92: Deinit
Paul Hudson's What's New in Swift 5.5 Swift By Sundell Time by Dave DeLong (mistakenly called Chronos during the show)
Paul Hudson's What's New in Swift 5.5 Swift By Sundell Time by Dave DeLong (mistakenly called Chronos during the show)
Links Swift concurrency roadmap Episode 27: Concurrency with Chris Lattner [Concurrency] Actors & actor isolation [Concurrency] Interoperability with Objective-C [Concurrency] Structured concurrency [Concurrency] Asynchronous functions [Concurrency] AsyncSequence Swift Concurrency Proposals Dependencies Graph Protocol-based Actor Isolation: Draft #2 Actors are reference types, but why classes? Sponsors AWS Amplify - AWS Amplify is a suite of tools and services for iOS developers to build full st...
Links Announcement blog post Karoy Lorentey GitHub Repository Atomics forum Hacker News Discussion Guillaume Lessard’s existing swift-atomics repo Sponsors AWS Amplify - AWS Amplify is a suite of tools and services for iOS developers to build full stack serverless and cloud-based mobile apps. Check out our getting started Tutorial for iOS! Go to awsamplify.info/IOS Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes ! It...
What’s in a Swift runtime? Swift on Mac OS 9 Heap Objects Type Layout Type Metadata Uniquing Caches Class Metadata Class Metadata Initialization Other links Layout guarantees Steve Troughton-Smith’s BitPaint @ksherlock’s mpw An explainer on Swift weak references About Jordan Twitter @UINT_MIN Belkadan Citizens’ Climate Lobby Sponsors Instabug - Get Application Performance Monitoring built for mobile apps and stay on top of your app quality with Instabug. Check them out and them them know we sent...
5.3 release process Swift for Linux distros AWS lambda Runtime Swift Service Lifecycle Swift Cluster membership Proposals accepted/implemented in 5.3 Commit history for Swift 5.3 branch Mike Ash's perf PR Hacking with Swift What’s New in Swift 5.3 Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes ! It lets us know what you think of the show and helps us climb the charts so other people can find the show. We've also got...
Swift Package Index Intro Website Forum GitHub Package List Dave Sven CocoaPods website Swift Package Registry Swift Package Registry Service Pitch Tweet Package Manager Source Archive Dependencies Pitch Tweet Mattt Thompson Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes ! It lets us know what you think of the show and helps us climb the charts so other people can find the show. We've also got a channel set up on Sp...
SE-0282 Tuples conform to Equatable, Comparable, and Hashable Acceptance: https://forums.swift.org/t/accepted-se-0283-tuples-conform-to-equatable-comparable-and-hashable/36658 Review: https://forums.swift.org/t/se-0283-tuples-conform-to-equatable-comparable-and-hashable/36140 Proposal: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0283-tuples-are-equatable-comparable-hashable.md Bow: https://bow-swift.io 👋 Get in Touch We are @swift_unwrapped on twitter. Follow us, ask us a que...
Foundation on Windows: https://forums.swift.org/t/swift-soars-ever-higher/34036 Interoperability between Swift and C++: https://forums.swift.org/t/manifesto-interoperability-between-swift-and-c/33874 Swift playgrounds for mac: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/swift-playgrounds/id1496833156?mt=12 Swift crypto: https://swift.org/blog/crypto/ Standard Library Preview Package: https://swift.org/blog/preview-package/ Update on SE-0110 and SE-0155: https://forums.swift.org/t/update-on-se-0110-and-se-0155...
Magic file names: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0274-magic-file.md Multi-pattern catch clauses https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0276-multi-pattern-catch-clauses.md https://forums.swift.org/t/se-0276-multi-pattern-catch-clauses/32620 Road to Swift 6: https://forums.swift.org/t/on-the-road-to-swift-6/32862 👋 Get in Touch We are @swift_unwrapped on twitter. Follow us, ask us a question, let us know what you think of the show! If you wa...
Forum post Functional Swift conference talk Coroutine explanation by John McCall Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes ! It lets us know what you think of the show and helps us climb the charts so other people can find the show. We've also got a channel set up on Spectrum.chat! If you want to talk about today's episode, ask us a question or just follow the conversation, jump in anytime at spectrum.chat/spec...
The way Swift reports compilation diagnostics like errors, warnings and fixits is about to improve in Swift 5.2. Blog post Forum discussion Thanks to this episode's Sponsors Vettery Vettery is an online hiring marketplace that's changing the way people hire and get hired. Make a free profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers today. Listeners of Swift Unwrapped can sign up on vettery.com/swiftunwrapped and get a $300 bonus if they accept a job through Vettery....
Would you like some Swift in your Swift? The compiler driver is getting a shiny new implementation in Swift and there's no shortage of opportunities to contribute. Forum discussion Project on GitHub Thanks to this episode's Sponsors Clubhouse.io Clubhouse is the first project management platform for software development that brings everyone together so that teams can focus on what matters – creating products their customers love. With a simple API and robust set of integrations, Clubhouse seamle...
The Swift of tomorrow... today! The Standard Library Preview Package would allow you to try out upcoming Swift features before they officially ship with new language versions. Proposal: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0264-stdlib-preview-package.md Forum: https://forums.swift.org/t/pitch-standard-library-preview-package/27202 Babeljs: https://babeljs.io SE-0220: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0220-count-where.md How to Read the Swift...
Burritos: https://github.com/guillermomuntaner/Burritos SE-0260 Library Evolution: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0260-library-evolution.md SE-0030 Property Behaviors: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0030-property-behavior-decls.md SE-0258 Property Wrappers: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0258-property-wrappers.md Function Builders: https://forums.swift.org/t/function-builders/25167 SE-0244 Opaque Resu...
Forum pitch: https://forums.swift.org/t/pitch-support-for-binary-dependencies/27620 Swift ABI Stability: https://swift.org/blog/abi-stability-and-more/ Library Evolution for Stable ABIs: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0260-library-evolution.md Thanks to this episode's Sponsors Clubhouse.io Clubhouse is the first project management platform for software development that brings everyone together so that teams can focus on what matters – creating products their custo...
Proposal SE-0246 Exploring Swift's Numeric Types and Protocols Proposal SE-0259 Proposal SE-0233 Thanks to this episode's Sponsors Clubhouse.io Clubhouse is the first project management platform for software development that brings everyone together so that teams can focus on what matters – creating products their customers love. With a simple API and robust set of integrations, Clubhouse seamlessly integrates with the tools you use every day, getting out of your way so that you can deliver qual...
Proposal SE-0258 Review threads: First review Second review Third review Blog post by Vincent Padreilles on using property wrappers Blog post by John Sundell on The Swift 5.1 features that power SwiftUI’s API Originally pitched in the Swift forums as "Property Behaviors" in 2015-2016 NSHipster article Thanks to this episode's Sponsors Clubhouse.io Clubhouse is the first project management platform for software development that brings everyone together so that teams can focus on what ma...
Links XcodeGen Announcing Swift support in CMake Buck Bazel Bazel's Apple platform rules llbuild Thanks to this episode's Sponsors Sentry.io Sentry tells you about errors in your code before your customers have a chance to encounter them. With Sentry, you’ll see exactly how many users have been impacted by a bug, the stack trace, the commit that the error was released as part of, the engineer who wrote the line of code that is currently busted, and a lot more. Give it a try and let them know we ...
Relevant Links SE-0255: Implicit returns from single-expression functions Tweet from Ben Cohen Swift Forums Acceptance Post SE-0257: Eliding commas from multiline expression lists Swift Mint Thanks to this episode's Sponsors Sentry.io Sentry tells you about errors in your code before your customers have a chance to encounter them. With Sentry, you’ll see exactly how many users have been impacted by a bug, the stack trace, the commit that the error was released as part of, the engineer who wrote ...
Relevant Links UTF-8 String blog post on swift.org Piercing the String Veil post on Swift forums SE-241 Deprecate String Index Encoded Offsets SR-9749: The bug that led to deprecating encodedOffset Thanks to this episode's Sponsors Sentry.io Sentry tells you about errors in your code before your customers have a chance to encounter them. With Sentry, you’ll see exactly how many users have been impacted by a bug, the stack trace, the commit that the error was released as part of, the engineer who...
Relevant Links Swift Forums Pitch: an Official Style Guide and Formatter for Swift Swift Evolution PR #994 swift-format implementation Community Tools SwiftLint SwiftFormat Thanks to this episode's Sponsors Sentry.io Sentry tells you about errors in your code before your customers have a chance to encounter them. With Sentry, you’ll see exactly how many users have been impacted by a bug, the stack trace, the commit that the error was released as part of, the engineer who wrote the line of code t...
Relevant Links Key Path Expressions as Functions: https://forums.swift.org/t/key-path-expressions-as-functions/19587 Implementation: https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/19448 Previous discussion threads: https://forums.swift.org/t/allow-key-path-literal-syntax-in-expressions-expecting-function-type/16453 https://forums.swift.org/t/key-path-getter-promotion/11185 https://forums.swift.org/t/pitch-keypath-based-map-flatmap-filter/6266 Original "Smart Key Path" proposal: https://github.com...
Relevant Links Announcement Post on Swift Forums Open Sourcing Post on Swift Forums GitHub Repository: apple/sourcekit-lsp NSHipster article on Swift Development with Visual Studio Code using SourceKit-LSP Language Server Protocol Website Thanks to this episode's Sponsors Sentry.io Sentry tells you about errors in your code before your customers have a chance to encounter them. With Sentry, you’ll see exactly how many users have been impacted by a bug, the stack trace, the commit that the error ...
Proposal Forums review phase one Forums review phase two * Implementation Railway Oriented Programming Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes ! It lets us know what you think of the show and helps us climb the charts so other people can find the show. We've also got a channel set up on Spectrum.chat! If you want to talk about today's episode, ask us a question or just follow the conversation, jump in anytim...
https://forums.swift.org/t/opaque-result-types/15645 LazyMapCollection: https://cocoacasts.com/what-is-a-lazymapcollection-in-swift Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes ! It lets us know what you think of the show and helps us climb the charts so other people can find the show. We've also got a channel set up on Spectrum.chat! If you want to talk about today's episode, ask us a question or just follow the...
SE-0200 Enhancing String Literals Delimiters to Support Raw Text Paul Hudson’s What’s New in Swift 5 Playground Discussion thread Announcement thread Implementation Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes ! It lets us know what you think of the show and helps us climb the charts so other people can find the show. We've also got a channel set up on Spectrum.chat! If you want to talk about today's episode, ask ...
https://forums.swift.org/t/plan-for-module-stability/14551 Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes ! It lets us know what you think of the show and helps us climb the charts so other people can find the show. We've also got a channel set up on Spectrum.chat! If you want to talk about today's episode, ask us a question or just follow the conversation, jump in anytime at: spectrum.chat/specfm/swift-unwrapped Th...
SE-0213: Literal initialization via coercion Implementation (apple/swift#15311) Swift evolution thread Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes ! It lets us know what you think of the show and helps us climb the charts so other people can find the show. We've also got a channel set up on Spectrum.chat! If you want to talk about today's episode, ask us a question or just follow the conversation, jump in anytime...
Never & absurd() : https://twitter.com/pteasima/status/978325590397906944 Point Free Episode #9 Algebraic Data Types: Exponents – https://www.pointfree.co/episodes/ep9-algebraic-data-types-exponents https://twitter.com/pointfreeco https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0215-conform-never-to-hashable-and-equatable.md Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a review on iTunes ! It lets us know what you...
Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift: https://store.raywenderlich.com/products/data-structures-and-algorithms-in-swift Swift Algorithm Club: https://github.com/raywenderlich/swift-algorithm-club Ben Cohen on Sorted collections: https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-6865 Linked list proposal: https://forums.swift.org/t/proposal-singly-and-doubly-linked-list-collections-in-standard-library/11426 Twitter: Kelvin Lau: https://twitter.com/KelvinlauKl Vincent Ngo: https://twitter.com/VincentNgo2...