds). Keep the questions, calls, comments coming! 410-832-2002 or spollock@wtplaw.com Enjoy!
Dec 11, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 39 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! Thanks to Neel Desai from Lockton Companies for joining the show to discuss the rocky state of the market, how companies can become attractive prospects in the market, and common missteps they make when trying to get cyber insurance. Keep the questions, comments, calls, etc., coming! 410-832-2002 or spollock@wtplaw.com
Nov 20, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 38 of the Cyber Law Revolution is live! Andrew Morgan from Cyber Nation joins the show to discuss the role MSPs serve businesses, how they help them prepare for, respond to, and remediate after a breach, and sheds some insight into best practices for an MSP. Enjoy!
Nov 07, 2021•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 37 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! In this episode, we discuss the purpose and importance of cyber and privacy laws related to individuals (i.e., customers, clients, consumers, employees, and everything in between) along with a unique approach to dealing with a ransomware attack. As always, call, email, or comment below with questions or discussion points - 4108322002 or spollock@wtplaw.com Enjoy!
Nov 01, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 36 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! Thanks to Kathleen Curley from Risk Strategies for joining us to discuss cyber market trends, where the market is going, and tips for SMBs to become attractive to insurers! As always, call, email, or comment below with questions or discussion points - 4108322002 or spollock@wtplaw.com Enjoy!
Oct 26, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ep. 35 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! In this episode, we discuss how the ransomware group, Blackmatter, opted to redefine "critical infrastructure" and the potential impact of the US Dept. of Treasury placing Suex, a cryptocurrency exchange service, on the sanctions list. Feel free to comment below or call or email me with questions/comments/future topics - 410-832-2002 or spollock@wtplaw.com. Enjoy!
Sep 30, 2021•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 34 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! In this episode, I discuss how the Court continues to whittle down the protections provided by the work product doctrine and potential ways to strengthen it moving forward. A nerdy deep dive into the law! Call me with questions, comments, or topics to discuss - 410-917-5189 or spollock@wtplaw.com
Sep 13, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 33 of the Cyber Law Revolution Podcast is live! In this episode, I discuss how the uncertainty and lack of precedent behind cyber laws have created rampant regulatory overreach and classic "big government" (swear not being political!), which is unfair, unjust, and inflicting more harm than good. Also, we dive into those first critical steps to take after a ransomware attack. You don't want to miss it! Call me with questions, comments, or topics to discuss - 410-917-5189 or...
Sep 04, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast