Do you have a perfectionist child? One that is unsatisfied with pretty much anything they accomplish? Sometimes even when they’ve done a good job? It’s sad to watch our kids missing out on the joy of creating art or music, playing sports or other competitive activities that could bring them such a sense of accomplishment. Listen or read more at
Apr 21, 2017•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sometimes I tend to over-complicate things. Why do one math curriculum when you can do two? The best curriculum is the one with the most pieces, right? Since I’m a homeschool teacher I need a fancy lesson plan book, don’t I? Not so fast there homeschool supermom. Before you get mired down in the idea of a complicated homeschool lesson planner, consider the purpose of teacher lesson plans. Listen or read more at
Apr 14, 2017•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast When you were in school, did you ever play around all semester before attempting to cram all the information into your head the night before a test? I did! To be honest, it never worked. Listen or read more
Apr 07, 2017•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast One topic I receive a lot of questions about is starting a book club for kids. And while a lot of information about my book clubs can be found on this blog and my YouTube channel, I thought I’d answer some of your most common questions. Listen or read more at
Mar 31, 2017•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast We went through a long, dry spell where we did not go to the library at all. I had a two-year-old, four-year-old, and six-year-old and frankly it was just not enjoyable to do. I couldn't look for books, the kids were distracted by everything shiny the library had to offer (everything that was NOT a book), they wanted to run down the stacks and NOT be quiet. It was a long, dry spell, and I suffered no small amount of guilt for it. Listen or read more at
Mar 24, 2017•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast There was a stack of books sitting next to me on the driveway. We had just finished reading Aesop’s Fables and I told the girls to go play for ten minutes. I set the timer and got up to stretch as well. This was the routine for most of our school days for the first three years of our homeschooling. We completed two lessons (a reading and an activity), then took a 10-minute break for them to run and play. Even when my oldest was in third grade, we reverted back to this schedule on days she found ...
Mar 17, 2017•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Did you know March is National Reading Month? Because living books are so very good, every month is all about reading in our house! But in honor of this annual celebration of reading, I thought I’d take some time to share some of my best tips for raising readers. Listen or read more at
Mar 10, 2017•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Three years ago my husband was deployed with the Alabama National Guard. Since we are a Guard family, we know that it can always happen, but this one took us a little by surprise. He was tagged to go with a unit that was not his own and therefore two years earlier than what we had expected. It’s tough when you think you have two extra years to get your stuff together… and then suddenly you don’t. Can I get a hooah? Listen or read more at
Mar 03, 2017•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast One of my kids’ favorite subjects over the years has been – hands down – geography. Although they are all avid readers, there’s something about the hands-on and multi-sensory approaches and applications to “real life” of this subject. There are a myriad of ways to teach it, and an equal amount of fun, interesting and practical ways to apply it. I realize, however, that not all kids feel the same way. So if you have kiddos who may be asking “Why do we have to study geography?” or “How on earth (n...
Feb 24, 2017•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you do what I do? Lament about your imperfect homeschool, while comparing yourself to others you know? Their homeschool looks perfect. Listen or read more at
Feb 17, 2017•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ahem. I know I can’t be the only mom who has ever said, “If you can’t learn this from mama, then you are just going to have to go to school to learn it.” Please tell me I am not. It’s possible I have even said it more than once. Homeschooling is tough. It’s not for wimps or sissies, but requires strong doses of prayer, faith, and Diet Coke. And February is the toughest month of all. Listen or read more at
Feb 10, 2017•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you have a child who began reading well at three or four years old? A child who reads far above grade level? A child who soaks in more books in a year than you’ve read in your entire life? Do you wonder what to do with all that advanced ability? Just how do you proceed with gifted early readers?? Here’s what I did. Listen or read more at
Feb 03, 2017•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast I watched the other moms from the basketball team laugh about a joke I didn’t get. Something about the school counselor or someone who forgot to bring treats for the class party–again. It stings a little, being the outsider. We’re beings created to feel like we belong to a group of people. I love homeschooling, I’m not saying I want to give that up just to get the joke, but it’s worth noting that there are things people don’t tell you when you start homeschooling–the hard stuff no one wants to m...
Jan 27, 2017•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast I had one of those stellar mommy moments a few weeks ago. You know the ones, right? Where you are just not at your best and your frustrations (with yourself and them) only escalates your behavior into something you would rather soon forget. Please tell me I am not the only one. Listen or read the rest at
Jan 20, 2017•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast I am just so glad he didn’t sit on the line … All those years ago — the pre-school teacher would hold me after class: “Mrs. Anderson,” she’d say in a patient tone … (I was 29. I felt like I was the one in trouble.) “He just doesn’t want to sit on the line during story time.” During the drive home, my inner rebel would emerge. What 3 year old does, really? felt the questions bubble up. Followed by the ideas. And now I’m just so glad. Listen or read more at
Jan 13, 2017•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Innovator is my word for this homeschool year. in·no·va·tor ˈinəˌvādər/ noun 1. a person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products. I am an educational innovator. I am on the cutting edge of bringing education into the 21st century. I am in the practice of creating new methods, ideas, and maybe even products. And I am not the only one. The power of educational innovation rests in the hands of every homeschool parent on this planet. Listen or read more at
Jan 06, 2017•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast It's the new year and if you are like most homeschool moms, then you are hashing out which New Year's resolutions you want to make. And while we are deciding to lose another ten pounds and keep our bathroom cabinets organized, another area we might consider resolving about is our homeschools. Unfortunately, so many resolutions are often forgotten by mid-January, lost in an overwhelming sea of good intentions and high-expectations. I know it has happened to me many times. I begin the year ready t...
Dec 30, 2016•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s that time of year. Time to get ready for Christmas. Homeschool moms are making angel costumes, dusting off the Baby Jesus and setting up the nativity. We are hanging our stockings, stirring up some egg nog, and singing “Joy to the World.” And like everyone else, we are making our Christmas list too. I, myself, have been both a bit naughty and a bit nice this year — after Homeschool moms are making angel costumes, dusting off the Baby Jesus and setting up the nativity. We are hanging our sto...
Dec 23, 2016•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever started off your day by watching a movie, turning on the television, mindlessly clicking around Facebook, or skimming your online news feed? It happens. Does it affect your mood? We’re fooling ourselves if we say it doesn’t. I know I am tempted – and often give in to the temptation – of checking my email and “catching up” online first thing in the morning. Even if I get up before the kids and take a walk and read my Bible, if I then open up the laptop and lose myself online while t...
Dec 16, 2016•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homeschooling. With a toddler. Need I say more? As homeschool families everywhere start back to school, there seems to be an echo across the Internet. “We had a great first day back, but the toddler …” The echoes are reverberating in my soul, and I haven’t even started back to school yet. Over the summer, we’ve kept a very loose routine because, as I am sure you know, when you’re a mom, there is no such thing as a day “off”. If you don’t provide some form of structure, you end up spending mom en...
Dec 09, 2016•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast We have been doing poetry tea parties since the kids were really little. I stumbled on the concept from Charlotte Mason home educators like Julie Bogart and Elizabeth Foss well before my own kids were school-aged and fell in love with the ideas of pulling out the nice linens, finding a book of poems to read, and sharing time together over a treat in the afternoon. I know from your emails that tea parties are something people find intimidating, but really they don’t have to be. Here are a few of ...
Dec 02, 2016•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week has been rough. Last week was off-kilter, too. We are in a season of change. Our homeschool is changing, our therapy schedules changed, and the boys are changing. And there’s been a coup. At least it feels that way. “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Throw your teacher overboard . . . .” Yep. That’ a pretty good summation of what our house/homeschool has felt like. Anyone else had that kind of day/week/season? Here are a few tips for homeschooling when your kids try to t...
Nov 25, 2016•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast I have totally given up on the idea that learning must be made fun for the student. It was an idea that ruled the first two years of our homeschooling and quite frankly, I'm a little bitter about it now. I feel like in many ways I have short-changed my children and their abilities, because I did not throw the idea over long ago. Fortunately, childhood is forgiving and our recovery is going well. The reality is, much of learning, especially in skills subjects like reading, writing, and math is ju...
Nov 18, 2016•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever had one of these days… There are just some days you want to join the fussy crowd. You wake up and are feeling confident about the day. Then you walk past your child’s room and say, “Good morning!” The response you receive is less than enthusiastic and you think, maybe she will cheer up before breakfast. She just needs to wake up. Then you sit down to eat. She’s not in a bad mood. She’s not even upset or angry. She’s just rather blah. The other daughter wakes up in a good mood, snug...
Nov 11, 2016•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Homeschooling is such a blessing for our family – I really believe it has created a family bond that we would not have had if we’d chosen another educational route for our daughter. But, that doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult! One of the biggest issues I’ve found is learning just how hard it is to keep up with all the housekeeping chores while we’re homeschooling. Over the years, we’ve discovered a few tips and tricks that help us keep up with those daily housekeeping chores. Read more or listen t...
Nov 04, 2016•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Is this your first week of homeschooling for the year? It is for me. I always start our new homeschool year the week of my youngest child’s birthday because I really enjoy adding that kind of stress to the first week of school. Whether the stress in your homeschool week is normal life stuff, like birthdays or long to-do lists, or abnormal life stuff, like surprises and emergencies, the fact remains that homeschooling isn’t always easy. It just isn’t. This is because homeschooling is just like an...
Oct 28, 2016•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast There's a common misconception by many non-homeschoolers that what homeschoolers do all day is stay tucked inside their houses reading classical literature and practicing for the National Spelling Bee. This misconception feeds into the whole socialization myth that continues to plague every homeschool mom who ever lived. Typically the reality is much, much different than the perception for most homeschoolers I know. So we were in good company about late September when I realized that I had fille...
Oct 21, 2016•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast We recently had a pool party with a group of Emma’s homeschool co-op friends, and I’ve been told again that I’m a cool mom. I’m not a cool person. I’m kind of nerdy, actually. So how do I get this label? It’s not merely that I do these things (although they help): make a monster pan of homemade mac-n-cheese and two giant chocolate chip cookies for a pool party let the kids make a crazy fort in the sunroom with every available blanket, bean bag, and pillow take Emma and a friend to an Ed Sheeran ...
Oct 14, 2016•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Don’t show up to a culture war without a culture. — Professor Carol Reynolds The world is after the hearts of your children. No, I am not saying that to leave you shaking in fear. Don’t be afraid, mama, because you’ve got chocolate and Jesus and a plan. There is no need to fear. Instead I just want you to ponder that statement a while. Make no mistake that there is a culture war going on. The world has a myriad of distractions to pull our kids’ attention from the ideas that have shaped our cultu...
Sep 30, 2016•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Quitting homeschool, that is. And I thought I should tell you that. So often, we homeschoolers make this journey sound like its all roses, all the time. We have a tendency to talk up the benefits of homeschooling constantly. After all, there are many: improved academic opportunity, better socialization, increased family time, the ability to weave our values all throughout the curriculum…the list goes on (and on). We talk up homeschooling because we like to talk about it, but we also do it becaus...
Sep 23, 2016•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast