References: (1) “The 10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity” by Michael Kruger. (2) “ A Toxic New Religion: Understanding the Postmodern, Neo-Marxist Faith that Seeks to Destroy the Judeo-Christian Culture of the West” by Scott D. Allen and Darrow L. Miller with Stan Guthrie. (3) Statics from the Pew Research Center in 2021. (4) “How to Talk with Skeptics” by Sam Chan. (5) A George Barna survey in 2011 cited David Kinnaman who said, “Young people ar...
Apr 03, 2023•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “Another Gospel: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity” by Alisa Childers. (2) Blog “Preventing Grace with Anne Grace.” (3) “The 10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity” by Michael Kruger. (4) “If the Church Were Christian: Rediscovering the Values of Jesus” by Phillip Gulley. (5) “Christian Liberalism” by J. Gresham Machen. (6) “Jesus the Eternal Son” by Michael Bird. T...
Mar 27, 2023•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Article on YouTube entitled “What is social justice?” by Jonah Goldberg for Prager University. (2) Two different meanings of social justice: social justice A, biblical justice; and social justice B, that promoted by the political Left. (3) Biblical justice is conformity to the 10 Commandments, the Royal Law: “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (4) In the Bible’s conce...
Mar 20, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “Another Gospel?: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity” by Alisa Childers. (2) “A Generous Orthodoxy” by Brian Maclaren. (3) A nonviolent Liberation Theology. (4)”Christianity and Liberalism” by J. Gresham Machen. (5) “The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity” by Michael Kruger. (6) A daily devotional by Richard Rohr. (7) “If the Church Were Christian: Rediscovering the Values of Jes...
Mar 13, 2023•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) "Evolutionary Thought in America" by a group of scholars. (2) According to William James, truth is the "cash value" of an idea. If it pays off, then pragmatists call it true. (3) "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis" by Michael Denton. (4) Darwinism is based on naturalism. Naturalism eventually leads to nihilism and that ultimately means that nothing has any value. Thus, that ultimate meaning applied to nihilism itself implies that it has no value. Thus, n...
Mar 06, 2023•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “Evolution: A Theory in Crisis” by Michael Denton. (2) Ernst Haeckel’s fake embryo sequences. (3) The battle between creation and Darwinism is really a small skirmish in a much greater war. (4) For more than a century there has been a shift in the worldview of the Western culture. It has been a shift away from a worldview that was at least vaguely Christian toward a worldview based upon the idea that the final reality is impersonal matter or energy shaped into i...
Feb 27, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) A famous evolutionary argument dates back to 1860. Thomas Huxley engaged in a debate with the theologian Samuel Wilberforce. Huxley said that 6 monkeys, poking randomly on typewriters, and given millions of years, could write all the books in the British Museum. (2) I gave an argument by Gerald Schroeder that refuted that argument. (3) Nihilism is self-defeating. (4) The history of most fossil species includes 2 features particularly inconsistent with gradualism: (a) stasis and (...
Feb 20, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “Icons of Evolution” by Jonathan Wells. (2) “The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith” edited by William Dembski, Casey Luskin, and Joseph M. Holden. (3) An article “Evolution’s Erratic Pace” by Stephen Jay Gould in Natural History, 1977. (4) An article “Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology” by David Raup in Field Museum Bulletin, Vol. 6, 1979. (5)An article “Evolution as Dogma” in Foundation for Thought a...
Feb 13, 2023•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “Miracles” by C. S. Lewis. (2)”Can Science Explain Everything?” by John Lennox. (3) “On the Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin. (4) “Darwin’s Doubt” by Stephen C. Meyer. (5) “Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen C. Meyer. (6) “Christian Apologetics” by Douglas Groothuis. This is Episode 115.
Feb 06, 2023•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “The Design Inference” by William Dembski. (2)The multiverse hypothesis was invoked by the materialistic community to avoid a Designer. That hypothesis is blatantly ad hoc, lacks experimental data, and it appears not to be able to be falsified. (3) The contest of origins features 2 opposing points of view: (a) A Creator and Designer is responsible for the origin of life. (b) Matter, chance, and long periods of time are sufficient to explain the origin of life. (4) The...
Jan 30, 2023•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “The Trouble with Physics” by Lee Smolin. (2) Stephen Hawking. (3) We live in a Goldilocks universe that is just right. (4) Michael Strauss. (5) Alvin Plantinga. (6) “The Design Inference” by William Dembski. This is Episode 113.
Jan 23, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “Natural Theology” by William Paley. (2) Fine-tuning. (3) “The Blind Watchmaker” by Richard Dawkins. (4) “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins. (5) If anyone makes a truth claim and does not offer evidence for that truth claim, then it is reduced to a mere opinion. (6) “The Design Inference” by William Dembski. (7) Dembski’s explanatory filter. This is Episode 112....
Jan 16, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References. (1) William Paley’s design argument. (2) The Miller-Urey experiment. (3) By the time of the Darwinian centennial in 1959, the evolutionists hoped that the materialistic story of life’s origin was at last within reach. (4) But this grand hope was premature. (5) But what was still unsolved was where the information contained in DNA came from in the first place. (6) Stephen Meyer calls this mystery “the DNA enigma” in his book “Signature of the Cell.”...
Jan 09, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Article “The Protoplasm and the Gene” by Harmke Kammings. (2) The “pond of primordial soup” theory of the origin of life theory developed from ideas by Charles Darwin, Aleksandr Oparin, and J. B. S. Haldane. (3) The Miller-Urey experiment. (4) Transpermia. (5) “Chance and Necessity” by Jacques Monod. (6) “Signature of the Cell” by Stephen Meyer. (7) 2 definitions of information. (8) “The Mathematical Theory of Communication&rd...
Jan 02, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Early in the Christian era, theologians began referring to nature as a book. (2) Leading scientists — like Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, and others — began to referring to nature as a clock or more generally as a machine. (3) Also some began to characterize the natural world as a law-governed realm and sought to discover the “laws of nature.” (4) “Science and the Modern World” by Alfred North Whitehead. (5) The article “DNA and other design...
Dec 26, 2022•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Religious Need Argument. (2) An article published in the Catholic journal “First Things” by Stephen Meyer. This is Episode 108.
Dec 19, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1)”Biochemicicsl Predestination” by Dean Kenyon and Gary Streinman. (2) “There is a God, how the world’s most notorious atheist changed his mind” by Anthony Flew in collaboration with Roy Abraham Varghese. (3) “The Science of God” by Gerald Schroeder. (4) Sonnet “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day.” (5) David Berlinski. (6) “Life and Mind in the Universe” an article by George Wald in the book “Cosmos, ...
Dec 12, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Four rules for defending the faith in 1 Peter 3:15: Be reverent to the Lord; be ready to answer for the hope that is in you; be reasonable; and be respectful to your interlocutor. (2) I have begun to remind you of 5 arguments I have given in this program. (3) Straw Man Fallacy. (4) Modern physics recognizes a set of fundamental parameters that govern the atom so that the result is favorable to life. (5) “Just Six Numbers” by Maryin Rees. (6) Freeman Dyson. (7) “...
Dec 05, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. How can I know that God exists? 2. The Bible reveals at least 4 sources: a. There is the entire Bible, the Word of God that reveals God’s attributes. b. There is creation. c. There are the inner parts of man. d. There is reason. 3. In terms of reason I discussed that the Greek word “logos” has 2 basic meanings: First, it means word, and second, it means reason. 4. When “logos” is translated word, a thing uttered, speech, or communication, then as such...
Nov 28, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. Apologetics is the discipline that deals with a rational defense of the Christian faith. 2. Underlying Christianity is theism, the worldview that believes in the existence of a single, infinite, personal God who created the universe and miraculously intervenes in it from time to time. God is transcendent over the universe and immanent in it. 3. The 3 great theistic religions are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. 4. All believers in Christ are charged to be able to give reasons for...
Nov 21, 2022•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: 1. Surveys show that 50% of young people who finish high school and attend a university soon abandon their faith. 2. You don’t have to have an explanation for every explanation. 3. There are no good reasons to believe in a Flying Spagetti Monster, the tooth fairy, or fire-breathing dragons in the center of the earth. 4. But there are good reasons to believe in God. 5. Eugenics and the millions of deaths in the 20th century by Communist and Nazi regimes are disastrous consequenc...
Nov 14, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “On Guard” by William Lane Craig. (2) Butterfly effect. (3) David Martyn Lloyd-Jones on the kingdom of God. (4) “We Are All Philosophers” by John Frame. (5) “Buddhism is a dead end.” (6) In 1919 observation of a solar eclipse confirmed Albert Einstein's prediction that light is bent in the presence of mass. (7) If the bending of light did not happen, it would have falsified Einstein’s theory. But since it did happen it did not prove his t...
Jul 11, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview” by J. P. Moreland and William Lane Craig. (2) “On Guard” by William Lane Craig. (3) Probabilities are always relative to background information. (4) “Making Sense Out of Suffering” by Peter Kreeft. (5) The probabilistic version of the problem of evil involves a burden of proof that is much lighter than the logical problem of evil. (6) But at least 3 points show that the atheists are not able...
Jul 04, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) “Evil and Omnipotence” by J. L. Mackie in Mind, 1955, pp. 200-212 (2) “Stand Firm” by Paul M. Gould, Travis Dickenson, and R. Keith Loftin. (3) Rene Descartes formulated the concept of “necessary truth” such that a statement is “necessarily true” if it is logically impossible to deny it (that is, to believe it to be false). (4) In terms of the problem of evil, an important distinction is often made between a defense and a theodicy. ...
Jun 27, 2022•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) The problem of evil, like evil itself, has many faces. For example, it may be expressed as an “intellectual” problem of evil or the “emotional” problem of evil. (2) The God which people object to is the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Christianity and Judaism, the God of POWER who created the universe, the God of LOVE who loves us so much that He sent His Son to be our substitute upon the cross. (3) This God is a God of J...
Jun 20, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) William Lane Craig’s Moral argument. (2) 2 basic attitudes: the first is naturalism, and the second is supernaturalism. (3) I give a list of 12 potential natural sources of moral truths: A. Science. B. The natural universe. C. Culture or society. D. The individual person (the self). E. Chance or evolution. F. Impersonal force. G. Human reason/ Platonic values. H. Humanism. I. Politics. J. Emotion. K. Pluralism. L. Religion. (4) The source of moral truths must be personal. (...
Jun 13, 2022•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) A worldview refers to a comprehensive conception of the world from a specific standpoint. A biblical worldview is a comprehensive conception of the world from a biblical standpoint. (2) A biblical worldview is based on 2 foundational principles: (1) God exists, and (2) God has revealed Himself to us in the Bible. (3) A Christian worldview is a comprehensive conception from a Christian standpoint. (4) The Christian worldview is a biblical worldview because we believe God exists an...
Jun 06, 2022•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Christianity is a religion that is based on revelation: nobody would know the truth about God, or be able to relate to Him in a personal way were it not that first had taken the initiative to make Himself known in the Bible. (2) H. Richard Niebuhr criticized Christian Liberalism by saying they believed “a God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross.” (3) David Martyn Lloyd-Jones gives ...
May 30, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) Different segments of the world’s society function according to Satan’s devilish schemes. (2) Atheistic communism, for example, parades under the guise of helping the poor working person. (3) In the USA the liquor and the gambling industries boast about their contributions to education. (4) Paul shows how God limits Satan so that he cannot by sheer force cause the Christian to yield to his temptations. (5) Believers in Christ are liberated from bondage to the devil by...
May 23, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast References: (1) The Greek word for Satan is translated “adversary” or “one who opposes.” Similarly, the Greek word for devil means “slanderer” or “accuser.” (2) The 2 words for devil and Satan is mentioned over 100 times in the NT. (3) The first rule of success in war is — know your enemy. (4) If goodness is the standard for entrance into Heaven, then no human will get to go there. (5) God has His own standard, and since Heaven is his home, H...
May 16, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast