The Promise, Part 3
Acorn and Greg reach the epic conclusion to The Promise! Can either side of the conflict reach a compromise? Will Aang have to act on his promise? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg reach the epic conclusion to The Promise! Can either side of the conflict reach a compromise? Will Aang have to act on his promise? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg read on as Zuko learns more about the lasting impact of Fire Nation colonization! Can a Fire Nation citizen Earthbend? Will Toph win back her bending academy? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg finally get to find out what happens after the events of Book 3! Can Aang keep a promise to an old friend? What is the best way to give Sokka the Oogies? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg do a little time traveling with Team Avatar as they explore the Gaang’s lost adventures across the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation. Are there really Air Nomads hiding in the Earth Kingdom’s mountains? How far will Sokka go to collect intel on the Fire Nation? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg officially jump into the continued adventures of Team Avatar in the comics and graphic novels! Who is this seedy looking pirate captain? Has Katara resorted to a life of crime? All this and more on this episode of Avatar: The Podcast!
Happy Holidays, Team Avatar! Thank you all for a wonderful year. Please enjoy this holiday treat while Acorn and Greg rest up and spend time with friends and family. From your friends at Avatar: The Podcast!
Now that Acorn and Greg have finished Avatar: The Last Airbender, they take one last look at the series before moving on to the comics. Who is the series MVP? What moral can be taken from the series as a whole? All this and more on the first finale of Avatar: The Podcast!
It's the end of an era as Acorn and Greg take a look back at Book 3. Who is this books MVP? What morals can be learned from the book of fire? All this and more on this episode of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg join Team Avatar for the final showdown. Why does Azula seem so unbalanced? Will Aang find a third path? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn join Team Avatar days before Sozin’s Comet arrives and learn of Ozai’s sinister plan to burn down the Earth Kingdom. Will Aang find the advice he’s looking for? Who are the mysterious members of the white lotus? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg join Team Avatar at the Ember Island theater for the thrilling re-telling of their adventures. Will Sokka save his character with his dialogue suggestions? Just how many people did playwright Pu-on Tim talk to? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn learn the fate of Sokka and Katara's mother, and what happened that fateful day when the Fire Nation invaded the Southern Water Tribe. Will Katara seek revenge or forgive the man who killed her mother? Why does Sokka want to borrow Momo? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn watch as Sokka and Zuko attempt their own prison break! Was the warden serious about keeping his reputation intact? Can Chit Sang be trusted? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn join an unlikely duo as they sneak into the Fire Nation’s most protected prison. Is Sokka’s father at Boiling Rock? Why does the warden have it out for Zuko? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg learn about Suki's time in Boiling Rock. Will she be able to build a new community with the other inmates? Will a simple weed save the day? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg join Zuko and Aang as they search for the ancient civilization that will lead them to the source of all firebending. Will Zuko ever get his “stuff” back? How tough could the Firebending Masters be? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg watch as Zuko tries to overcome his past and join Team Avatar. Will the Gaang ever forgive him? Why is Toph suddenly the reasonable member of the group? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg reunite with friends and allies on the day of the invasion—the Day of Black Sun. Where did The Fire Lord go? Why is Azula acting so confident even without her firebending? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg reunite with friends and allies on the day of the invasion—the Day of Black Sun. Is Aang ready to face the Fire Lord? What does Toph hate more than flying? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn watch as Aang deals with the stress and anxiety of the invasion being FOUR DAYS AWAY. What form of de-stressing works best for The Avatar? Will Aang ever be prepared for his mathematics test? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn follow Team Avatar into the spooky woods where they meet Hama, an innkeeper who feels familiar to Katara. Are closet puppets normal? Why are spirits kidnapping Fire Nation villagers? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn join Team Avatar as they con their way through the Fire Nation! What will their hijinks cost them? Is sweat really water? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn re-enter the Spirit World and learn about Aang's previous incarnation, Avatar Roku! How did the 100 year war begin? Are there toilets in the Spirit World? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg join the "bad guys" and take some much needed R&R at THE BEACH! What makes the shore of Ember Island so magical? Can Team Firelord fit in with normal Fire Nation teenagers? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn watch as Sokka trains under the famous Piandao! Can Sokka overcome his own insecurities? What will the rest of the group do now that Sokka has taken a day off? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn join Team Avatar as they make a quick stop at the village of Jang Hui! Can Sokka keep the group to his master schedule? Has The Painted Lady returned to help her village? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn watch as Aang takes on his most dangerous mission yet... FIRE NATION SCHOOL! Can Aang change the youth of the Fire Nation? Where does Zuko keep on disappearing to in the middle of the night? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn join Aang as he wakes up to a world that thinks he's dead! Can Aang deal with this turn of events? Why is Azula being so nice to Zuko all of a sudden? All this and more on BOOK THREE of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn catch a glimpse of Aang’s adventure to the Spirit World after the events in Book 2! What does Aang have in common with his previous incarnations? What lessons will they teach him? All this and more on this special episode of Avatar: The Podcast!
Join Acorn and Greg for a trip down memory lane as they revisit their favorite parts of Book Two. Will they be able to choose new favorite characters? Who will win the coveted MVP of the Season award? And what lesson will rise above the rest for the Moral of the Season? All this and more to close out BOOK TWO on Avatar: The Podcast!