The Tesseract
The DAWGZ hop the fence and roam the neighborhood. Topics include Iran, Shane's sick tee, oceanography, dream projection, SSPX Church, and a bunch more.
The DAWGZ hop the fence and roam the neighborhood. Topics include Iran, Shane's sick tee, oceanography, dream projection, SSPX Church, and a bunch more.
Shane and O'Connies are coming off yet another big weekend on the road. Shane kept things low key due to his morality/tummy problems. Meanwhile O'Connies forged a strong alliance with a doomed soul who attempts to lead him toward the isle of the sirens. Cusk's channeling powers are tested when Shane, doing the bidding of the Orion group, test's his FAITH in the one true creator, Adonai.
Shane, coming off a hard weekend on the road, is greeted by the sixth dimensional mind/body/spirit complex referred to as Cuskie. Much of the vibrational sound complex's space/time is spent discussing The Ra Contact, Phil Getting Coal, How awesome Christmas is, Rosicrucianism, and many other thought/form distortions.
NGL alot of fart talk on this one. We do talk about other stuff, but mostly farts.
Chef Bezos and Elon Cusk are joined by Chris O'Connor for a topic-diverse romp on viral stars, Shane's interview, old shitty gigs, and then breaks into the exclusive award-winning Patreon History Cast: Hardercore History which is found hur:
It's super late and the DAWGZ are having a sleep over. No bull. Real sleepover. On a weekday too. rest of the eppie on patreon
Figured we'd break youz off with a little something to blast around the turkey.
We talm bout Shane being at an Eagles game, The damned nature of Revolutions, Being naked in Florida, And then Prince Andrew and Englands bullshit ass political system with rulers and shyt. If you want the rest of the ep it's on the patreon link is below.
Gerbz, while standing due to a hemmy, comes back and dispels rumors of disloyalty with a vengeance. This dude is unstoppable. The best. Rest of the Ep is on the Paytch:
Sup Kings and Queens. This ep is on the Patreon. If you are poor and need to wait for a free one that is fine. No judgement. But if you're ballin out and can swing a measly fugging dollar a month, then this is for you, for the people in the front row aka the winners.
Fresh off a weekend of shows, the DAWGZ get together to chat the live cast, revolts, world leaders, and the death of Baghdadi.
The D.A.W.G.Z. shoot the breeze about Shane's trip to Indiana and then engage in some dump talk before being joined by a powerful freaking duo where they talk about S-E-X and haterz and then the whole things spills into the paytch.
SUP DOODS. We just saw the Joker and now we're super dark and TwIzTiD
All we can do is reformulate and rebuild. Shout out to the loyal D.A.W.G.Z. Cold shoulder to the haterz.
*whistling with hands in pockets Uh, hey guys. What's up? Wanna, like, chyll or something?
Matthew 27:3-4
Shane and O'Connies went to the Gettysburg battlefield to pay their respex to all those who gave their lives, not the guys who gave their lives to keep slavery going. That was a pretty gnarly miscalculation on their part. Sux for them. Then we interviewed Shane's Dad, which was tight as H-E-DOuble-L.
YOOOOOOOOO We talkin' Football, Golden Tee, Machine learning problems, Chappelle's special, Clash of Clans and So much more, dude. Post Ep Patreon Bonus Cast found below:
Had to slap a cast together before hitting the HARRISBURG COMEDY ZONE!!! LEZZZZ GOOOOOOOOO We talk China We talk Glory Holes We talk LA We talk Economics DIG IN!!!!!
Anybody order a SPUDBILLMATTSHANE nightcast?? No? All good. I'll just leave this on the table, free for my sweet, sweet little piggies to enjoy. Tho the last fort is on patreon. Part two is on patreon
God damn...psy-ops all around as the D.A.W.G.Z. try to establish some sense of reality. Maybe they never will. Maybe no one will ever again. God damn
Had a very weird time with three high-octane D.A.W.G.Z. We vaped, smoked doinks, ate gummies, and then tried to talk about stuff. It was super fun. Damn this was sick. Feeling like I pulled off Ocean's 11 or something. Stay cool my D.A.W.G.Z. Listen to the whole eppie here