The Homeschool Solutions Show - podcast cover

The Homeschool Solutions Show

Great Homeschool
The homeschooling community is large, diverse, and ever-growing. There is so much we may learn from the successes, failures, and challenges of others in this community. We trust that you’ll find these conversations to be encouraging, thought-provoking, and equipping.


233 | Homeschooling on Any Budget Level

Homeschooling on Any Budget Level Many families are hesitant to take up homeschooling simply because they view the option as very expensive. It’s true that some people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on homeschooling, but that doesn’t need to be the case for everyone. Just because you are unable to purchase the latest and greatest packaged curriculum along with all the supplements and add-ons doesn’t mean you can’t homeschool.

May 21, 202011 minEp 233Transcript available on Metacast

230 | Where Do You Turn in Times of Stress? (Wendy Speake)

We’ve heard it said, “These are unprecedented times”, but stress is nothing new. How are you doing with your stress these days? How is it affecting your home and your homeschool? Today’s short episode challenges listeners to take inventory. Are you taking your stress to social media as the form of escapism? Is your pantry where you hide? Do you turn for comfort in comfort food these days, rather than turning to the great comforter? Or maybe you are self-medicating with a nightly glass of wine. T...

May 19, 202027 minEp 230Transcript available on Metacast

228 | Family Hobbies Make the Best Unit Studies (Wendy Speake with Julie Kieras)

This conversation may be my favorite one to date! We are diving in and talking about unit studies — but not as something more to add to our already too-full plates. We’re talking about slowing down and taking our time to learn more about the things that we already enjoy as a family. I hope you’ll be as blessed by this conversation as I was!

May 12, 202037 minEp 228Transcript available on Metacast

229 | Audioblog: Deschooling is an Important Part of Homeschooling

It’s my hope that you’ll find some tips here that help you to understand deschooling and all that it can do for you and your child. Yes, I included “you” here, because sometimes, parents need to deschool as much as their children do.

May 07, 202010 minEp 229Transcript available on Metacast

226 | Moving Mountains as a Family (Wendy Speake with Kristen Welch)

Life is an incredible journey with ups and downs. We soar, struggle, scale and stumble, and often stand at the edge of cliffs, afraid to step into the unknown, unsure of where we will land. But instead of running away, we are called by God to stand firm, muster up what faith we can, and take a step. Because we were made to move mountains. In today’s podcast interview, Kristen Welch calls us to step out in faith and climb the mountain right in front of us — not because we are good enough or adequ...

May 05, 202047 minEp 226Transcript available on Metacast

227 | God is For Us (Wendy Speake with Steve Demme)

Steve Demme and his wife Sandra have been married since 1979. They have been blessed with four sons, three lovely daughters-in-law, and two special grandchildren. Their fourth son has Down Syndrome and lives with them in Lititz, PA. He is the creator of Math-U-See and the founder of Building Faith Families.

Apr 30, 202019 minEp 227Transcript available on Metacast

HS #225 Homeschooling Advantages and Disadvantages

Homeschooling Advantages and Disadvantages As families embark on a new homeschooling journey, it’s important to know that there are both advantages and disadvantages. Of course, for many families, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, given the result of the process. But we’ll go into a little more detail as we proceed through this article.

Apr 23, 202017 minEp 225Transcript available on Metacast

Episode #222 — Kris Camealy — The Art of Surrender

We’re talking today about the beautiful yet (oh so) hard topic of surrender. Homeschooling, parenting, following Christ all requires great-gobs of surrender, and there’s no one I’d rather talk it through with than Kris Camealy.

Apr 21, 202031 minEp 222Transcript available on Metacast

HS #220 — Katie M. Reid -- Parenting from a Place of Rest

Let’s talk about experiencing rest as a Homeschool Mama! We want to exchange our striving for settledness, our sense of panic to a sweet sense of peace. But how do we parent our children from a place of rest? We’re talking about it all today with Katie M. Reid.

Apr 14, 202033 minEp 220Transcript available on Metacast

#HS 221 Audioblog - Get Organized in Your Homeschooling Routine

There is much to be said for simply getting organized in your homeschooling routine, yet it can be a challenge for even the most detail-oriented mom. If you have multiple children, it can be quite a juggling act, making sure to find the perfect balance between curriculum, outdoor time, appointments, and field trips. And that’s not to mention groceries, household chores, cooking dinner, and making sure everyone has something clean to wear.

Apr 09, 202013 minEp 221Transcript available on Metacast

HS #218 — Connie Albers -- Homeschooling Teens

Today we are talking about how parents can create a rich relationship with their children throughout their parenting/homeschool journey. Children are a masterpiece and parents hold the brushes. God is the architect who knows the plans he has for each of his children. Too often parents give up or give in… not realizing that we are the primary influence in our children's lives.

Apr 07, 202050 minEp 218Transcript available on Metacast

HS 219 Brandy Gleason- Outdoor Activities You Can Do While Social Distancing

We’ve all learned a new word in the past few weeks, social distancing. Social distancing is where you stay at least 6 feet away from someone else whom you have not had contact with. This has left us with a new way of day to day life and how we interact and live. I wanted to share some fun things we do outdoors that would allow you to practice social distancing and still get outside. Here are my outdoor activities you can do while practicing social distancing.

Apr 02, 20207 minEp 219Transcript available on Metacast

HS #216 — SD Smith — Story-Telling and the Power of Imagination

I cannot sum up today’s podcast conversation with a simple description. I loved it all and it was sweeping! S.D. Smith talks in quotes. He quotes the master story-tellers who went before Him, but masterfully crafts wonderful words of his own, many of which can stand alone as quotable phrases. The main theme of our conversation was valuing good stories if we want to be good story-tellers — or even good people. That said, my very favorite part of this interview was when Sam shared that he often lo...

Mar 31, 202051 minTranscript available on Metacast

HS #217 Shawna Wingert

Hi, My name is Shawna Wingert and I support homeschooling families online at Different By Design Learning. As a former special education teacher and homeschooling mom of two boys with special needs, I find that most of us are just looking for real-life, practical ways to make our homeschool days a little smoother and our relationships a little stronger.

Mar 26, 20207 minEp 217Transcript available on Metacast

HS #214 — Wendy Speake — Accidental Homeschoolers (Clovid-19)

Today’s unique episode is for the moms and dads who didn’t choose to homeschool, but don’t have a choice right now. Given current events, kids are home from school with various levels of support from their local school districts. Here is some advice!

Mar 24, 202035 minEp 214Transcript available on Metacast

HS 210 — Angie Mosteller — Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

Angie Mosteller is passionate about many things, but teaching and hospitality are always near the top of the list. She specifically loves the holidays because she gets to put both of her passions to work – the teacher in her is intrigued by the amazing history of our celebrations (which she passes down to her kids through meaningful traditions); and the hospitality enthusiast in her fills their home with creative holiday food, decor, and music. Over the years, Angie has built a website — Celebra...

Mar 17, 202038 minEp 210Transcript available on Metacast

HS 212: September McCarthy — Why Homeschooling Matters

September McCarthy has been homeschooling for 24 years! She is the mom of 10, grandma to 7, and her youngest is only 8. Which means that she’s still in the trenches with us, but has great-gobs of wisdom to share. September is the author of [Why] Motherhood Matters and is talking with us today about [Why] Homeschooling Matters. Her top reasons for choosing to homeschool her children are to help them: Know their identity Grow in character Develop strong relationships Discover their mission for lif...

Mar 17, 202044 minTranscript available on Metacast

HS 208: Ruth and Troy Simons — Education as Discipleship

Today we’re talking about seeing our children’s education as discipleship. Not merely giving them the head knowledge they need, but laying the foundation they need (with them, as a family) for a life of knowing and loving Christ and His Word. In their book Foundations, Ruth and Troy Simons encourage parents to take the time to invest in a relationship with God as the starting point for leading their families to become long-lasting, fruitful followers of Christ. The couple outlines the importance...

Mar 03, 202053 minEp 208Transcript available on Metacast

HS #206 - Asheritah Ciuciu - How to Make Lent Part of Your Homeschool Curriculum

DESCRIPTION: Lead your children through Lent with creative activities and Bible readings! Today’s episode is the most gracious conversation about inviting our children to spend time with us in the word during the lenten season. Asheritah Ciuciu, author of Uncovering the Love of Jesus: a lent devotional, tells us both the history and the purpose of Lent, and gives us resources to make this more than just another “unit study.”

Feb 25, 202040 minEp 206Transcript available on Metacast

HS Episode #204 — Kate Battistelli — Raising creative kids

On today’s show, we talk with Kate Batistelli about raising our children to do amazing things for the glory of God. During the conversation, however, we turn our attention back to the moms… and challenge ourselves to live life with a “Here I am, send me” availability to whatever God calls us to as well.

Feb 18, 202046 minEp 204Transcript available on Metacast

HS #202: Turn Your Homeschool Challenges Into “Challenges” with Wendy Speake

Everyone has challenges! But we all have a choice to make regarding how we respond to our challenges and the challenges of those we love (and teach.) Do we let them challenge us to the point that we can’t deal with the issues lovingly? Or do we deal with the challenges in a Christlike way? This has to do with our challenges and our children’s challenges. Today we’re talking about turning our kids’ challenges into “challenges” that help them pinpoint and then grow in those areas. Getting angry an...

Feb 11, 202028 minEp 202Transcript available on Metacast
The Homeschool Solutions Show podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast