References: (1) 3 enslaving forces: the world, the flesh, and the devil. (2) Eph. 6:11-12. (3) 3 things about the devil: He is a powerful foe; he is wicked and destructive; and he is extremely sly and crafty. (4) Scripture reveals how the devil attacks us: as a roaring lion (1 Pet. 5:8); as a friendly counselor (Gen. 3:5); and as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). (5) Martin Luther suggested, “When you look for the devil, don’t forget the pulpit.” (6) The devil prefers to seduce...
May 09, 2022•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Relativism’s Moral Argument is shown manifestly to fail as it is not only refuted in 1 way but in 3 ways. (2) Peter Kreeft says, “The major event in the history of the world for the past 500 years has been the DECLINE of the influence of RELIGIOUS FAITH in Western civilization.” (3) In a lecture on YouTube called “Blaise Pascal and the New Evangelization” Kreeft lists 4 causes for this decline. (4) I mention only 2: Crisis of reason and Crisis of Mor...
May 02, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) 3 appalling conditions that prevail about all unredeemed human beings: First, the unredeemed are all (spiritually) dead. Second, the unredeemed are enslaved. And third, the unredeemed are all condemned because in their present unredeemed state they are still under the curse of God’s wrath. (2) (Spiritual) death is the exact opposite and antithesis of life. (3) Life in the Bible is often described and defined in terms of our relationship to God, and that kind of life is usua...
Apr 25, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Relativism’s moral argument commits the “is-ought” fallacy. (2) Premise 1 is false. (3) Premise 2 violates the clear teaching of Scripture in Eph. 2:1-3. (4)”The Message of Ephesians” by John Stott. (5) Understand Eph. 2:1-3 in terms of the context of Eph. 1: 18-21. (6) You and I can’t appreciate the height to which we have been elevated until we have a measurement of the depth from which we have come. (7) Scripture refers to 3 types of death: ...
Apr 18, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) The is-ought fallacy. (2) The anthropologist Solomon Asch. (3) “The Abolition of Man” by C. S. Lewis. (4) Just because the majority of any particular group think something is right does not make it right. (5) Ethical hedonism. (6) The philosopher, Peter Singer. (7) “Dead in trespasses and sin” refers to spiritual death. (8) John Stott. (9) Spiritual death means separation from God. (10) Quote from a sermon by George G. Parker on decision. This is episode 8...
Apr 11, 2022•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) 3 rules of teaching. (2) The meaning of moral relativism. (3) Moral relativism is usually posed as a direct antithesis of moral objectivism/realism. (4) William Lane Craig divides moral truths into moral values and objective duties. (5) “Reasonable Faith” by William Lane Craig. (6)The Bible is resplendent with moral statements. (7) The Australian philosopher J. L. Mackie asserted, “There are no objective values.” (8) The American anthropologist Ruth Benedi...
Apr 04, 2022•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Deism doctrines explained. (2) Deism is self-defeating. (3)Many ‘lukewarm’ or ‘nominal’ Christians today are, in effect, deists. (4) So of the 4 possible alternatives about God or no God and evil or no evil, only theism is a viable alternative to explain God and evil. (5) Prager University’s article: “If there is no God, murder isn’t wrong.” (6) In the secular world, there can only be opinions about morality. (7) If human beings are...
Mar 28, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Alvin Plantinga. (2) Pantheism comes from 2 Greek words: “pan” and “theos.” Pan means “all” and theos means “God.” Simply put, pantheism is the view that everything is God. (3) Monism. (4) Pantheism is the fundamental belief of some Western religions such as New Age, Christian Science, Unity, Scientology, and Theosophy. (5) I give 6 reasons why pantheism is a worldview that is meaningless, self-defeating, incoherent, lacks factual c...
Mar 21, 2022•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “Warrant and Proper Function” by Alvin Plantinga. (2) “Atheism and the Argument from Reason” an article by Lenny Esposito in the book “True Reason” edited by Tom Gilson and Carson Weitnauer. (3) “Kant’s Refutation of Materialism” by H. Allison in “The Monist” (1989). (4) “Miracles: A Preliminary Study” by C. S. Lewis, 1st Ed. 1947, 2nd Ed. 1960. (5) Elizabeth Anscombe, 1948. (6) Pocket Sized Apologetics...
Mar 14, 2022•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “Stealing from God” by Frank Turek. (2) “Miracles: A Preliminary Study” by C. S. Lewis. (3) “C.S. Lewis’s Dangerous Idea: In Defense of the Argument from Reason” by Victor Reppert. (4) Former British Prime Minister Arthur Balfour. (5) Elizabeth Anscombe. (6) An article “Atheism and the Argument from Reason” by Lenny Esposito in the book “True Reason” edited by Tom Gilson and Carson Weitnauer. (7) “Mind and Co...
Mar 07, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Poisoning the Well fallacy. (2) Ad Hominem fallacy. (3) Straw Man fallacy. (4) Red Herring fallacy. (5) “Richard Dawkins Debunked, A Dozen Logical Fallacies in the God Delusion” by Norman J. Lund on the website Center for Biblical Theology and Eschatology. (6) Alvin Plantinga. (7) Thomas Nagle. (8) Michael Ruse. (9) Dinesh D’Souza. (10) “The Dawkins Delusion?” by Alister McGrath and Joanna Collicutt McGrath. (11) “God Is Not Great” with t...
Feb 28, 2022•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. “Authority” by David Martin Lloyd-Jones. 2. According to the Bible, man was created in God’s image (Gen. 1:27). Part of that image makes man a moral being. 3. The Bible, containing God’s revealed moral will in His Law and commandments, becomes His revelation to the followers of Christ. As such, the Bible becomes our source of morality. 4. The ability to reason is part of the image of God in man. 5. “Why Good Arguments Often Fail” by James W. Sir...
Feb 21, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. “Mere Christianity” by C. S. Lewis. 2. “The Abolition of Man” by C. S. Lewis. 3. This Someone or Some Thing cannot give what it does not possess. 4. “On Guard” by William Lane Craig. 5. Hindu practice of “suttee” and the Chinese custom of crippling women women for life by tightly binding their feet from childhood to resemble lotus blossoms. 6. What do you think of the Crusades or the (Spanish) Inquisition? This is episode 81....
Feb 14, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. “Is Everything Permitted?” by Mark Linville. 2. Another child of atheism — a self-defeating morality, moral subjectivism. 3. “Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe,” chapter 1 of book 1 in “Mere Christianity” by C. S. Lewis. 4. The Moral Law in Christianity. 5. The Golden Rule. 6. In Chapter 4 of book 1 in “Mere Christianity” Lewis says, “All I have got (at this point) is a Something which is directing ...
Feb 07, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. “Can Man Live Without God” by Ravi Zacharias. 2. 3 tests for truth: rational, factual, livable. 3. “Stealing From God” by Frank Turek. 4. Moral subjectivism. 5. “Relativism: Feet Planted Firmly in Mid-Air” by Francis Beckeith and Gregory Koukl. 6. The history of the Moral Argument can be traced back to Immanuel Kant. 7. Kant said, “Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, . . . . the starry heavens above me...
Jan 31, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. Millions of deaths caused by regimes run by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot in the 20th century. 2. Fyodor Dostoevsky . 3. “River Out of Eden” by Richard Dawkins. 4. Atheism ultimately leads to nihilism which is self-defeating. 5. Naturalism is the most popular form of atheism. 6. Kai Nielsen believes we can have ethics without God. 7. “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins is full of vehement moral judgments. 8. “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Da...
Jan 24, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. Atheism leads to nihilism. 2. Nihilism is self-defeating. 3. Atheism is traveling on a road built by God all the while saying that theism is a dead-end street. 4. “Stealing From God” by Frank Turek. 5. The millions of deaths by the communist’s regimes of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Edi Amin, and Fidel Castro in the 20th century add a further testament to the reality of the world without God. 6. Question: If there is no God, can anything be really right or wrong? 7. &ld...
Jan 17, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. Sigmund Freud claimed that God is an illusion because belief in God is based on wish fulfillment. 2. Freud has confused a wish and a need. 3. “The Language of God” by Francis Collins. 4. “Words” by Jean-Paul Sartre. 5. “The Rebel” by Albert Camus. 6.”Pensees” by Blaise Pascal. 7. “True Reason” by Tom Gilson and Carson Weitnauer. 8. “The Blind Watchmaker” by Richard Dawkins. 9. Alvin Plantinga says Dawkins&rsqu...
Jan 10, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. “On Guard” by William Lane Craig. 2. “The Fall of Atheism” by Norman Geisler, a YouTube video. 3. “C. S. Lewis and 8 Reasons for Believing in Objective Morality” by Stephen S. Jordan on the web site moralapoligetics. com. 4. Moral relativism is false. 5. Morality is built into each individual because we are made in God’s image and God has given us all a conscience. 6. “Christian Apologetics” by Norman Geisler. 7. Louise Anthony...
Jan 03, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References 1. “Abolition of Man” by C.S. Lewis. 2. Golden Rule. 3. Sigmund Freud. 4. “The Question of God” by Armand M. Nichloli. 5. Immanuel Kant “the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.” 6. Story from “Treasury of Inspiration” by Herbert V. Prochnow. 7. Challenge: Know the Shepherd This is episode 74.
Dec 27, 2021•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References 1. Fyodor Dostoevsky. 2. David Eagleman. 3. Proprioception sense. 4. You can’t find moral values in a test tube. 5. How can an unintelligent, amoral, senseless mass of matter give to human beings something it does not have? 6. Some cultures love their neighbors and others eat them. 7. Morality is not about popularity. 8. Subjective morality applies to the subject only. It is not binding on any one else. This is episode 73....
Dec 20, 2021•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References 1. Never judge a worldview by its abuses. On the other hand, be very critical of any worldview if their immoral actions are entirely consistent with what they teach. 2. “Answering Atheism” by Trent Horn (2013). 3. Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence. 4. A new design argument. 5. The article “Design and the Anthropic Fine-Tuning of the Universe” by William Lane Craig in the book “God and Design” edited by Neil A. Manson (2003)....
Dec 13, 2021•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast References 1. The implications of a universe with no God: no meaning, nihilism, no morality, no purpose. 2. “River out of Eden” by Richard Dawkins. 3. David Berlinsky says from 1914-1945 more than 200 million deaths were attributable to atheistic governments. 4. “ The Design Inference” by William A. Dembski. This is episode 71.
Dec 06, 2021•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References 1. “Stealing From God” by Frank Turek. 2. The interaction between Ravi Zacharias and a student from Nottingham mentioned in Episode 69. 3. The failure of typical argument against God using that evil exists. 4. A restatement of a valid form of argument that agrees with what theism claims. 5. Why God would allow evil to exist? 6. Does God use suffering purposefully? 7. “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl. This is episode 70....
Nov 29, 2021•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References 1. “Making Sense Out of Suffering” by Peter Kreeft. 2. “Can Man Live Without God” by Ravi Zacharias. 3. “Mind and Cosmos” by Thomas Nagle. 4. “There Is a God” by Anthony Flew. 5. “The Wonder of the World” by Roy Abraham Varghese. This is episode 69.
Nov 22, 2021•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References 1. “Five Ways” by Thomas Aquinas. 2. “Handbook of Christian Apologetics” by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli. 3. “20 Compelling Evidences that God Exists” by Kenneth Boa and Robert Bowman Jr. 4. “Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God” by Alvin Plantinga. 5. “Five Proofs of the Existence of God” by Ed Feser. 6. The Problem of Evil. 7. Epicurus. 8. 3 sub-problems: the logical, the evidential, and the emotional problem of evil. 9. ...
Nov 15, 2021•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. “Signature if the Cell” and “Return of the God Hypothesis” by Stephen Meyer. 2. “Dawkins’ Delusion” by William Lane Craig in the books “True Reason” and “Contending with Christianity’s Critics.” 3. Silly logic question: Who designed the designer? 4. Fallacy of False Analogy. 5. “The Design Hypothesis” by William Demski. 6. Strike 3 against the Boeing 747 gambit. 7. Song by Steve Green “May all who come behind us find us faithful.” This is episode 67....
Nov 08, 2021•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. God is a term in the conclusion not mentioned in the 6 statements of the argument. 2. The 6 statements are not truth claims. 3. The 6 statements do not include an implication. 4. “Being Logical” by D. Q. McInerny. 5. Genetic Fallacy. 6. “Dawkins’ Best Argument Against God’s Existence” by Gregory E. Ganssle — an article in “Contending with Christianity’s Critics” edited by Paul Copan and William Lane Craig. 7. “Dawkins’ Delusion” by William Lane Craig — article in “True Reason” edi...
Nov 01, 2021•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. “Mind and Cosmos” by Thomas Nagle. 2. No effect is ever greater or superior to its cause. 3. Evolutionists attempt to make effects greater than their causes when they claim that life comes from non-living matter, organized complexity from chaos, personality from impersonal forces, consciousness from unconscious matter, etc. 4. To disagree with the conclusion of any argument, we must show that at least one of three logical mistakes occur: either ...
Oct 25, 2021•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. “Return of the God Hypothesis” by Stephen C. Meyer. 2. The core tenets of evolution. 3. “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins. 4. “Contending with Christianity’s Critics” edited by Paul Copan and William Lane Craig. 5. “True Reason” edited by Tom Gilson and Carson Weitnauer. 6. “Stealing from God” by Frank Turek. 7. Dawkins claims that natural selection is the champion expla...
Oct 18, 2021•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast