Gary discusses a few recent news items about the political hot-potato of abortion, or more accurately, the murder of pre-born children. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and other Republicans have trouble answering questions about this topic due to their own political compromise with it. Kamala Harris' recent interview with supposed shock-jock and free-thinker Howard Stern is the ultimate example of the lack of logic being presented by abortion advocates.
Oct 23, 2024•26 min•Ep 595•Transcript available on Metacast One from the archives, almost exactly three years ago. The more things change, they more they don't. Political liberals are more than willing to use every means necessary to get their message out, even breaking tax laws. Conservatives and Christians seldom have this boldness. In fact, many Christians don't even see the reason to be involved. The Apostle Paul would not agree.
Oct 21, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 10 Many modern preachers and authors are schizophrenic. On one hand they sensationalize current events as being part of the "end times" and yet also highlight how Christians must be involved culturally and politically. They don't seem to understand that these messages are contradictory and often cause their hearers to become paralyzed with indecision. Get the free PDF here:
Oct 18, 2024•27 min•Ep 594•Transcript available on Metacast Picking up with Gary's interview with the Resistance Chicks from a few months back, this third part deals with Dispensationalism and how it influences both eschatology and politics. A major problem with the paradigm is how it separates God's future plans into two, with one for the Jews and another for the Church.
Oct 16, 2024•27 min•Ep 593•Transcript available on Metacast Gary gives a quick update on the recent donation matching challenge, and then discusses a listener question about his research methods. Gary has been doing this a long time (which helps of course), but he also points out that making mental connections between things that interest you is a helpful way to learn and remember new things.
Oct 14, 2024•33 min•Ep 592•Transcript available on Metacast Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 9. Many Bible commentators claim that Matthew 24—Jesus' Olivet Discourse—should be divided between verses that apply to events in AD70 and verses that apply to the distant future. Gary puts this popular hermeneutic under the exegetical microscope to see if it stands up under scrutiny.
Oct 11, 2024•28 min•Ep 591•Transcript available on Metacast Volume 2 of Kim Burgess and Gary DeMar's The Hope of Israel and the Nations is now available! Gary discusses the book , the series , and what Kim calls the "meta-hermeneutic" of the New Testament (p. 13). Why did Paul write letters and Luke write "historical documents?" Each writing had a particular motivation behind it and we must take this into consideration when interpreting them. Get Volume 2 here:
Oct 09, 2024•26 min•Ep 590•Transcript available on Metacast After giving a quick reminder about the historical reality of hurricanes and flooding (not making them proof of either Bible prophecy or climate change), Gary interacts with a recent clip from Charlie Kirk. A questioner asks Kirk about "common law" and America's founding, and Charlie's response is impressive and very much in line with what Gary and American Vision have taught for decades. Get Gary's book The Case for America's Christian Heritage here:
Oct 07, 2024•41 min•Ep 589•Transcript available on Metacast Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 8. Gary discusses the idea put forth by nearly all modern pop prophecy writers that Israel becoming a nation again in 1948 is a "major prophetic sign" of the "end times." There is no verse for this supposed hermeneutical key, but this doesn't stop authors and preachers from continually repeating it. Let's be Bereans and "see if this is so."
Oct 04, 2024•30 min•Ep 588•Transcript available on Metacast Gary concludes his talk about Christian worldview. While most Christians stand by and do nothing, the other side is working feverishly to implement their godless, humanistic, destructive worldview. Watching from the sidelines is not an option. Which worldview will ultimately prevail? Are you cooking the goose of the anti-Christians or are they cooking yours? Part Two of Two. You can also download this lecture for free here ....
Oct 02, 2024•26 min•Ep 587•Transcript available on Metacast In this classic talk given at a Christian home-educators conference, Gary explains why a Christian worldview is so critical and important. Having all the right answers does not equip Christians to deal with today's ever-changing world. The enemy never stops reinterpreting and twisting Truth to suit their own sinful desires. Answering their moving target requires a worldview "grid." This is Part One of Two. You can also download this lecture for free here ....
Sep 30, 2024•28 min•Ep 586•Transcript available on Metacast Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 7. Gary deals with Max Lucado's new book, What Happens Next: A Traveler's Guide Through the End of This Age . Nothing Lucado writes is new or different from what has already been written hundreds of times by a multitude of other authors over the last two or three decades. Click here to get a free PDF study guide for this episode ....
Sep 27, 2024•27 min•Ep 585•Transcript available on Metacast Gary concludes his interview with Brett Prieto about worldviews and morality. As he always does, Gary brings in pop culture and television and movies to help make his point about the need for an authoritative standard (a Lawgiver) in order to define right and wrong. Many claim to be moral and ethical without any actual basis for it.
Sep 25, 2024•32 min•Ep 584•Transcript available on Metacast This is part one of an interview by Brett Prieto about Gary's book, Why It Might Be OK to Eat Your Neighbor . Gary points out the impossibility of a materialist worldview to define things like love or morality. Most atheists don't even realize the problem that they are "borrowing" morality from the Christian worldview in order to prop up their own lack of one.
Sep 23, 2024•29 min•Ep 583•Transcript available on Metacast Gary responds to a clip on Facebook that claims to "prove" the Rapture with two Bible verses. Revelation 3:10 and 1 Thessalonians 1:10 are the verses and Gary digs into the Greek and some of the translation and interpretation issues involved. Also, outside of the language issues, there is the larger problem of the historical context and the time indicators.
Sep 20, 2024•28 min•Ep 582•Transcript available on Metacast Gary discusses MAGA, Trump, and the Washington DC political machine. The reason why the uniparty can exist at all is because Americans (and many Christians) have disconnected from truth and history and care more about what vapid celebrities shout into the media echo chamber. It's not a difficult equation: if you allow it to happen without consequences, you will get more of it (think assassination attempts).
Sep 18, 2024•34 min•Ep 581•Transcript available on Metacast Gary discusses the economic nonsense being discussed and "promised" by a certain presidential campaign. Socialists breed envy and what Herbert Schlossberg called "ressentiment" (see Idols for Destruction pp. 51-54) by encouraging voters to go after the "rich" and big businesses. This tactic ultimately hurts the very people is claims to help by causing both higher taxes and prices. Read Leonard Read's important article "I, Pencil" here:
Sep 16, 2024•28 min•Ep 580•Transcript available on Metacast Gary responds to recent comments made by Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson's national tour. Beck makes claims about the end times that he hasn't studied or given thought about the implications. If we are "close" to the end, which is a prophetic inevitability, there is nothing we can do about it. The historical context must be considered to properly understand the biblical text. Listen to the interview here:
Sep 13, 2024•27 min•Ep 579•Transcript available on Metacast Gary discusses the economic concept of tradeoffs. Thomas Sowell wrote about this years ago and it's something that liberals do not understand. Every solution has consequences, and they may be good, bad, or a combination of the two. Liberals want solutions without ever considering the tradeoffs.
Sep 11, 2024•28 min•Ep 578•Transcript available on Metacast Gary discusses the film, The Omega Man , with Charlton Heston. Based on the book I Am Legend (with a 2007 Will Smith remake as well), the film is very prophetic considering modern climate armageddonists claiming that the "end is near" thanks to our continuing use of fossil fuels. Read Eric Peters' articles here:
Sep 09, 2024•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Gary puts Matthew 24, or what is commonly called Jesus' Olivet Discourse, under the microscope. He responds specifically to the "mixed" approach, which teaches that there are elements of past fulfillment (preterism) and future fulfillment (futurism) throughout the Discourse. Get the free outlines here: Donate to the matching grant here:
Sep 06, 2024•34 min•Ep 577•Transcript available on Metacast Gary answers a commenter on Facebook that doesn't know much about history, or at least about U.S. Constitutional history. The Three-Fifths Compromise (or Three-Fifths Clause) in Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution does not mean that black slaves were considered to be only 3/5 human. Nonsense like this, as well as cries to abolish the Electoral College do not stand up to historical investigation.
Sep 04, 2024•32 min•Ep 576•Transcript available on Metacast Gary answers two listener questions, one about the Bible itself and another about sovereign citizenship. People regularly claim that the Bible is a "religious" book, but unlike every other religious book the Bible roots itself in actual history. Dismissing the Bible as a religious work is special pleading that happens with no other works of history.
Sep 02, 2024•25 min•Ep 505•Transcript available on Metacast On this third episode of Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope, Gary continues his study of 2 Thessalonians 2 and the "man of lawlessness." Get Gary's free outline here: Read more in his book Last Days Madness available here:
Aug 30, 2024•31 min•Ep 575•Transcript available on Metacast Gary discusses pro-abortion nonsense being spoken by Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear against Vice-Presidential candidate JD Vance. The level of irrationality being promoted by the party of death is stunning, yet media personalities and talking heads continue to swallow and repeat the insanity. Donate to the AV $10K matching grant here:
Aug 28, 2024•18 min•Ep 574•Transcript available on Metacast Gary responds to a few recent news topics, especially people saying Christians shouldn't be involved in the Olympics because it was started by pagans. As expected, Gary has a few things to say about the topic, as well as a few movie recommendations. Donate to the $10K matching grant here:
Aug 26, 2024•24 min•Ep 573•Transcript available on Metacast On this second episode of Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope, Gary deals with comments on Facebook about the man of lawlessness (or sin) from 2 Thessalonians 2. Read more about this in his book Last Days Madness available here:
Aug 23, 2024•26 min•Ep 572•Transcript available on Metacast Gary is interviewed by Darren Doane about what actually happened during the 2023 "Three Questions" controversy. In this concluding part, Gary continues giving his side of the story, as well as the biblical exegesis that informs his own views on eschatology.
Aug 21, 2024•49 min•Ep 571•Transcript available on Metacast Gary is interviewed by Darren Doane about what actually happened during the 2023 "Three Questions" controversy. Gary summarizes his view of the whole situation and what he has learned from it. He gives background that is necessary to properly understand the entire conflict, which is essentially an in-house debate between adherents of classic Reformed Theology.
Aug 19, 2024•50 min•Ep 570•Transcript available on Metacast Gary begins his new Friday series called "Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope." It is a deep-dive into biblical eschatology (last things), biblical theology, and hermeneutics (interpretation). Pro-tip: Listen past the "end" of the episode for a bonus segment where Gary reviews one of his own books on this topic: Last Days Madness . Available here:
Aug 16, 2024•31 min•Ep 569•Transcript available on Metacast