Which side are you on?
Katie K is out on the road and causing quite the stir on TikTok...
We're debating a rather big purchase...
Kyra Lizama and Will Moncada from Love Island USA join us for a chat all about Love Island, Traveling, and more!
Katie got a...rather unusual Cameo request...
Science is whatever we want it to be!
Cameron is all about hypnosis, Katie lives on a plane now, and will we ever figure out what the noise was?
Go listen to Katie's album!
Flashing lights, bowls of cereal, and therapy realizations
Another week, ANOTHER medical problem to worry about...
Did Cameron's laugh change? YOU DECIDE, AMERICA!
Turns out Cameron was a bully as a kid, we watched a new movie that RULED, and more!
Cameron wants to become an extreme couponer, Katie saw a Psychic, and we are already UNHINGED in 2023!
New year, same ol us...
One last pod for 2022! Lets put a bullet in this year and start 2023 off fresh!
Happy Holidays! We go through the best toys of 1990, 1991, and today - PLUS The best Christmas Foods from each state!
More neighbor drama, random ass water talk, and more!
We had a debate about washing cat pee and MAN did things go off the rails!
What is a deepfake, your favorite Christmas movies, and more!
Its our first week podcasting LIVE on the AMP app! Feel free to call us anytime and be a part of the show!
Katie is freezing her ass off in Michigan, and I think our house has been hacked!