The Challenges of a WAHM (Work at Home Mom) | Clutterbug Podcast # 23
AS a WAHM, I have many challenges. The biggest one? Other people's expectations of me.
AS a WAHM, I have many challenges. The biggest one? Other people's expectations of me.
I have discovered a secret! It is the secret to getting more done in less time! Ok, it isn't really a secret since every successful person ever uses this exact same method, but it does work! Why was I not doing this years ago??? With this simple trick, I now get more done, have more free time and I've been able to accomplish more than I ever thought possible. Give it a try today! Check out my blog CLUTTERBUG for more information
Everyone cleans differently, so what works for someone else may not work for you! Would you rather batch clean, zone clean, one day a week clean or do a power hour cleaning a few times a week? No matter which one you choose, writing down your routine and making a schedule will keep you on track and motivated! For more clenaing tips and motivation, visit my website at
Where do you start when the amount of housework you need to do seems overwhelming? Your messy house is affecting your mood and health more than you realise! Let's make a plan to clean it up today!
Ensuring you have an amazing day really hinges on your morning. How you wake up and what you do in that first hour can set the tone for your entire day...and your entire life. A great morning routine can change your life and a great morning routine is also dependant on a great night time routine as well. Listen to my routine and create some for yourself today! Commit to trying your new routines for just ONE week and watch the miracle happen! Want to read the book? Get your copy of The Miracle Mo...
Hi ClutterBugs! Todays podcast is all about where to get started whether you are drowning in lcutter or just looking for some motivation for your daily chores! I also share some quick and easy cleaning tips! You can orde rmy new book Real Life Organizing here:
Being a stay-at-home mom is hard. The hardest part? Self motivating! Set yourself up for success by organizing and planning to be the best you that you can be. Do you want to be the kind of Mom who crafts? Bakes? Goes on amazing nature adventures? A little planning and organization can make sure that you accomplish all of those goals!
Here are 5 decorating mistakes and how to avoid them! This is the audio from my latest video, but I thought I'd sharE!
Here are 5 quick and easy cleaning tips that can help you spend time less an effort cleaning your home! Only 1 day left to claim yoru pre-order bonus:
Learn more about your organizing style in my new book, "Real Life Organizing". Buy the book and get your Pre-Order Book Bonus HERE Take the ClutterBug Test HERE Organizing isn't one size fits all. What works for someone else, may not work for you! Find out your unique organizing style today!
Pre-order a copy of my new book: Despite my organized home, I'm a total disaster. I'm constantly late, always behind on my work and I forget important dates nad event all the time. I need to PLAN my life better. Tranditional planners just never worked for me. I'd forget to use them or forget where I put them. Even when I did use them, I would write my lists and goals for the day...and then cherry pick the good stuff. My new planning system is so "me". It fits my crazy, ...
So far 2017 has been an epic disaster! I am optimistic that the rest of this year is going to rock! Stay tuned this year for lots of organizing tips, ticks and advice and join me for my "Great Purge of 2017"!
Here are my top 5 mistakes that can really make your home look cluttered and messy, even when it isn't! Too many things on yoru counters Papers and magnets on your fridge Too many picture frames Knick knacks on every surface Busy bookshelves Tackle these areas and see a huge imapct today!
I try and remind myself to give my home a "hug" each and everyday by taking a few minutes to clean and tidy it. An amazing thing happens when you hug your home, it always hugs you back! Having a clean home is about your own happiness, not a chore to be despised. You deserve it to have a beautiful space that brings you joy and remember, Clean is Beautiful. It isn't about spending money or redecorating, it is about loving and respecting what you have and reminding yourself that you have enough and...
Here is a little bit of my house cleaning wisdom. Unfortunately, I had to learn how to properly keep a house clean the hard way! My best tip? If you wait until your home looks dirty to clean it, you have already waited too long. For more cleaning and organizing tips, visit my website at
Here are a few of my favourite tips that I use to help me get more done and be much more productive! Being a SAHM means we have to self motivate and that can be tough to do! Give some of these tips a try and share your fav tips with me!!
Want your home to stay clutter free and organized for good? There is one tip that is so important to not only getting organized but staying organized! Say goodbye to clutter on the kitchen counter and on top of dressers with this Clutter Busting Tip!!
I'm a ClutterBug! I am living proof that you can still have a lot of "stuff" and have a clean, organized and clutter-free home! Here are my top tips to getting organized and staying that way, without having to become a minimalist! Stop the clutter dance and get organized for good! What's your organizing style? Find out what ClutterBug you are at:
A big part of my job as a SAHM and Housewife is to make my house a home. One of my favourite ways to give my decor more meaning is to add a few DIY pieces here and there. It is those pieces that I have found in the trash and fixed up or got for a dime at a yard sale that I truly treasure the most! So get inspired and upcycle something for your home today!
Garbage bag therapy is a technique I have used for many, many years to not only get myself motivated, but to keep my home clean and clutter free! Garbage can build up in unlikely places and even a little bit here and there can add up to mountains on clutter over time. Garbage clutter, especially paper, can even become invisible to us after a while. So get a bag today and go on a hunt. Look in drawers, bathrooms, the office and of course on your fridge for all of those things that are outdated, n...
Here are a few fun facts about being Canadian, just in case you were wondering (or if Trump gets elected). Canada is a beautiful, friendly and uniquely weird place to live!
This is how I transformed my home in just 15 minutes a day and discovered the joys of organization! Let's commit to doing something for just 15 minutes a day together! I'll workout, what will you do? Download a free Audiobook at:
I have a dirty, I mean, it is legit dirty. My laundry room is the stuff that nightmares is made of. Yesterday, a stragner came and took picture of it.... cat poop and all. Yep, I'm still dying. Also, check out the update on my fatty fat clinic stuff!
Being a stay-at-home mom or housewife is hard sometimes. One of the hardest parts is self motivating! With no boss, no deadlines and no defined "to-dos", it can be easy to fall into bad habits that steal our time and energy! My goal as a housewife? To work 40 hours a week, just like my husband works outside of the home. I'm not counting playing and hanging out with my little ones, he does that too when he is home from work, I mean the crappy stuff that I just don't want to do! How do you self mo...
Have you tried to get organized over and over without long term success? Let me share with you my top two secrets for getting organized and staying organized for life!! Get your and your family organized for good with one trip to the dollar store!! Check out my website at:
Take some time this weekend to "stage" your home just for you and your family! Why wait until you are selling to make your home fresh, bright and inviting? Minimize surface and wall clutter and make a huge impact on your home!! Check out my Facebook page at:
Where do you start when things are really overwhelming? Join my on the short Podcast as I give you a few of my secrets to getting motivated to tackle a really messy space!
How I transformed myself and my home from Super Slob to Clean drawer at a time!
What it is like to be a YouTuber, why we "sell out" to sponsored posts and why you should start a channel too!
Sometimes being a SAHM mom can be tough. We face judgement, not only from the outside world, but sometimes from our on spouse. I feel like my husband Joe can often be blinded to all that I do. You can take a look at a copy of my household chores as well as my weekly chore lists at: