No matter how much you read, videos you watch, or podcasts you listen to, you’re still going to have to talk to literally hundreds, maybe even thousands of women if you want to properly develop your skillset. So if you’re only going to talk to the absolute hottest women, how are you ever going to put in the reps and the volume you need to get good? Get Your FREE 1 on 1 Breakthrough Session By CLICKING HERE Watch UMP Episodes on YouTube: Gr...
Mar 06, 2023•19 min•Ep 437•Transcript available on Metacast Modern media does a good job of telling us that masculinity is harmful and toxic, which has left so many men neutered and struggling to achieve the success they want in life because they don’t have the fire and aggression required to fight for it. So in today’s episode, Mark gives us all a sharp reminder of how important it is to embrace our masculinity and remind us that when utilized correctly, masculinity will allow you to get everything you ever wanted from life. Get Your FREE 1 on 1 Breakth...
Mar 02, 2023•25 min•Ep 436•Transcript available on Metacast While ultimately getting out there and talking to women in person is the best way to improve, for many shy and introverted guys this can be such an intimidating prospect that it actually prevents them from ever approaching women at all. If this is you, then don’t worry! Uncle Mark Sing has your back. In this episode, Mark shares 5 ways you can practice talking to girls without needing a girl to be present, which will help prepare you so that when the time comes to talk to a girl, it’ll feel easy...
Feb 27, 2023•24 min•Ep 435•Transcript available on Metacast One of the inevitabilities that come from achieving success, whether that be with wealth, women, or fitness, is that you’re going to get haters. Human beings have a natural proclivity to take hateful feedback from others to heart which causes us to dwell on it unnecessarily. But once you fully understand that hateful comments do nothing to benefit your progression and really just come from the haters' own insecurities and hang-ups, you’ll be able to leave it behind with the losers as you continu...
Feb 23, 2023•18 min•Ep 434•Transcript available on Metacast If there’s one thing that women hate, it’s being smothered by needy men who don’t have their own independence. This means we need to take into careful consideration how much attention we give otherwise you’ll end up turning her off. So today coach Mark Sing is going to break down why men seem to struggle with giving too much attention and provide some helpful tips to make sure you’re not coming off as overly needy. Get Your FREE 1 on 1 Breakthrough Session By CLICKING HERE Watch UMP Episodes on ...
Feb 20, 2023•22 min•Ep 433•Transcript available on Metacast The way you feel internally about yourself has a massive impact on how you will appear externally. If you lack confidence, if you feel you’re not good enough, you will wear that energy on you like a piece of clothing that women will clearly see. But through smart use of neuro-linguistic programming, you can change your internal beliefs about yourself, allowing you to create a self-fulfilling feedback loop of confidence that’s going to naturally attract the women you want towards you. Get Your FR...
Feb 16, 2023•20 min•Ep 432•Transcript available on Metacast The importance of having a solid network of people you are close with and can trust implicitly cannot be overstated. Not only are these kinds of relationships important in terms of your overall health and happiness, but when handled correctly can massively increase how many women you will have in your life. If you aren’t utilizing this already, you are truly missing out! Get Your FREE 1 on 1 Breakthrough Session By CLICKING HERE Watch UMP Episodes on YouTube:
Feb 13, 2023•25 min•Ep 431•Transcript available on Metacast The way you dress and present yourself says a lot about who you are as a man. If a guy can’t even be bothered to groom himself properly or wear a shirt that fits, why should any woman believe he’s a high-value man who has his life together? The good news is, getting your clothes and style on point is not nearly as difficult as seems. In this episode, Mark gives you the 101 on men's style and grooming, employ these tips and you’re going to see an IMMEDIATE increase in the positibe attention you g...
Feb 09, 2023•23 min•Ep 430•Transcript available on Metacast Nothing makes a woman lose her attraction for a guy faster than when he acts too interested. When talking to women that you are attracted to, you must learn to remain cool and calm. Many guys fail at this, but so do women! They get too excited and start to exhibit behaviors that make them look desperate. But as they say, awareness alone is curative, so in today’s episode, Mark’s going break down 5 of these stupid behaviors both guys and girls portray when they’re overly attracted, so you will kn...
Feb 06, 2023•20 min•Ep 429•Transcript available on Metacast We all love the idea of being able to approach any girl we want with absolute unshakable confidence, but reality seldom lines up with our desires… or does it? Fundamentally, the main reason why you can’t bring yourself to approach any girl you want is because of your fear of rejection. So once you learn to conquer your fear (which you totally can, as many others have done before you) you’re going to be free to approach any girl you want, and you’re going to feel great doing so! Get Your FREE 1 o...
Feb 02, 2023•17 min•Ep 428•Transcript available on Metacast Women are social wizards who are always trying to analyze who a man is to see if he’s going to be a good fit. One trick women will very commonly use is jealousy, by trying to make you jealous they can see if you’re insecure, quick to anger, or easily taken off your frame. All of which are instant red flags for them. But as listeners of The Unapologetic Man Podcast, we are privy to this and are ninjas who can flip this around and use it as an opportunity to prove that we don’t get jealous, you ca...
Jan 30, 2023•23 min•Ep 427•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever noticed women being apprehensive or maybe even defensive while they’re around guys? It’s because, unfortunately, the majority of women have had some kind of negative experience that makes them feel uncomfortable around men they are not familiar with. As a listener of the Unapologetic Man Podcast, and as an alpha male, you need to let the women you interact with know that they are safe and that you’re a good dude. So in today's episode, Mark is sharing 5 incredible ways in which you...
Jan 26, 2023•21 min•Ep 426•Transcript available on Metacast When you’re talking to a girl, not only do you need to keep the conversation flowing but there must also be no awkward gaps that make you look uninteresting. So having a wealth of cool attraction-building games, or ‘gambits’, in your back pocket will really help you out in those situations where the conversations struggling a bit. In today’s episode, Mark is sharing one such gambit that will allow you to blow women's minds as you psychoanalyze them based on their actions in this super fun and si...
Jan 23, 2023•20 min•Ep 425•Transcript available on Metacast A positive mindset is absolutely vital if you want to achieve success in life. You need to truly believe, beyond any doubt, that you will succeed if you want to stand any kind of chance at becoming a winner. So in today’s very special episode, Mark is sharing a series of Affirmations that you can listen to before you sleep or while meditating which are guaranteed to put you in a winning mindset. Get Your FREE 1 on 1 Breakthrough Session By CLICKING HERE Watch UMP Episodes on YouTube: https://www...
Jan 19, 2023•40 min•Ep 424•Transcript available on Metacast Oftentimes guys will be overly agreeable with women, thinking that being submissive is going to give them the best possible chance of dating her. WRONG. Women want to deal with strong, confident men. So by playfully busting her chops just a little bit, you can passively demonstrate to her you’re not afraid to be disagreeable and it's going to make her both respect and desire you that much more. The real skill is in keeping it humorous and not letting the negging become mean-spirited. Get Your FR...
Jan 16, 2023•20 min•Ep 423•Transcript available on Metacast Sometimes you’re going to date women who are behaving in a way you find unattractive. They might be very negative and love complaining about anything and everything, or they may be boring to chat with, giving their patented 1-word replies. But did you know you can actually coach them out of this behavior using subtle communication? It takes some skill to do, but today’s episode will give you all the information you need to pull it off. Get Your FREE 1 on 1 Breakthrough Session By CLICKING HERE W...
Jan 12, 2023•19 min•Ep 422•Transcript available on Metacast Adopting the right mindset and outlook on life is going to massively influence how much success you can achieve. The simple act of walking around with a defeatist attitude will dramatically decrease the chances of you achieving what you want from life. But the good news is the opposite is also true, so once you adopt the winner's attitude, things are going to start working out. So in today’s episode, Mark is sharing 5 ways in which men are actively discouraging their own success, and how to get ...
Jan 09, 2023•20 min•Ep 421•Transcript available on Metacast Before you approach a girl in public your heart will start to race, the adrenaline level is high, and you’ve pre-prepared all your gangster one-liners ready to blow her away. Now imagine this scenario from the girl's perspective, she’s going about her day and suddenly some out of breath, sweaty guy charges up and hits her with his best one liner. It’s going to creep her out! So in this episode, Mark is going to share some important tips on how to match a girl's energy in public, which is going t...
Jan 05, 2023•22 min•Ep 420•Transcript available on Metacast There is a direct link between how big your ego is and the amount of suffering you will experience in your life. But to conquer your ego you first need to understand it. So in this episode, Mark breaks down everything you need to know about how your ego works, how it’s hurting you, and how to keep it under control. Apply for a FREE Consultation with Mark: Watch UMP Episodes on YouTube: Grab Mark's Free P...
Jan 02, 2023•22 min•Ep 419•Transcript available on Metacast Spirits are high, everyone’s partying, the vibe is good, there is no better time for you to kiss as many women in a single night, New Year's Eve is PERFECT. And in today’s episode, Mark is sharing his incredible method that is going to make getting women to kiss you the easiest thing you've done all year. If you’re looking to have the best new years of your life you absolutely need to hear this episode. Apply for a FREE Consultation with Mark: Watch UMP Episod...
Dec 29, 2022•23 min•Ep 418•Transcript available on Metacast Being able to keep the conversation flowing and feeling natural is vital in getting women attracted to you. But so many guys make the mistake of just ‘platonic vibing’ where they ask boring questions about uninteresting topics like the weather. The fact is women want to be ENGAGED by a knowledgeable and interesting man. So in this episode, Mark is sharing 3 mind-blowing topics that are guaranteed to have her hooked on every word you say. Apply for a FREE Consultation with Mark: https://coachmark...
Dec 26, 2022•20 min•Ep 417•Transcript available on Metacast Getting the first date is all well and good, but it’s really the second date that matters as it shows she still likes you after spending time together. But it’s also a really easy thing to mess up as you need to ask for it at the right time and in the right way. So in this episode, Mark gives you all the information you need in order to get out of the first date and into the second with ease. Apply for a FREE Consultation with Mark: Watch UMP Episodes on YouTu...
Dec 22, 2022•25 min•Ep 416•Transcript available on Metacast If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while you’re no doubt starting to attract more women. But with great power comes responsibility, and as someone with the power of attraction you have to be mindful of the fact you might be breaking more than a few girls' hearts. The goal of being an Unapologetic Man is not to cause harm to others, so in today’s episode, Mark is going to teach you how you can practice and improve your game, without hurting anyone in the process. Apply for a FREE Cons...
Dec 19, 2022•24 min•Ep 415•Transcript available on Metacast If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while you’ve no doubt experienced the huge benefits of guided Neural Linguistic Programming through meditation. Today’s episode includes a special guided NLP process which is from an ancient technique known as “HO’OPONOPONO” which can correct your self-doubt and self-loathing traumas and finally bring you the peace and confidence you seek. Apply for a FREE Consultation with Mark: Watch UMP Episodes on YouTube: http...
Dec 15, 2022•28 min•Ep 414•Transcript available on Metacast Dating apps can be crushing for a man's confidence. Expectations are unreasonably high and many men reach out to hundreds, if not thousands of women only to receive a handful of replies. Meanwhile, unattractive women with boring profiles get swamped with attention, what’s going on here?! In today’s episode, Mark breaks down the bizarre world of dating apps and provides a much needed voice of reason for the men struggling on them. Apply for a FREE Consultation with Mark:
Dec 12, 2022•30 min•Ep 413•Transcript available on Metacast It is only through extreme adversity and suffering that we can forge our best selves. Today Mark bears all as he recounts his horrific experiences living overseas as an expat while dealing with extreme panic attacks, anxiety, and even agoraphobia. But he also explains how he beat them, and how even you, regardless of your situation and what kind of trauma you've experienced, can do the same with this incredible practice. Apply for a FREE Consultation with Mark:
Dec 08, 2022•27 min•Ep 412•Transcript available on Metacast Attraction is the single biggest factor in whether a woman is going to sleep with you or not, yet most of us still don’t understand how it works on a fundamental level. If you’ve not been getting the results you want in your dating life then this episode is for you as we’ll be covering all the basics of attraction and how to utilize it correctly so you can finally start getting the women you want into your life. Apply for a FREE Consultation with Mark: Watch U...
Dec 05, 2022•24 min•Ep 411•Transcript available on Metacast If you’ve spent time talking to women at bars or clubs, you’ve probably noticed that they will sometimes say something a little mean or insulting for seemingly no reason at all. This is their way of gauging what kind of man you are, otherwise known as a ‘frame check’. And depending on how you respond, it’s going to inform her whether you have a strong, masculine frame, or a weak, insecure frame that’s easily offended. Making sure you handle yourself correctly when being framed checked is vital. ...
Dec 01, 2022•25 min•Ep 410•Transcript available on Metacast Society tells us that it’s the loud, funny, and charismatic people who are the most attractive. So when you’re an introvert it’s easy to feel the pressure to be more outgoing. This is a fallacy, introverted people can exude some insanely attractive qualities such as competency and capability without being the loudest one in the room. So in today’s episode, Mark explains how by embracing and utilizing your naturally introverted qualities you will achieve more success with women than you ever woul...
Nov 28, 2022•23 min•Ep 409•Transcript available on Metacast Gratitude and appreciation are key tenants of true happiness. In the modern day of social media, it’s all too easy to feel like nothing is ever enough, and you fall into the bottomless pit of always wanting more. Once you can learn to step back and take time to reflect on all the good things in your life - you’ll soon realize that you’re already happy, and everything from hereon out is just icing on the cake. Apply for a FREE Consultation with Mark: Watch UMP ...
Nov 24, 2022•22 min•Ep 408•Transcript available on Metacast