Ephesians - PART V
Ephesians 3: 14-21 (CSB) - A prayer for the fullness of God Paul prays for empowerment so that the church may be filled with the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3: 14-21 (CSB) - A prayer for the fullness of God Paul prays for empowerment so that the church may be filled with the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:1-13 (CSB) Paul's position, his purpose and the product.
Ephesians 2: 11 - 22 (CSB) His Transcultural Church
Ephesians Chapter 2:1-10 (CSB) Amazing grace how sweet the sound!
Ephesians Chapter 1 (CSB) Open the Eyes of My Heart
Psalm 119 (CSB) This Psalm is 176 verses of concentrated, ecstatic poetry about the word of God. Why was the poet so enamoured with the Scriptures? What can we learn from him? And what difference would it make?
Luke 2:25 - 38 (ESV) Simeon’s song teaches us about the character and mission of the Messiah, Jesus. It opens up our understanding of what salvation entails. It helps us to see Jesus as the promised One who has come to bring comfort and light to all peoples.
Luke 2: 8 -14 (ESV) The Angel’s Song gives us a heavenly view on Christmas; we get to hear what Christmas meant to the Angelic world. For the Angelic world, Christmas means: Glory to God and Peace on earth.
Luke 1:67-80 The Song of Zechariah teaches us significant lessons on waiting and longing. As God’s people we called to live obedient lives even in our waiting, and yet even when we are not faithful in our waiting, God continues to be faithful in his coming.
Luke 1: 39 - 56 (NIV) Like Mary, we can move from anxiety to adoration. The Song of Mary teaches us crucial lessons about the coming of the Messiah. In the coming of Jesus the upside - down kingdom has been ushered in. The weak, the needy, the vulnerable and the hungry are shown grace and favour while the self-sufficient go away empty.
Acts 1:8 CSB Emotionally healthy spiritual disciples are compelled to go out to make more disciples out of the love for God and see Him known and loved by others.
Exodus 34:5-7 (CSB) When you decide to follow Jesus it not only changes the trajectory of your life but it has the potential to set in a motion a different pattern of sowing and reaping that will break the curse that may have been multi-generational, and transferred to you.
Luke 14:25-33 While Jesus has paid the cost of our salvation in full, He gives us the cost of following Him and calls us to consider the cost before following Him.
Luke 4:1-13 (CSB) Embracing our limitations helps us establish healthy boundaries and ensures we are continually becoming emotionally healthy spiritual disciples - it worked for Jesus and it will work for us.
Galatians 5:13-26 (CSB) Our character matters. As the Church, we cannot follow the culture where your achievements and platform matter more than your character. We must walk by the Spirit and bear kingdom fruit that reveals Jesus and the beauty of the Gospel.
Ephesians 4:1-16 (CSB) Once we have our identity as a child of God established in Christ, we also have our identity in the family of God, or the church (our blood-bought family) established, and so we are then called to participate within that family's life.
Matthew 3:17 (CSB) The Gospel compels us to do the work of the kingdom of God, however, it calls us to do it from a place of being. Our work flows from our identity, and this is why it is important that we know who we are.
Exodus 40 (CSB) The end is only the beginning. God makes a way for sinful people to be in His Holy presence.
Exodus 34 (CSB) When Moses said in Exodus 33 – ‘Show me your Glory, God’, he didn’t realise that he was asking God, who are you? At the core of Moses’ question was more than signs and wonders, it was who is this God who forgives, who gives grace, who loves justice, who will not give His glory to another.
Exodus 32 & 33 (CSB) Idolatry is something we all have to be careful of because our hearts are designed to worship. The question however to ask ourselves will always be - does what we worship truly satisfy us?
Luke 23: 32 - 43 (CSB) As we look to Calvary, we see two other men who have led similar lives that have led them to the same fate, with sin and death as the great equalizer. We explore some lessons through their interactions with Jesus Christ and the eventual outcome of these interactions.
Colossians 2:6-7 (CSB) There are many things that might cause us to give up our faith or mislead us away from the one true gospel of Jesus Christ. In today’s passage, we are assured of the authenticity of the gospel message and that Jesus is more than enough. Just as we once were taught the true gospel and received the supreme person of Jesus Christ, in the same way, we are to continue in Him. We never move on from Christ, but we are to move on in Christ. We apologize for the sound quality at th...
Exodus 20: 1- 17 (CSB) The Ten Commandments are God’s vision for a new humanity. These rules are not an opposition to a relationship with God, they are what enable the relationship to happen. They are words of life, perfectly lived out in Jesus Christ.
Exodus 18 (CSB) Moses gets a visit from his father-in-law. We learn that we are never to underestimate where wisdom might come from. God is always working, the question is are we humble and teachable, as we prayerfully discern.
Chapter 16 & 17 (CSB) Our obedience matters to God. It communicates our trust in Him and our allegiance to Him. Our obedience is bigger than our time, our hunger and our thirst, all things God promises to be to us in Jesus Christ.
Acts 2:42-47 (CSB) In Acts 2 verses 42-47, we are told many of the things that this new temple, this community, this blood-bought family, or this church did…In fact, theologians have said that in Acts 2:42, Luke gives us a description of the very first Christian church.
Exodus 15:1-18 (CSB) Praise, poem, song, are the greatest vehicles of thanksgiving. This is a celebratory song of praise after God had defeated Egypt and rescued Israel through the miracle at the sea. This is a reason to SING!
Exodus 13 & 14 An army behind you, and a sea in front of you is no match for the powerful and glorious God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. A God who delivers on His promises time and time again. He truly is mighty to save.
Exodus 12 (CSB) Through Passover, Christians gain a new identity, placing them in a shared community, because we all partake in one sacrifice, which causes us to look to a better future because of our one shared hope.
Micah 6:1-8 (CSB) As the people of God, what is our role in seeking the thriving and flourishing of our society? How have we contributed to the state of our world? What does God require of us?