HoP 257 - Martin Pickave on Henry of Ghent and Freedom
An interview with Martin Pickavé on voluntarism in Henry of Ghent.
An interview with Martin Pickavé on voluntarism in Henry of Ghent.
Henry of Ghent, now little known but a leading scholastic in the late 13th century, makes influential proposals on all the debates of his time.
Does medieval art tell us anything about medieval theories of aesthetics? Peter finds out from Andreas Speer.
Sex, reason, and religion in Jean de Meun’s completion of an allegory of courtly love, the Roman de la Rose.
The “modistae” explore the links between language, the mind, and reality.
Aquinas, Bonaventure, and the so-called “Latin Averroists” take up the question of whether the universe has always existed, and settle once and for all which comes first, the chicken or the egg.
Did Siger of Brabant and Boethius of Dacia, who have been called “Latin Averroists” and “radical Aristotelians,” really embrace a doctrine of “double truth”?
Peter answers listener questions on the nature of philosophy and the podcast series.
Two rounds of condemnations at Paris declare certain philosophical teachings as heretical. But what were the long term effects?
Scott MacDonald joins Peter to discuss Thomas Aquinas' views on human knowledge.
Aquinas follows medieval legal thinkers in defining the conditions under which war may be justified, and proposes his famous doctrine of double effect.
Natural law and political legitimacy in thirteenth century thinkers up to and including Thomas Aquinas.
Natural and supernatural virtue and happiness in Thomas Aquinas and his teacher, Albert the Great.
Thomas Aquinas makes controversial claims concerning the unity of the soul and the empirical basis of human knowledge.
An introduction to Thomas Aquinas, his views on faith and reason, and his famous “five ways” of proving God’s existence.
Therese Cory tells Peter what Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas thought about self-awareness.
Albert the Great’s theory of being and his attempt to explain what changes in the human mind when we come to see God in the afterlife.
Albert the Great earns his nickname “universal doctor” by devoting himself to the whole of nature, from geology and botany to the study of human nature.
Was medieval logic "formal"? Peter finds out from Catarina Dutilh Novaes.
Robert Kilwardby is infamous for his ban on teaching certain philosophical ideas at Oxford, yet made contributions in logic and on the soul.
Two Beguine authors, Hadewijch and Mechthild of Magdeburg, deploy the tropes of courtly love in vernacular writings about their mystical experiences.
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Bonaventure and Peter Olivi respond to critics of the Franciscan vow of poverty, in a debate which produced new ideas about economics and rights.
Medieval ideas about what animals do and do not have in common with humans, and how we should treat them.
Peter Olivi proposes that awareness occurs not through passively being affected by things, but by actively paying attention to them.
Bonaventure argues that human knowledge depends on an illumination from God.
Charles Burnett tells Peter about the role of magic in medieval intellectual life.
Roger Bacon extols the power of science based on experience and uses a general theory of "species" to explain light and vision.
Translator, scientist and theologian Robert Grosseteste sheds light on the cosmos, human understanding, and the rainbow.
The scholastics explore Aristotle’s ethical teaching and the concept of moral conscience.