Dear students and podcast listeners, In this video, I want to tell you more about the two celebrations that Lithuanians celebrate on the 15th of August: "Žolinės" & "Mergelės Marijos Emimo į Dangų Diena." Also, in this video you will learn how the months "Rugpjūtis" (August) and "Rugsėjis" (September) got their names. As always, you can find the episode's transcript and support my channel on my Contribee:
Aug 15, 2024•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Mieli lietuvių kalbos mokinai ir podcast'o klausytojai, Šiandien norėčiau jums pristatyti savo istorijos mokytoją, Remigijų Jaruševičių. 🎓 Šios savaitės tinklalaidės serijoje su Remigijum kalbėjomės apie Krėvos sutartį, kuri visiem laikams pakeitė Lietuvos Didžios Kunigaikštystės vystymosi kryptį ir istoriją. Sutarties pasirašymas suartino Lietuvą ir Lenkiją bei padėjo Lietuvos Didžiajai Kunigaikštystei atsilaikyti prieš Kryžiuočių ordino puldinėjimus, ir galiausiai, po 25 metų, Žalgirio mū...
Aug 15, 2024•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Mieli lietuvių kalbos mokinai ir podcast'o klausytojai, Šiandien norėčiau jums pristatyti savo istorijos mokytoją, Remigijų Jaruševičių. 🎓 Šios savaitės tinklalaidės serijoje su Remigijum kalbėjome apie Krėvos sutartį, kuri visiem laikais pakeitė Lietuvos Didžios Kunigaikštystės vystymosi kryptį ir istoriją. Sutarties pasirašymas suartino Lietuvą ir Lenkiją bei padėjo Lietuvos Didžiajai Kunigaikštystei atsilaikyti prieš Kryžiuočių ordino puldinėjimus ir galiausiai juos nugalėti. ⚔️ Kaip vis...
Aug 12, 2024•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear students and podcast listeners, In this video, I talk about the different jobs I have had throughout my life. By listening to the podcast, you will hear a wide range of useful phrases that will help you talk about your work in both the past and present tenses. As always, you can find the episode's transcript and support my channel on my Contribee: 🐝 If you enjoyed the episode, don't forget to follow and subscribe for future videos. I hope...
Aug 08, 2024•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear students and Lithuanian language enthusiasts, Today I'd like to introduce you to a fellow Lithuanian teacher, traveler, and YouTube content creator, Edmundas Bartulis. In this conversation, Edmundas and I talked about the ups and downs of learning Lithuanian, his career as a content creator on YouTube, and life in Africa. As always, to aid the listening process and comprehension, I recommend downloading the episode’s transcript from my Contribee. There, you will also find more exclusive...
Aug 02, 2024•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear students and podcast listeners, In today's video, I want to introduce you to the pronunciation of Lithuanian letters. We will run through the alphabet and pronounce every letter of the Lithuanian alphabet, look for equivalents in English words and practice pronouncing different Lithuanian words to reinforce the sounds. If you wish to listen to the second part of the video, which deals with diphthongs, you can do so on my Contribee or Patreon channels: 🐝 Contribee:
Jul 26, 2024•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sveiki mielieji lietuvių kalbos mokiniai ir tinklalaidės klausytojai, Šiandien noriu jums trumpai pasakoti apie Madeirą. Madeiroje gyvenu jau beveik dvejus metus. Per šį laiką, pramokau vietinę kalbą, susipažinau su Madeiros gyventojais ir sužinojau daug įdomių faktų apie salos kultūrą ir istoriją. Tikiuosi jums bus įdomu ir naudinga. Kaip visada, jei norite atsisiųsti epizodo transkripciją, galite tai padaryti mano „Contribee“ svetainėje. 🐝 Mano Contribee:
Jul 21, 2024•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear students and Lithuanian language enthusiasts, It is my great pleasure to introduce you to a historian, polyglot, musician, and Lithuanian/Latvian content creator, Valerijus Rynkovičius. We had a blast talking about Vilnius and Lithuanian history, starting somewhere in the 13th century and moving onwards to the present day. We also discussed many issues regarding ethnicities and ethnic borders, historical disputes with neighboring countries, and how these disputes were resolved. Because Vale...
Jul 14, 2024•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear students and podcast listeners, Today, I want to share with you an episode about sports. In this episode, I will talk about the role sports play in my life, the types of sports I engage in, and some of the most famous Lithuanian athletes. I will also introduce you to some basic information about verb conjugation and the instrumental case. If you wish to download the video's transcript, please head to my Contribee account. By becoming a Contribee, you will also directly support my projec...
Jul 05, 2024•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear students and Lithuanian language enthusiasts, Today I'd like to introduce you to my friend from Japan, Kotaro Hisada. Kotaro is a polyglot who learned most of the languages that he knows purely through self-study. Today he speaks Japanese, English, Lithuanian, Polish, Ukranian and Russian. In today's episode Kotaro has shared his unique methodology for language learning. He also spoke about his experience in learning Lithuanian, what motivated him, his travels, Japan, and the curren...
Jun 27, 2024•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear students and podcast listeners! In today's video, I will read you a short text aimed at beginner Lithuanian learners called "Summer in Lithuania." After reading the text, I will read it one more time, asking relevant questions and waiting for your answers. Please reply out loud and then listen to my answers to check if you have replied correctly! This will help you not just with grammar and vocabulary but also with your Lithuanian pronunciation. If you wish to do some addition...
Jun 18, 2024•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear students, It is my pleasure to introduce you to Viktorija Ivanova, a Lithuanian teacher from Anykščiai, Lithuania. Today, Viktorija and I discussed our experiences working as Lithuanian teachers. We also shared valuable tips on learning and teaching languages, explored the evolving Lithuanian societal and linguistic environment, and covered important cultural topics. If you want to download the episode’s transcript, you can do so on my Contribee. There, you will find all the podcast transcr...
Jun 12, 2024•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear Lithuanian students! Today I have a great joy introducing you to the founder of a school for learning Lithuanian, Katerina Berezovska. In today’s episode, Katerina and I have talked about her journey of learning Lithuanian, Lithuanian language exams, why some students lack motivation and how to regain it. If you want to download the transcript, head to my Conttribe. There you will find the podcast's transcript, exclusive podcasts, and other relevant learning material. 🐝 Contribee: http...
Jun 04, 2024•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear Lithuanian students! Today I have a great joy introducing you to my colleague and friend, Lithuanian teacher Dovilė. 🇱🇹 In today’s episode, Dovilė and I have discussed the 2024 Lithuanian presidential elections and shared our opinions about the upcoming parliamentary elections. Also, we talked about her life in Estonia, Eurovision, music, Lithuanian language exams, Lithuanian citizenship and much more. If you are eager to learn more about Lithuania, I invite you to join us in our hour-lon...
May 28, 2024•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear students of the Lithuanian language, I am back with a video for those who are just starting to learn Lithuanian. In this video, I will introduce myself in the first person and introduce my partner in the third person. Also, I will speak about us together in the first person plural. I hope that this video will help you to develop the relevant vocabulary and grammar to introduce yourself to others. If you wish to do some additional exercises, I have added them together with the video's tr...
May 22, 2024•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear podcast listeners, After a two-week vacation in Lithuania, I'm back again with yet another video. This time I'd like to present to you my hometown, Kaunas. I hope that you won't be bothered by the city noises and you will enjoy hearing more about the history of Kaunas. If you wish to turn on the subtitles, please use Language Reactor for the best reading experience. Also, if you wish to receive the full transcript of this episode, please head to my Patreon. There you will find a...
May 17, 2024•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear podcast listeners, Lithuanian with Paulius is back with yet another episode. As I am currently on vacation, I decided to shoot a short video and showcase our cherished Curonian Spit and its natural beauty. I hope you will enjoy today's episode and feel inspired to visit Nida—it's truly one of Lithuania's wonders. Sorry for the poor audio quality; hopefully, it will not interfere with your listening experience. Also, if you wish to receive the full transcript of this episode, ple...
May 09, 2024•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear listeners, Today I invite you to explore a very curious question: Who are the Lithuanians & where did they come from? Learn more about Lithuania, the Lithuanian nation and its language by listening to my podcast for foreign students. For a more enjoyable listening experience, enable subtitles. Also, if you wish to receive the full transcript of this episode, please head to my Patreon . There you will find all the podcast's transcripts, longer format Lithuanian with Paulius recor...
Apr 30, 2024•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear Lithuanian with Paulius listeners, Today I'd like to present to you a short episode about my life in Hong Kong and Madeira. In this episode, you will learn vocabulary relating to travel and living abroad. This episode is aimed at Lithuanian students with a fluency level approximating A2. For a more enjoyable listening experience, enable subtitles. Also, if you wish to receive the full transcript of this episode, please head to my Patreon . There you will find all the podcast's t...
Apr 21, 2024•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sveiki mielieji podcasto ‘Lithuanian with Paulius” klausytojai. Šiandien su jumis noriu pasidalinti epizodu apie hobius ir laisvalaikį. Tikiuosi, klausytis jums bus įdomu. Komentaruose parašykite, ką laisvalaikiu mėgstate veikti jūs! For a more enjoyable listening experience, enable subtitles. Also, if you wish to receive the full transcript of this episode, please head to my Patreon . There you will find all the podcast's transcripts, longer format Lithuanian with Paulius recordings and...
Apr 12, 2024•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sveiki mielieji podcasto ‘Lithuanian with Paulius” klausytojai. Šiandien su jumis noriu pasidalinti epizodu apie kalbų mokymąsi ir kalbų mokymosi mitus. For a more enjoyable listening experience, enable subtitles. Also, if you wish to receive the full transcript of this episode, please head to my Patreon . There you will find all the podcast's transcripts, longer format Lithuanian with Paulius recordings and more. 💎 Join my Patreon : download transcripts, listen to bonus podcasts,...
Apr 04, 2024•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sveiki visi! Sveikinu jus su artėjančiom Velykom! Velykų savaitės proga, noriu su jumis pasidalinti įpatingu epizodu apie Velykas ir jų papročius Lietuvoje. Tikiuosi jums bus įdomu! Happy upcoming Easter! On this occasion, I would like to share with you a very special episode about Easter and its customs in Lithuania. I hope you will find it interesting! For a more enjoyable listening experience, enable subtitles. Also, if you wish to receive the full transcript of this episode, please head to m...
Mar 30, 2024•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear listeners, In today's episode, you will hear about the methods and strategies that I recommend having while learning a foreign language. Learning Lithuanian is not easy, yet many people have managed to master it. If they have done it, you can do it too! All that you need is patience, time and the right mindset. I hope that my ideas will encourage you to approach language learning with an open mind and to take control of the learning process more into your own hands. A good teacher can b...
Mar 17, 2024•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear listeners, Today I want to share with you a bit of history about Lithuania's capital, Vilnius. This lesson is geared toward intermediate learners so don't worry if you won't understand everything. For a more enjoyable listening experience, enable subtitles. Also, if you wish to receive the full transcript of this episode, please head to my Patreon . There you will find all the podcast's transcripts, longer format Lithuanian with Paulius recordings and more. 💎 Join my...
Mar 06, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear listeners, Today, I want to share with you a Lithuanian folktale that has its roots deeply embedded in the past, far predating any traces of written Lithuanian. Eglė Žalčių Karalienė is a tale about sorcery, unpredicted love and involuntary betrayal, that has been passed on verbally for millennia. Rich in mythology and life lessons, I believe it would make a great listen for anyone interested in Lithuania, its culture and language. For a more enjoyable listening experience, enable subtitles...
Feb 29, 2024•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear listeners, Today I want to share a beginner-friendly podcast. In this episode, I'll be reading a short article about Lithuania's capital, Vilnius. Following the reading, I'll pose some questions, providing you with the chance to formulate your answers. During the listening, you will not just learn something new about Vilnius but also practice creating questions and selecting the right grammatical cases for your responses. For a more enjoyable listening experience, enable subtitl...
Feb 20, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear listeners, students, and friends. I am happy to introduce to you the third episode of Lithuanian with Paulius. In today's episode, we'll explore the history behind the four most significant Lithuanian national celebrations. For a more enjoyable listening experience, enable subtitles. Also, if you wish to receive the full transcript of this episode, please head to my Patreon . There you will find all the podcast's transcripts, longer format Lithuanian with Paulius recordings and ...
Feb 15, 2024•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dear listeners, students, and friends. I am glad to introduce to you the second episode of my Lithuanian podcast for non-native speakers. In today's episode, you will learn more about one of my favorite Lithuanian celebrations - Užgavėnės. In 2024, Užgavėnės is going to be celebrated on the 13th of February, so I encourage you to learn a bit more about it's traditions, meaning and significance. I suggest turning on the subtitles for a more comfortable listening experience. Also, if you w...
Feb 08, 2024•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Hello and welcome! My name is Paulius. I work as a Lithuanian and English tutor online. I have created this podcast for anyone interested in levelling up their Lithuanian. Although the show primarily targets intermediate learners, beginners can also benefit from it because I’m going to be speaking relatively slowly. Even if you feel that the podcast is hard to follow at first, don’t worry, with time it’s going to get easier. Language comprehension takes time and the more input you get, the easie...
Jan 30, 2024•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast