HoP 019 - Know Thyself - Two Unloved Platonic Dialogues
Virtue and knowledge in Plato's Charmides and Euthydemus
Virtue and knowledge in Plato's Charmides and Euthydemus
The life, times and dialogues of Plato
Raphael Woolf discusses Socrates as presented by Plato
Socratic virtue, ignorance and irony in the Platonic dialogues Socrates' claim that no one does wrong willingly
Socrates according to the comic poet Aristophanes and the historian Xenophon
Rhetoric and relativism in Protagoras, Gorgias and other sophists
Hippocrates and the relation between early Greek medicine and philosophy
Malcolm Schofield on Heraclitus, Parmenides and other early Greek philosophers
Love, Strife and the four elements in Empedocles
Is everything mixed with everything? Anaxagoras on Mind and the cosmos
Ancient atomism as a response to Parmenides
Zeno's paradoxes and Melissus develop the Eleatic philosophy
The father of metaphysics, Parmenides of Elea
MM McCabe of King's discusses the fragments of Heraclitus
Everything changes in the riddling philosophy of Heraclitus
Pythagoras and mathematics in ancient philosophy
The gods in Homer and Hesiod, and the critique of Xenophanes
Two early Pre-Socratics claim that the world is made of air, and the infinite
In this first episode, Peter discusses the goals of the series and Thales, the first Greek philosopher.