There are three spheres of sovereignty: family, church, and state. You have duties in each one. In this episode, we discuss your duty to the state.
There are three spheres of sovereignty: family, church, and state. You have duties in each one. In this episode, we discuss your duty to the state.
In this dialogue, Phil and I discuss the accuracy and errors of one of Allie Beth Stuckey's Instagram videos. In this video, she encourages women to evaluate their motherhood based on God's standards. We assess this argument and look more deeply at what is means to be a wife and mother.
These are my thoughts on Christian radio, and I finally respond to modesty comments I received nearly 2 years ago.
There is a massive blindspot in our Christian culture today when it comes to women, higher education, and mothering. How can we be faithful to disciple and mentor women coming to adulthood? Should we be encouraging college and delaying child bearing? Is daycare a faithful option for all Christian families?
What is our obligation as Christian parents, and as the Church, to bring our kids up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord? Is there infinite freedom in this? Or, are we limited in our choices? If you want to skip ahead to the meat of the discussion, fast forward to the 25 minute mark. Keep a look out for part 2: Why Classical Christian Education Resources: 1. Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning by Douglas Wilson 2. The Lost Tools of Learning by Dorothy Sayers (essay)
Join me as I interview Katy Faust who is the co-author of Them Before Us and founder of the organization by the same name. We touch on: 1. Why children need a mother and father 2. Gay parenting 3. Surrogacy 4. IVF 5. And how all the above affect child outcomes
Goodbye California, Georgia here we come!
Our response to a friend and self-described atheist.
Talking about blind spots in the church, gendered piety may top the list. Our friend Eric Conn, host of The Hard Men Podcast, joins us to tell us how BigEva has been getting this wrong. He discusses some of the main issues with an incorrect lens of Biblical masculinity and femininity, and gives us some insight on how we can correct course. Find Eric at EricConn.com The Hard Men Podcast: https://ericconn.com/podcast/ The King's Hall Podcast: https://www.kingshall.org/media Wilderness Warrior Podc...
The NYT talks about whether COVID restrictions have made any difference in the Omicron wave. Voddie talks about the tone police. And, was Jesus only gentle? NYT Article: https://messaging-custom-newsletters.nytimes.com/template/oakv2?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20220309&instance_id=55226&nl=the-morning&productCode=NN®i_id=153206806&segment_id=85016&te=1&uri=nyt%3A%2F%2Fnewsletter%2Fd63d88e6-87b0-5746-b172-cc6eda366999&user_id=de6c64d0793d16d152461353a486dd6c
How COVID changed my perspective on childhood vaccination.
What does it actually mean to be female? Have we focused too much on teaching women to be men? Late night thoughts with Danae.
Do whatever you love, excellently, as unto the Lord.
"Wait to get married" "Wait to have kids" "Make sure you know what type of birth control to use" "Get a career" Which of these, if any, have merit from a Biblical perspective?
What does it mean to give our preferred gender pronouns? Are Christians acting in true compassion and love when we support or join in these efforts?
What should we as Christians do in response to the Critical Social Justice movement? Mentioned Resources: 1. Fault Lines by Voddie Baucham: https://www.amazon.com/Fault-Lines-Movement-Evangelicalisms-Catastrophe/dp/1684511801/ref=asc_df_1684511801/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475792900934&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10095189468898864415&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031753&hvtargid=pla-1035829025724&psc=1 2. New Discourses: https://newdiscourses.com/ 3. Doctrine o...
Did you ever think "Social Justice" was just an innocuous phrase for justice in the society? Think again. Here we explore the definitions and missions of social justice and compare it to the Biblical definition of justice. Citations: 1. https://www.un.org/esa/socdev/documents/ifsd/SocialJustice.pdf 2. http://www.seattle.gov/rsji/ 3. Sowell, Thomas. Discrimination and Disparities. Basic Books, an Imprint of Perseus Books, a Subsidiary of Hachette Book Group, 2019. 4. Holy Bible...
Meet Joseph Warren, born and raised in an LDS family. After being excited to go on his mission, he returned home with a different story to tell. He also gives some insight on how to best love and minister to our Mormon friends and neighbors (and even those who come knocking on your door!). Adam's Road Website: http://www.adamsroadministry.com Please Open The Door: https://witnessinlove.org/training/potd/ Micah's book, "Passport To Heaven": https://www.amazon.com/Passport-Heaven-Zealous-Missionar...
I interview a former Astrologist, now adopted by God through Christ, about the inception and use of the Enneagram. Is this a tool Christians should be using? *Correction: Ian Cron is not a psychiatrist. He has an M.S. in psychology.
Let's start thinking Biblically. This episode is what I consider a rebuke to Christians celebrating Kamala as the "first female black vice president". Listen to find out why. Texas study: https://texasscorecard.com/commentary/macias-churchgoing-biden-voters-question-the-bible-at-alarming-rates/
In Psalm 138, God's word says that He as exalted "above all things" His name and His word. Are we doing the same when we are lead into "worship" by this church?
Have you considered the songs you're singing in your car? In church? At a Christian concert? Have you considered what the songs are teaching? Have you further thought about the theology of the writers of those songs? How far apart in theology does one have to be for your to consider NOT singing along? We discuss that in this episode.
Phil's and my experience with evangelism in full-time ministry and now while in the work place. Phil answers how he would set out to mentor someone to share Jesus with confidence and joy.
The culture is under rapid moral decay. How do we fight it? We first have to fight it in ourselves.
The switching of definitions and the moving of goalposts has caused chaos and confusion in the church. Love is now sentimentality. The gospel is now niceness. Biblical fidelity is at risk.
The woke church has come to offer a "new gospel" that isn't actually a gospel at all.